New York Tribune, November 28, 1892
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - LodgesTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebird
Keller, Va., Nov. 27. -- Mr. Cleveland passed the day quietly, attending the little church on Hog Island, which was well filled by the island people, probably as much from curiosity as for purposes of worship. Last night "Benny" Hargis, the engineer, heated up the furnace, so that Mr. Cleveland thought the cold snap had passed. He anticipates good shooting the coming week, and the probabilities for it are good.
Lakewood, N. J., Nov. 27. -- Mrs. Grover Cleveland attended service this morning in the Presbyterian Church at this place, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Freeman. The President-elect's wife had ruddy cheeks, and when she entered the church all eyes were upon her. There was an unusually large attendance. Mrs. Cleveland wore a dark-blue dress, a light sack and a black hat. She listened attentively to the sermon delivered by the Rev. C. H. McClelland, and seemed unconscious of the great interest which was taken in her by the congregation. After the service the women present hurried to the door, where they stood to get a good view of the next lady of the White House. Mrs. Cleveland did not seem to be the least embarrassed, and nodded pleasantly to a number of persons whom she recognized. Some of the worshipers insisted on shaking hands with her. The congregation represented the wealth and fashion of Lakewood.