Peninsula Enterprise, May 21, 1892
Transportation -- Water - Channel and harbor dredging
The river and harbor bill as reported to the U. S. Senate, Monday, makes the items for Virginia stand as follows: Norfolk harbor, $150,000; Onancock harbor, $6,511; Cape Charles harbor, $10,00; James River, $200,000; Appomattox, $15,080; Nansemond, $10,000; Chickahominy, $5,000; Mattaponi, $4,000; Nomini creek, $10,00; Pamunkey, $3,00; Rappahannock, $10,000, Urban creek, $3,000; York, $35,000; Aquia creek, $5,000; Occoquan creek, $5,000.
DiseaseInfrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels
The Locustville Hotel, closed for the last two months, will be reopened to the public, June 1st. The proprietor has certificates from Drs. John W. Kellam and George W. LeCato, showing that he can now accommodate guests with absolute safety, but to guard against all danger, the reopening is postponed as stated, to June 1st.
Sea -- EggingTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebird
Eggs plentiful on our marshes this season, and our people are gathering them in daily.
Game abundant with us at this time, and the Atlantic hotel is liberally patronized by sportsmen from the northern cities. Each one "bags" from 100 to 500 birds daily according to his skill in handling the gun.
Cape Charles Harbor.
reprinted from Richmond Times.Transportation -- Water - Channel and harbor dredging
WASHINGTON, D. C., May 13 -- The Senate Committee on Commerce to-day reported the River and Harbor bill with amendments. In the Virginia appropriations the only changes made are as follows:
The entire proviso in relation to the improvement of the harbor at Cape Charles City, for which $10,000 is appropriated, is stricken out and the following substituted:
That before any Government money shall be expended in the improvement of this harbor or any of its approaches the said New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Company shall execute and file with the Secretary of War a paper satisfactory to said Secretary of War, giving to any and all vessels, upon any and all occasions, for all time to come, the right to enter and remain in said harbor and transact business therein, without charge, except legitimate, usual and reasonable wharf charges.
The House provision required that the basin and approach should be deeded to the United States, together with a public landing. In short, that the property to be improved should be absolutely conveyed to the United States.
Of the items for Virginia rivers the appropriation of $3,000 for improving the Lower Machodoc creek is stricken out; the $30,000 for Rappahannock river is reduced to $10,000.
Under the Maryland items an appropriation of $25,000 is inserted for the inland waterway from Chincoteague bay, Virginia, to Delaware bay, Delaware.
Representative Jones says he will make a determined fight against the reduction proposed by the Senate Commerce Committee in its amendments to the River and Harbor bill of $10,000 in the appropriation of Rappahannock river. He says the sum is proportionately small; that even $20,000 is small in comparison with the importance of the river and its commerce. Mr. Jones hopes to have the $20,000 restored in conference. He is also dissatisfied with the change in the provision in regard the Cape Charles City harbor. The Senate provision leaves the property to be improved in the possession of the railroad company. Mr. Jones insists that if the Government is going to spend money for improvements the property should be conveyed to the United States and he will make this point in the House.
Address of Ex-Confederate Memorial Committee
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - VeteransInfrastructure -- Public : Monuments
To the People of Accomac and Northampton:
Thirty-one years ago many of your youth, and men in their prime, heard the call to arms, and inspired by motives of lofty patriotism, with ardor obeyed it. Freely, cheerfully, without a murmur, they left home and all they held dear to bear, for four fearful years, the burdens, the sufferings, all the ills of "grim visaged war" for a cause they believed just. Of all who went more than one-fourth never returned. With Stonewall Jackson, J. E. B. Stuart and thousands of others of strong and heroic souls, they "crossed over the river and laid down under the tree" to rest forever.
From Gettysburg to the Gulf, from the Mississippi to the Sea, the thirsty earth drank of their blood, and on many a hard fought field their bones lay bleaching. Wherever duty called, where shot flew thickest, where shell fell fastest, where danger was greatest, where the bravest stood, and most men died there were they.
Strangers have gathered their bones and laid them to rest; strangers with loving hearts and tender care, have each recurring year decked their graves; strangers have upreared columns to honor them as a part of the great army of the "Unknown Dead." We, their people, with twenty-seven years passed since peace came, have no memorial of them.
Their old comrades associated as Harmanson West Camp of Confederate Veterans, have determined to raise to their memory a shaft to tell coming generations of their courage and unselfish devotion. To this end the Camp has chosen a committee to solicit aid and make an appeal to you.
