Norfolk Landmark, November 30, 1892
Mr. Cleveland to be Treated to a Short Sea Voyage.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Lodges
By Telegraph to The Landmark.
EXMORE, Va., November 29. -- Several visitors arrived at the [Hog] island this evening from Philadelphia and enlivened the dullness of the day by their presence. They were John E. Hanifer, a well-known woolen manufacturer, with John A. Emerick and Michael Ehect, Jr. They came as guests of the Broadwater Club on the invitation of its president, J. L. Ferrell. Another party is expected to-morrow.
The occupants of the island are now awaiting with interest the arrival of the schooner which Mr. Ferrell has lately purchased. The vessel has been employed in the oyster trade to New York city under the name of Garry P. Wright.
A messenger was sent after the new acquisition yesterday, and should she arrive, as is expected, by to-morrow, Mr. Cleveland may be treated by his host to a short sea voyage.