Peninsula Enterprise, August 6, 1892


Laborers -- Construction

Mr. William Young, one of the carpenters engaged in building hotel at Drummondtown, cut his foot so badly with a hatchet on Thursday, that he will be disabled for work, for several weeks.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

The Onley M. E. Church, South, will be dedicated Sunday, August 20th. The sermon on that occasion will be preached by Rev. W. V. Tudor, one of the finest pulpit orators of the country. He will preach in the morning, 11 a. m., and at night. Quarterly Conference held there also on that day and the previous day.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball

In a match game of base ball at Pungoteague, on Wednesday, between Mappsburg and Pungoteague nines, the former were victors by the score of 7 to 4. An inspiring speech made by Mr. Sydney Botts before the game began, urging them "to press forward to the prize" had a good deal to do, it is stated, in enabling the boys "to get there."


Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

It is rumored and it does not seem to be merely a rumor, that the citizens of Accomac C. H. and vicinity will petition for the re-investment of the funds of "Margaret Academy," when sold at this county seat, and why not? If what we have heard be true, and we do not doubt it, as favorable offers will be made by our people, as by any other place on the Shore. Beautiful sites for an academy can be obtained here free of cost -- enough children to fill it -- first-class board in private families on every term -- four churches open every Sunday -- and the citizens will sustain it with their patronage and influence.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Water - Wrecks

Schooner Thomas W. Waters, bound to Norfolk from "Sangertus," N. Y., and loaded with "flagging and curbing stone" went ashore on Hog Island shoals, Monday Night, and is a total loss. She was valued at $5,000 insured for $3,500 -- value of cargo $2,000. Acting keeper of life saving station, Thomas B. Smith, with a volunteer crew, promptly went to the rescue, but "found her breaking up" when they reached her.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsTransportation -- Water - Wharves

A dinner will be served at the regatta to come off at Buzzard Hill, on 18th of August, by the members of the Farmers' Alliance -- the proceeds from which will be applied to building a wharf at that place for the use of the farmers -- for which a charge only of 35 cents will be made. A brass band has also been engaged for the occasion.


Fields -- Livestock - HorsesTransportation -- Railroad - WharvesInfrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceProfessionals -- Mariners


Big preparations are being made to accommodate the large crowd expected to attend the pony penning on Chincoteague and Assateague, on the 10th and 11th insts. A large number of ponies will be offered for sale.

A large force of mechanics are at present engaged in repairing the wharf and moving the office of P. W. & B. R. R. Co.

James Scott, proprietor of the Green Run Hotel, here for medical treatment for several weeks past, is very ill at this writing.

Schooner Hasting arrived this week with supply of coal for stations from Ocean City to Metompkin, furnished by contractor S. E. Matthews.

Capt. R. E. Swift, while absent from Chincoteague, died on July 20, at the home of his brother in law, Mr. T. H. B. Corbin, near Jenkins Bridge, aged 72 years. He was in all respects a very worthy man and generally esteemed by all of our people. For the most of his life he was an employee of the Old Dominion Steamboat Co., and the captain of the first steamer plying between here and Franklin City. Resigning that position, he was for a short while a merchant of this place. Always active and enterprising, he was having a small steamer built, at the time of his death, for towing boats and carrying passengers to any point on our waters.


Forests -- Forest products - BarrelsInfrastructure -- Commercial - NewspapersFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : MarketsTransportation -- Water - Freight


Sweets in the Jersey truck baskets brought the top of the market this week. Baskets can be had from G. G. Joynes, Onancock.

Mr. Charles Stengle, of the Accomac Weekly review, is working hard to introduce his paper. He is enterprising and we wish him success.

Five hundred barrels of sweet potatoes were shipped to Baltimore from here Monday.

Onancock's fleet of excellent schooners will begin to take sweets to Baltimore to day, Friday.

Accidently Drowned.

