Peninsula Enterprise, August 30, 1890
Fields -- Livestock - Horses
A pony penning will be held on Parramore's Beach, on Wednesday, September 10th, and about eighty ponies and other horses suitable for road and farm, will be offered at private sale by the stockholders. Transportation will be furnished free to all who wish to attend, from Wachapreague to Parramore's Beach on the day designated above.
Watermen -- Personal injury
A boat having on board five colored men, was capsized in Occohonnock creek last Saturday, and two of them, Henry Tankard and Ed LeCato were drowned.
Moral -- Murder
Louis D. White, a negro boy, eight years old, was shot and killed with a pistol by another negro boy, Alfred Lewis, about sixteen years old, near Parksley, last Sunday. The ball struck the negro boy White just over the left eye and death was instantaneous. The difficulty which led to the murder originated in some trivial matter. The officers have been in pursuit of Lewis for several days, but so far have not succeeded in arresting him.
Moral -- Other violent crime
Rebecca M. Jones, colored, was shot in the back at her home near Mappsburg, last Tuesday night. It may have been a stray shot, but the opinion prevails that a colored woman with whom she had had difficulty a few days ago, committed the deed. Her wound is not a serious one.
Moral -- Alcohol
Judge Gunter reversed the County Court and granted liquor license to Isaiah T. Johnson and William E. Scott, at Parksley.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
The Baptist Parsonage, Onancock, advertised for sale in ENTERPRISE for several weeks, has been purchased by Mr. Thomas M. Scott, of Northampton, at the price of $3,000.
Fields -- Livestock - HorsesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
Stanley, the fine horse of Mr. T. J. Kilmon, of Keller, died Friday, of lung fever. He had refused an offer of $500 for one half of him, and was valued at $1500. He could pace a mile in 2.36 and was of remarkable size, and beauty.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsMoral -- Property crime
The dwelling of Samuel Barnes, near Parksley, was broken into while he was at Campmeeting last Sunday. The thief was in search of money and in the effort to find same, broke open chest, bureaus and turned things upside down generally. Mr. Barnes fortunately carried his money to camp.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Mr. L. J. Corbin has bought house and lot of Mr. J. S. Nock, at Assawoman, and will open a store there.
Mr. John P. Hill has sold his farm to Mr. Thos. Fountain, of Parksley, and has purchased another near Stockton, Md.
Messrs. S. Warner, C. Massey and A. Gladding, have bought lots here as building sites, and new buildings are soon to be erected on them.
Fields -- Livestock - HorsesTransportation -- Water - Aids to navigation
E. P. Timmons has sold his fast trotting colt, Ben Hur, to a gentleman at Harrington, at the price of $250.
Buoy steamer, Lizard, arrived here Sunday, with Commander Harrington on board, for the purpose of inspecting buoys and lights in this locality.
The schooner Palestine, owned by William J. Matthews, was run into and badly damaged by steamer Berkshire of Providence Steamship Co., in Chesapeake bay, during night of 14th inst. The owner was in Norfolk for several days last week for the purpose of effecting a compromise with said company and of securing compensation for damage done to his schooner.
reprinted from Pocomoke City Eastern ShoremanMental illness
James Curtis Blows Off His Head With a Shot Gun.
James Curtis, 68 years old, residing on the line of Virginia, near Outen's store house, committed suicide Tuesday evening last, by shooting himself through the head with a shot gun, dying instantly of the wound.
On the morning of the tragedy the deceased, went down to Red Hills clamming and told a friend who accompanied him that he had had trouble with his wife before leaving home; was going to frighten her when he went home by telling her that he intended to commit suicide. His friend tried to persuade him to do nothing of the kind, but on his return he seized the gun and told his wife that he was tired of her treatment and intended to shoot himself. Her reply was, "Go ahead." He then left the house and walked about forty yards to an apple tree which stood in the garden, placed the muzzle of the gun under his chin, pulled the trigger. Death was instantaneous, the charge going in under the throat, and coming out at the top of his head. His family are greatly shocked at the occurrence, as they had no idea that he had any intention of carrying out his threat.