WE feel that no appeal is necessary. We feel that you who bade them God speed when they were hastening to the front to offer -- aye to give their lives in defense of Virginia, will deem it a pleasant privilege to contribute freely towards the erection of a suitable monument commemorative of the Eastern Shore's gallant dead.
These men needed no appeal from you to fight in defense of you and your homes. Unasked they pledged life and honor for your defense -- and gave their lives. Duty called -- they answered -- and died as brave men die.
Ask of them at Roanoke Island, at Yorktown, at Williamsburg, at Seven Pines, The Seven Days Fights, at Gettysburg, in front of Petersburg, at Five forks, at Sailor's Creek, on nearly every battlefield from Pennsylvania to Texas. Then you will learn somewhat of the men who were always in the van of duty and the forefront of battle, and who with peerless Lee made the last charge at Appomattox.
Our appeal is not to the Shylock,
"That sordid soul,
Whose love of gold
No generous impulse knows,"
but to the heart that throbs with patriotic impulse and holds sacred the memory of our fallen comrades.
We believe that in your heart of hearts you are proud of them; that you honor them and would perpetuate their memory.
People of the Eastern Shore, they are your dead. Guard well their memory.
In conclusion, the committee hopes that you will not wait to be approached for contributions. It would ill accord with the spirit which should actuate our people in this matter; it would appear as a lack of respect and veneration for the ashes of our brave dead, to erect this proposed monument with funds begged for and perhaps reluctantly given. As these men freely and voluntarily offered their lives in your defense, it is to be hoped that you will thus freely and voluntarily bring forward your contributions for the purpose of keeping the remembrance of them alive.
For the Committee,
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - LodgesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
The Accomac Club regatta will be held Saturday, May 28th instead of June 11th, as formerly published.
The following prizes will be given by the club:
Free for all race, 24 feet and under, first prize gold watch and chain; second prize silver caster.
Skiff race, 15 feet and under, first prize gold watch and chain; second prize silver knife and forks.
Batteau race, 16 feet and under, first prize gold watch and chain; second prize silver watch and chain.
There will be a special premium given by a member of the club for 13 feet batteau class.
The public is cordially invited -- refreshments and a good time for all. Should the 28th be stormy, the regatta will be held the next fair day.
Farmers' Institute at Cape Charles.
Farmers -- Innovation
The Farmers' Institute will be held at Cape Charles, May 31st. At 10 a. m., the meeting will be called to order in the Opera House. A band of music will be in attendance.
Four lectures will be delivered on subjects of interest to Eastern Shore farmers. This is the first meeting of the kind ever held on the Eastern Shore.
All must come, and hear what is to be said. It will start farmers to thinking in new lines about their own business. It is what we need to help us along.
Reduced rates will be obtained on the railroad.
Yours respectfully,
Cape Charles, Va., May 1st, 1892.
Farmers -- Innovation
The attention of our farmers is invited to the letter of Capt. Orris A. Browne, to be found in another column. "The Farmers' Institute will be held at Cape Charles," is the gratifying intelligence it brings. It is to hoped our farmers will fully appreciate it, and make by their full attendance a clear assurance that they do, and that they believe in a progressive system of farming. The farmer of to-day to be successful must not only have the manual training, and that training which comes by mere observation in the farm, but that higher training which comes by the application of science to the noblest of all pursuits. Let all go to the Institute. To Capt. Browne too much praise cannot be given for his zeal and perseverance in securing this Institute for the Eastern Shore. His highest reward will be the satisfaction in gaining it and its full success.
To my Patrons and Friends.
DiseaseInfrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels
Locustville Hotel having been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, under the supervision of my family physicians, I am now ready to entertain guest with the same degree of comfort, as I have done in the past, and solicit a share of your patronage.
Very respectfully,
Farmers -- TenancyFarmers -- Farm size and structure
FOR RENT -- For the year of 1893, the part of Woodland farm where I at present reside, which composes the main residence and 3 or 5 horse tend with same. The said land is adjacent to a 434 acre pasture -- woods dirt and shatters in abundance and convenient to the field. The residence and building in good condition, situated in a lawn of 8 acres well set in grass -- one mile of school and station. Apply to William E. Thomas, Nassawadox, Va.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Building lots at Coal Kiln, 90 X 200 feet -- larger if desired. John R. Sturgis.
Laborers -- Farm
WANTED -- Two or three farm hands at Mount Custis, near Drummondtown. Will pay big prices for men or boys. Preston B. Stewart.
HO! FOR THE BEACH -- The undersigned is prepared to take parties from any landing on Folly Creek to any point on the seaside during Summer. Accommodations comfortable and safe -- charges reasonable. Address Polk Lang, Accomac C. H., care ENTERPRISE office.