Peninsula Enterprise, January 23, 1892
Transportation -- Road - Better roads movement
Meetings will be held at each voting precinct in the county to-day at 3 p. m., for the purpose of selecting delegates to the road convention to be held at Accomac C. H., Wednesday, February 3rd. Pungoteague is entitled to two delegates -- all other precincts, each, to one delegate.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Planting
The annual report to the Governor of State Fish Commissioner Dr. John T. Wilkins was presented to the legislature, last Monday. The Commissioner devotes some space to the oyster question. Under that head he says: "There are hundreds of thousands of acres under our rivers and bays awaiting careful and intelligent working to return a handsome profit to the expert cultivator and indirectly to the State."
Sea -- WreckingTransportation -- Water - Strandings
The Board of Underwriters of New York, have awarded $8,750 to the Merritt Wrecking Company for floating the British steamship Ashburne, which went ashore January 7th, off Parramore's beach, this county. The Wrecking Company claimed $10,000 but left the matter to arbitration, with the result stated.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
Mr. J. Brad Beverly, vice-president of the State Farmers' Alliance, will address the citizens of Accomac and Northampton at Belle Haven, Saturday, February 6th; Onancock, Monday, February 8th; Hallwood, Tuesday, February 9th. The address will be to the public and everybody is invited to be in attendance.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
A meeting of the County Alliance will be held at Accomac C. H., next Monday, court-day, and everybody who wishes to see the business agent of the Alliance is requested to be present.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service
The contract for carrying the mail from Tasley station to Accomac C. H., recently let out to the lowest bidder, was awarded to Mr. Benjamin T. Melson.
Transportation -- Road - Maintenance
A circular letter, written and distributed by Mr. N. W. Nock, on the road question, containing many erroneous and unfair statements, will receive our attention in next issue. One, only, on account of the late hour at which the circular was received by us can be noticed this week, to wit, that he had made "an ineffectual effort to secure a hearing in the ENTERPRISE." For reply to that statement, it is only necessary for us to say, that the reason his letter, printed in circular form, did not appear in ENTERPRISE, last week, was because all the space in the paper was taken before it came to hand and that we offered and expected to publish it this week, until it was withdrawn by him last Monday.
Architecture -- Jails
Repairs are being made to our jail this week, under the supervision of Capt. Charles P. Finney. The upper room is being sheathed with oak lumber and the stairway to it is being changed to the outside of the building. The improvements given two additional rooms for the accommodation of prisoners.
Infrastructure -- Public : FencesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farmers' organizationsTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and fares
Our people join with the citizens of Temperanceville in favoring a "stock or no fence law."
Mr. Peter Gillespie has bought of Mr. George Gillespie, the farm near here, known as Thornton place.
The Alliance at this place is active and will be found ready to shoulder their part of the burden, when the fight against the railroad for excessive freight rates, begins.
Sea -- WreckingTransportation -- Water - StrandingsTransportation -- Water - FreightSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideMigration
The steamer Miranda, which went ashore near Pope's Island Life Saving Station, on the 12th inst., was floated by Burton & Co., wreckers, Lewis, Del., on the 14th inst., and towed to Breakwater without damage. The wreckers get $10,000 for the job.
Edward Timmons, of Philadelphia visited us last week. He was accompanied by a gentleman contemplating the purchase of his stock on Pope's Island.
Schooners Leeds and William G. Connor, loaded with oysters for Norfolk and New York, respectively, this week.
William Workman and family, of Temperanceville, have moved to this place. Oysters and trucks will engage his attention in seeking a fortune here.
Transportation -- Road - Maintenance
The road from Onancock to Tasley station is in a bad condition.
African-Americans -- OtherInfrastructure -- Commercial - Banks
George Northam, commonly known as "Gentleman George," an honest and respected colored man of this neighborhood, died on Monday.
Several people in this vicinity were losers by the failure of the bank of J. J. Nicholson & Sons. One party loses $10,000, another $1,000 and others small amounts.
The Accomac Teachers' Association
Professionals -- Teachers
In pursuance to a call of the county superintendent of schools, there was a goodly gathering of teachers at Parksley, Saturday, January 16th. The object of the meeting as clearly set forth by Dr. J. E. Mapp, superintendent, was the organization of teachers of Accomac into a Teachers' Association. Mr. R. B. Handy, superintendent of Northampton schools, was called on for a speech. He responded tersely and well, citing many excellent results of the Northampton Association during the past year, and proposing a joint Association for the teachers of the two counties. After Mr. Handy's address the following organization was made: Dr. John E. Mapp, president; G. G. Joynes, secretary; J. H. Johnson, corresponding secretary; Miss S. E. Beloat, treasurer.
The following members were enrolled: Dr. J. E. Mapp, Messrs. R. B. Handy, G. G. Joynes, J. H. Johnson, William Stockley, Robert Sturgis, B. F. Twilley, G. Walter Mapp. Misses S. E. Beloat, Emma Core, Rachael Blackstone, Wessie Nock, Jennie Nock, Carrie Johnson, Lula White, Minnie Dix, H. B. Higgins, Willie Wright.
On motion of Mr. R. B. Handy, a joint Association of the teachers of the two counties was decided upon, to be held as soon as expedient at some suitable place. Parksley and Onancock were contestants for the honor of the joint Association. Mr. G. G. Joynes spoke in behalf of Onancock as an educational center, the cleverness of the people, and felt sure his town would never fail to do its part in the interest of education.
