Peninsula Enterprise, November 12, 1892
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Sheriff John H. Wise will sell at Hoffman's wharf, on Saturday, November 19th inst., at 11:30 a. m., a batteaux, said to belong to one George Collins, and forfeited to the Commonwealth -- together with her sails, rigging, scrapes, dredges, and all other appurtenances. Terms cash.
Transportation -- Railroad - Other
Letters patent have been granted to Messrs. John W. Duncan and Thomas B. Quinby, of Onancock, in smoke stack and conductor, which conveys all cinders to rear of last car of train. The invention is not only a very useful one, but promises to be very lucrative to our ingenious young friends -- an offer of $25,000 having already been declined for same. They already are in receipt of offers for the introduction of same into all quarters of the Globe. If the inventions meet the objects for which intended and there seems to be no doubt that they will, a fortune to the inventors seems to be secured.
Moral -- Property crime
Henry Rogers, colored, an outlaw from North Carolina, was arrested by constable E. O. F. Custis in Coan river on last Saturday, and lodged in jail at Accomac C. H., on following day. On Monday he left for Durham, N. C., in charge of chief of police Woodall of that city, where he was arrested for housebreaking and other crimes.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The trustees of Margaret Academy will meet at Keller, Friday, December 2nd, 12 o'clock to decide as to the disposition of the funds in their hands. The claims of every locality on the Eastern Shore will be heard on that occasion and the fund will be given for the establishment of a school in that section, which in the opinion of the trustees is best entitled to the same.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels
Accomac C. H.
Our hotel is now being painted on the inside and the prospects now are that it will soon be ready for occupancy and be opened to the public at an early date.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Prices
Mr. David H. Bloxom has just completed a handsome dwelling.
Sweet potatoes are selling from $1.75 to $2 per barrel at this place.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
R. J. Parker has completed a neat dwelling on Johnson avenue.
Report to the Governor of Maryland on the Sterling Case.
reprinted from Baltimore Sun.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundary
Governor Brown has received a communication from Deputy Commander Joshua S. Thomas, commanding the State oyster police schooner Helen M. Baughman, in reference to the shooting of Isaac Sterling, a Marylander, in Pocomoke sound, October 29th, by one of the Virginia oyster police officials. Captain Thomas says he has made a thorough investigation of the shooting in the presence of reputable witnesses. In his report he states that Capt. John Gaskins, of the Virginia police boat, admits that he shot Sterling. The Virginia police official also stated, the report of Captain Thomas says, that he had no knowledge whatever of the line between Maryland and Virginia waters. Captain Thomas adds: "I think this shooting entirely unwarranted and cold-blooded. Citizens of Somerset are worked up over the affair." This is the first official report Governor Brown has received about the shooting, and he will formally bring the matter before the Governor of Virginia in a few days in accordance with an opinion from Attorney General Poe.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundary
The report of Captain Thomas of the Maryland Oyster Police Force in reference to the shooting of Isaac Sterling, October 29th, is published elsewhere, and is, in our opinion, entirely unwarranted by the facts in the case. That Sterling was shot by some one of the Virginia Police Force is not disputed, but that the shooting was "entirely unwarranted and in cold blood" by Captain Gaskins, no one who knows the man can believe, if every citizen of Maryland who has ever plundered our oyster beds and every citizen of Crisfield who sympathizes with them were to stand up and testify against him. The truth in a nutshell is, that Sterling was caught in taking oysters over the line on the Virginia side and preferring to take the chances of escaping when hailed by Captain Gaskins, to confinement in our jail and forfeiture of his boat, was accidentally hit by a shot fired to make him heave to, and that is all there is in the matter, despite the indignation meeting of the citizens of Crisfield. Of course, every citizen of Accomac deplores the shooting of Mr. Sterling and no one more than Capt. Gaskins, but if a man will transgress our laws, especially after being warned, as we are advised, this man had been frequently by Captain Gaskins, the results of his rashness and folly should not and will not make us join in the false clamor of our Maryland neighbors nor can the Governor of Virginia honor the requisition of men prompted by the spirit which they seem to be. If Captain Gaskins has exceeded his authority a Virginia jury is competent to try him, and the Executive of Virginia will hardly consent for its rights to be usurped in that respect.