Peninsula Enterprise, February 13, 1892


reprinted from Peninsula Ledger, February 6.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Captain Thompson introduced a bill in the House of Delegates Monday, appropriating $2,000 to pay the lawyers who defended William Marsh, of Somerset county, in his trial in Accomac county, Va. Marsh was captain of the schooner Eolus, and was arrested in January, 1891, for dredging in the Tangier sound, near the boundary of Maryland and Virginia waters. The appropriation is asked on the ground that the trial was not held in accordance with the compact of 1795, which provided that the trial shall be held in the State in which the offender is arrested. Marsh, the bill says, has no means to pay for his trial.


African-Americans -- Work - FisheriesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Poaching

Capt. John A. Chandler and crew of eight colored men were arrested last Thursday, by Capt. Reid, of the oyster police, upon the charge of dredging unlawfully in the waters of Virginia. At the hearing before Justice Taylor, on Wednesday, at Hoffman's wharf, the captain and five of his crew were released on bail and three being unable to give security for their appearance, when wanted, were sent to jail.


Transportation -- Water - StrandingsSea -- Wrecking

The steamship, Sir William Armstrong, recently ashore at Cobb's Island, has been towed to Norfolk.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - LecturesInfrastructure -- Public : Churches

Lectures illustrated by fine stereoscopic views of noted places, statuary &c. will be delivered by Rev. A. R. Goodchild, throughout the Peninsula this Spring -- the proceeds of which will be applied to building a large and handsome church edifice for the M. E. Church, South, at Cape Charles.


Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

The "Margaret Academy" building and tract of land on which same is located, will doubtless be sold by the trustees in pursuance with authority conferred upon them at present session of the Legislature and the funds arising there from together with those already in hands, some five or six thousand dollars be reinvested at some other points in a building for educational purposes. A movement is already on foot at Cape Charles, to secure the prize.


Transportation -- Water - Boat buildingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionWatermen -- Personal injury


The handsomest bateau in our waters, in course of construction for last twelve months, Capt. Joseph Pruitt, of steamer Widgen, owner and builder, was recently launched. She is open for a challenge after 1st day of April next, he states, from any boat, bateau, yacht, skiff or steamer, not over 18 feet long, built between Chincoteague and Cape Charles, for fun or any amount of money not to exceed one hundred dollars.

Our building boom did not wait for Spring to open this season. Handsome dwellings have already been completed by John Hudson, Joseph Hudson and John Bishop -- William Reid has built a new barber shop, the fourth one here -- and a storehouse will soon be in course of erection for Levin Booth.

Florida oranges for the first time in the history of the Island, are selling here at a cent a piece.

Jesse Hudson, colored, was accidentally drowned off schooner Fillmore, belonging to Capt. Erastus Johnson, while in Burton's bay on 3d inst. His body was found on following day and brought home for interment.


Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceFarmers -- Farmers' organizationsInfrastructure -- Commercial - General Stores


Am sorry you have cut the road discussion off in your paper. I would like to have had space enough to write the epitaph of those distinguished road reformers, who may possibly succeed in killing the movement that has been inaugurated looking to better roads. The curses that the potato haulers will heap on their heads, your columns couldn't contain, for every rut will send forth its anathemas, every quagmire will record a thousand imprecations and every water pond will mirror the terrible countenances of a thousand avenging cart drivers.

Our people spoke well of the address by J. Brad Beverly, State Alliance Lecturer, delivered at Hallwood, on Tuesday last. Most of us could not understand the workings of the sub-treasury scheme, which he so strongly advocated. To a "man in the moon" is looked as though the thing was impracticable.

John M. Bloxom has moved into his new storehouse, and it is understood, that John L. Rayfield and his new papa-in law will soon place a bran new stock in the one vacated by Mr. Bloxom.