It was decided to hold the meeting at Onancock.
Dr. John E. Mapp, Mr. R. B. Handy and G. G. Joynes were appointed a committee on time of the meeting.
Superintendent was instructed to request Mr. Levin R. Handy, of Delaware, and Mr. R. B. Handy, of Northampton, to lecture before the Association.
On motion, the president appointed the following teachers to prepare papers for the next meeting: Misses S. E. Beloat, Mollie Gillespie, H. B. Higgins, Emma Core, Minnie Dix, Rachael Blackstone, Jennie Nock, Wessie Nock, B. A. Northam, Ellen Lilliston, Willie Wright, Carrie Johnson; Messrs. G. Walter Mapp, B. F. Twilley, J. H. Johnson, J. W. Stockley, R. W. Sturgis, Lee Fields, of Accomac; Miss Mable Montague, Messrs. E. S. Marston, O. S. Bland, D. R. Coles, of Northampton.
G. G. Joynes claimed that the teachers were entitled to pay for Xmas week.
Association adjoined to meet at Onancock, time to be made known by committee.
DR. J. E. MAPP, President.
G. G. JOYNES, Secretary.
The Road Question
Transportation -- Road - BondsTransportation -- Road - Maintenance
Warren vs. Parsons.
MR. EDITOR -- In the ENTERPRISE of January 9th, Mr. Parsons accused me of misrepresenting him. He states that he did propose to borrow money and issue county bonds, but says he mentioned no sum.
He positively proposed the bonds and in the same letter expressed the opinion, "that if $50,000 were judiciously expended on roads, the lands alone in Accomac would be enhanced in value to even a greater amount."
These words are his. Now, Mr. Editor, how can we estimate how much of the people's taxes is to be paid in the pocket of wealth, as interest, under his plan, unless we take him at the amount he named
And whether we take him at the amount he named, or half that amount, the principle is the same. That much extracted from the people, goes in the pocket of wealth, which would go on the roads.
He says, all progressive communities borrow, but if we admit this, does it prove that Accomac should go in the market now?
It is easy to hatch an idea, call it "progress," and ask its adoption because of its name.
Much has been done in the name of progress, which "communities" have regretted.
Our State debt for instance, was created in the name of "progress." What has been her experience? If it were buried in the grave of the past, possibly, memory might be suspended, and the mistake repeated by Accomac, but it is yet with us and the people are on guard.
The g. o. p. for a number of years claimed a monopoly in progress and took pride in the name of "the party of progress," and in that name much vicious legislation was enacted. From such, deliver us.
Again, he says, he through a text of exodus at me, and I mistook it for an Egyptian brick yard. Can it be possible that a man so well informed as J. D. Parsons does not know that this is history, even though he read it in the book of Exodus? Does he mean to imply that the Israelites did not make brick under the hard decree of Pharaoh? If they did not, why did he compare us to the taskmasters? If they did, where was it, if not in Egypt? And would he call the place where bricks were made, a brick yard, or a potato patch, an oyster ground, or a horse stable?
The fact is Mr. Editor, his pen ran away with him and I found him floundering out in that old country so far from home, I called him down out of the past, and cited him to a history that applied so well to the subject in hand. He could only reply, that I mistook a text he quoted from the book of Exodus, for the brickyard of Egypt. He should read more of the book of Exodus. It contains much that is interesting in reference to a people, who are a nation without a country, yet found in every country, scattered everywhere governing nowhere, hoping ever to be gathered again at Jerusalem. There is much in their history to expand a sympathetic soul. I beg his pardon. He took the text and I should let him preach the sermon.
Again, he says, "the Keller panacea" was born in the wrong country, "if it had been born on the banks of the Neva, the Czar would have fallen down and worshipped it."
What a propensity he has for running out in those far off countries to hunt up a far fetched comparison. First in Egypt, now in Russia, and after he reads this, I expect he will go to Morocco, to find one, for Mr. Parsons has read something about them all and since the Keller people submitted their little letter, he does not intend that Accomac shall nurse young Egyptian task-masters, infant Pharaohs and cranky Czars.
He thinks Warren is "getting mixed," perhaps so, but he does not happen to be the proper one to render the verdict. Readers of the ENTERPRISE, you are the jury.
He says, no government has the right to compel the service of its citizen, except in public defense, or in the enforcement of its laws.
Does he mean to imply that our courts have transcended their authority where they have compelled overseers to render services as such? He endorses Judge Gillet's plan. Does he not remember, that when we were holding the first road meeting in Drummondtown a few weeks ago and Judge Gillet's plan was being voted on, I asked Judge Gillet, if he could compel those inspectors to serve and require of them a bond and he answered me, he could. Whether he remembers it or not, it is a fact.
Why does he vote for a plan which compels the service of a citizen, to do that which he says, no government has a right to impose.
Somebody is getting mixed. Readers of the ENTERPRISE, who?
Architecture -- Historic preservation
The bill introduced into our Legislature asking for an appropriation for transcribing the records of all the counties of the State as far back as 1790, is so generally approved, that no doubt exists as to its passage. The bill originated in a motion made before the Eastern Shore Historical Society, looking to the preservation of the records of Accomac and Northampton, which are pre-eminently interesting and valuable, and its scope very properly was enlarged by our legislators, so as to include all the State.