Sea -- Shellfish - Clamming : BaysideWatermen -- Personal injury

Mr. William E. Gilden, of Boggsville, this county, was accidentally drowned while clamming in Occahonnock Creek, on Wednesday, 3d inst. While using his clam rake, he stepped suddenly into deep water and being encumbered with clams caught by him and placed in a bag tied around his waist was unable to swim -- hence his sad fate. Capt. George Turner who was with him at the time made every effort possible to save him and in the attempt to rescue his friend narrowly escaped with his life.

Mr. Gilden was highly esteemed by his neighbors and his sad death has cast quite a gloom over the community in which he lived. He leaves a wife and five children. It being a plain case of accidental drowning an inquest was deemed unnecessary by the coroner.


Notice -- To Confederate Veterans.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Veterans

Reduced rates will be made on the usual charges for travel, from all points on the N. Y., P. & N. R. R. to Cape Charles, August 10th. Tickets at two and a half cents per mile will be furnished at the different station to ex-Confederates. All must come. Those who have not the money to buy a ticket, can communicate with me, and I will see that it is furnished free.


Killed by the Train.

Transportation -- Railroad - Personal injury

Elijah Thomas Gladding, 22 years old, was run over and killed by the South bound freight train at a point between Hallwood and Bloxom station, about 4 o'clock last Monday afternoon. Both of his legs were severed from his body and his head was crushed to atoms. He threw himself before the approaching train it is stated, in a fit of anger, but it is not believed, that he intended to kill himself. He was in the habit, it is said, of taking such risks when angry or for sport -- this time with the result stated.

Death of Judge T. C. Parramore.

Judge T. C. Parramore was drowned in Folly Creek last Sunday night. In the afternoon of that day he left his home for a drive and not returning at the hour expected, his family became alarmed and sent in search of him, to find his horse tied to a tree and his cane and hat in a boat swung out in mid-stream from Folly wharf. The search was continued during the night and early the next morning his lifeless body was found under the boat from which he was drowned. That he put an end to his existence was suspected at the time and that suspicion has since been verified by a note which he left behind him, showing that fears of coming imbecility brought on by progressive paralysis had led him to commit the deed.

Judge Parramore was in the 61st year of his age, had been prominent as a lawyer and no one could be brought in contact with him without being impressed with the brightness and vigor of his intellect. He represented Accomac in the Legislature during and after the war and was judge of Accomac county court from 1870 to 1884, and in the latter position his name will long be remembered and cherished by the people of the county. His reputation is that of a pure and incorruptible judge and his decisions were always respected, because every one believed in the honest convictions and good judgement which led him to his conclusions. The fear or favor of no man influenced him in his decisions.

His death was a great shock to this community and was received with sincere regret by his friends throughout the county.

Court Notes.

Moral -- Other violent crimeMoral -- AlcoholMoral -- Property crime

At the July term of county court just ended the following cases were heard and disposed of:

Asa J. Taylor, tried for feloniously causing bodily injury, with intent to maim, to a colored man near Jenkins Bridge, was found not guilty by the jury and discharged.

George Thomas Phillips, colored, tried for feloniously shooting, with intent to main a colored brother, was found guilty and sentenced to four years in the penitentiary.

John S. Tyler, tried on two indictments for felonious embezzlement, was found not guilty by the jury and discharged.

Revel Parker Middleton, tried for selling liquor without license at Hunting Creek wharf, was found guilty in two counts of the indictments, fined $200 and costs of prosecution and required by the court to enter into recognizance with good security in the penalty of $100, to be of good behavior for twelve months and especially not to violate any law of the State, regulating the sale of ardent spirits for the same period.

Franklin C. Lewis, tried for similar offenses as Mr. Middleton, was convicted on two counts also, fined $200 and costs of prosecution -- to which the courts added the punishment of 60 days imprisonment in the county jail. On motion of Mr. Lewis, the execution of the judgment against him was suspended for 30 days to allow time to apply for a writ of error, he alleging that he intended so to do. Mr. Lewis gave bond to surrender himself in case the writ was refused, to pay off the fine and costs, against him and otherwise perform the judgments of the court.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
August 6, 1892