Mr. John L. Gillespie being young and frolicsome, in cutting some of his "monkey shines" on a load of pine shats last week, fell off and sprained his arm. This has kept him indoors for a week, very much to the regret of himself and playmates Messrs. George Hope and Samuel Dix, two more frisky youngster tried their luck on a load of fodder, each, both fell off, one, Mr. Hope, breaking his thigh, and the other, Mr. Dix, breaking his arm. When these youths grow a little older, they will know then it is dangerous to play on top of a load of fodder or shats.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsProfessionals -- Teachers


Quite a number of enthusiastic Alliance men met in the town Monday, to hear the address of Mr. Beverly. The speaker was very clever and the members seemed much pleased with their visitor.

Miss Adele Bagwell has resigned as teacher at Oak Hall to accept a position in Isle of Wight county.

Much talk in Onancock about the proposed Teacher's Association to come off 19th and 20th. The citizens will give the teachers from the two counties a hearty welcome. It is to be hoped the two counties will be well represented, and that the teachers and trustees will show their appreciation of the interest Onancock has taken, by a prompt attendance. Special rates have been made with Mr. Cooke in favor of those who attend the Association. Teachers will pay full fare going and will receive a certificate from the Association which will give them rebate on their return.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PackingLaborers -- FisheriesInfrastructure -- Public - Government : School administrationInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Taxation


Our harbor is constantly filled with boats, which supply the shucking establishments of our enterprising townsman, Capt. N. B. Rich, with oysters. The means, thus offered by him to many, of supplementing the shortage in their finances this year, entitles him to their thanks.

The citizens of Wachapreague, who are dissatisfied with the present school disadvantages, favor the action taken by Hon. D. Frank White.

Bill for School Purposes.

Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administrationInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Taxation

MR. EDITOR -- Please allow me to say through your paper, in relation to the bill I have had passed by the House of Delegates, allowing the Board of Supervisors of Accomac county to increase the county and district levy two and one-half cents each on the one hundred dollars for school purposes, that it is not compulsory, and the tax players of our county will never have their taxes increased one cent in consequence of the passage of that act alone, that is to say, before any extra tax can be called for, under this act the School Trustees of the different districts, must ascertain and state the need of the increase to the County Superintendent, and the County Superintendent if he concur must petition the Board of Supervisors for an increase of levy for county or district school purposes, and the Board of Supervisors are at liberty to grant the request, or refuse, if in their judgement, the tax is excessive or unnecessary. Now, I think it will be conceded by everybody in Accomack that they have nothing to fear from entrusting the privilege or power in the hands of said officers. If any interested person will look at the material of which our School Trustees are composed, they will find them to be gentlemen of the highest integrity and moral worth, gentleman who work for the good of their people without any compensation to the clerks of their Board, also that they are citizens who pay considerable taxes themselves and that consideration alone (if nothing else), would prohibit them from desiring and asking to be taxed unnecessarily. The same rule will apply to our County Superintendent whom we all know to be a conservative gentleman and large tax player, and who would not be benefitted one cent as to salary by any increase in taxation, and the same rule applies to our excellent Board of Supervisors who are tax payers themselves, and who would not likely levy an unnecessary tax upon themselves just for the privilege of taxing others. What more safeguards can the most prudent desire?

As to the District tax, I am informed that there is no necessity for an increase and it is absolutely certain that the Trustees will not call for it if they don't need it, but should the County Superintendent ask for the outside limit of county funds, and the Board of Supervisors should decide to grant his request, they could only levy twenty-five cents on the one thousand dollars worth of property, which I venture to say, would hardly be noticed by the average tax payers. I am glad that Senator Blackstone has called attention to the bill in the ENTERPRISE, as being introduced by myself, which I hereby acknowledge fully and am perfectly willing to stand by it, but I fail to see how he expects to get an expression of his constituents this late in the session. It may be, that he can explain his tardiness, in the matter, in the face of the fact, that he knew of the movement, before it was offered in the House. His failure to act, and his opposition to this matter in the Senate, is in my judgement a serious reflection on the integrity and business sense of our School Trustees, our County School Superintendent, and especially upon our excellent Board of Supervisors, whom we can trust to levy for every purpose, but who can't be trusted to levy for school purposes.

D. Frank White

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
February 13, 1892