Norfolk Landmark, December 3, 1892


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service

A few days ago Mr. CLEVELAND had a practical example before him of the work of the life-savers on our coast. Some of his enthusiastic admirers were making their way to the island upon which he has been spending his vacation, when their boat was capsized, and they would certainly have lost their lives in the very presence of the President-elect, had it not been for the timely work of the life-savers, who went to their rescue. It is said that Mr. CLEVELAND was much affected by the scene which he witnessed. We trust that the lesson thus accidentally taught may not be lost upon him, and that when he comes into power again, as he will do on the Fourth of March, he will take occasion early to impress upon Congress the importance of more thoroughly and perfectly equipping this branch of the public service. We do not know how it is on Hog Island, but it is known of all men along the coast of Capes Henry and Hatteras that the life-saving service is much handicapped and embarrassed by a want of adequate appliance's for the work given them to do.

This is not the first time by any means that we have called attention to the subject and pointed out the importance of making the system of life-saving, which has become a permanent part of our Government, thoroughly efficient. It can be made so, and the next President, with this vivid and practical illustration before his mind, will be in a position to accomplish the desired improvement. Since the Government is spending large sums of money already in an effort to save the lives of those who are shipwrecked along the United States coast, there is no justification for permitting the service to remain inefficient, or not up to the standard which is contemplated, for a lack of adequate appropriation. The only excuse that we know of which has been offered for the many failures heretofore recorded in attempting to save life, is that of a lack of money for the necessary equipment of good horses, guns, life buoys, &c.

Norfolk Landmark
Norfolk, Virginia
December 3, 1892