Chesapeake Fair.
Development -- BoosterismTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
EDITOR ENTERPRISE. -- The Chesapeake Fair is over and is crowned with success. The attendance from off the Shore was very large, the visitors were men of judgment and experience, and they were much pleased with our country and its people (this covers Accomac also, for her sons and daughters were here in full force). Much comment was made by visitors on the good order prevailing throughout, and the highly respectable people in attendance. It was a gathering, Mr. Editor, in fact, that few country places can equal, for we have a noble people, surpassed by none, when an average is struck -- in either intellect, education, morals or appearance. We have none with great wealth and we have no poor; just the position for happiness and the blessings of this life. We have a grand people and the best country in the world and it is the duty of the people to make the most of it. We should not bury our talents, but employ them to the best possible advantage. This is the work before those who have commenced this Fair -- the Board is small and not strong, but it is full of grit and determination to make its usefulness felt for the benefit of the two counties. If many who can help would only do so, we would make this section known throughout the length and breadth of this land. It would bring the people from other sections here. It would enhance the value of the land. It would improve all of them in quality -- it would enable us to live better at less cost & it would educate the young, and bring all the comforts and necessities of life with all the modern improvements of the age. Why will not all the good people extend a helping hand? There is room for them. It is one of the few public institutions we have, and it will do them good if in no other way, in cultivating public spirit, the only point on which our people are weak. And, Mr. Editor, I hope men of means and intellect among us, will see the good being done and encourage it by buying stock. Of course the pessimists and fogies will be excused, and all we ask of them, if they are unwilling to help. is to do no harm.
In the display of speed the Eastern Shore took a good stand with the best that was brought here. Orphan Boy, an Accomac horse won the free for all, pacing -- On Occohannock was raised Little Bets, 2 years old, which won the purse for her age.
Another Eastern Shore colt, Vortex, won the 3 year old stake. It is true that two of the above mentioned nags are now owned in other States, but it shows that we have the material, and all that it needs is education. Mr. Editor, we wish our sister Association, the Grange Fair, great success, and hope it will aid in the work onward.
Cape Charles, Va., Aug. 23rd, 1890.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
The Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair, which closed yesterday, was a grand success in all respects. Every department was full of fine exhibits, reflecting credit upon our people, which won for them plaudits from all in attendance. The display of articles furnished by the ladies, and agricultural products, deserve especial mention, and it is no fulsome praise to say of them, that they could not have been surpassed anywhere. The poultry, hogs, sheep and horses also on exhibition came well up to the standard of excellence, especially the colts, and poultry. In the trials of speed many fine horses were entered, and so noted by the vast audience in attendance daily, but were not sufficiently well matched to appear to the best advantage, though a very interesting feature of the Fair. Financially it came fully up to the expectation of the managers -- the attendance being larger on Thursday, than on any day in the thirteen years of its existence. Of the good order, which prevailed during the Fair, too much praise cannot be given. It was not marred by a disturbance of any kind, which came under our notice. Altogether, it was the best Fair ever held on the Eastern Shore -- and will receive the attention its merits demand in our next issue.
Transportation -- Water - Sailboats
FOR SALE CHEAP -- Schooner John Franklin in good order, good sailer, light draft water, will carry about 600 bushels of oysters. Apply to H. F. Powell, Onancock, Va.
Valuable Farm
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farm size and structure
-- 130 Acres by Recent Survey. --
This farm is located near New Church station, and is the best farm in the neighborhood for potato raising, the land being light and resources abundant. There has lately been planted on this farm several hundred fine peach trees now in fine growing condition. Buildings ample but somewhat out of repair. Terms to suit the purchaser. For further particulars apply to
New Church.
Accomac C. H., Va.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Will be sold on Saturday, Sept. 29th, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the premises at public sale, five-sixths of the real estate of which the late Elias Bell died seized. Said estate consists of about 6 acres of arable land on which is a new dwelling house, and about 9 acres of wood land set in pine timber. Said five-sixths will be sold clear of encumbrance. The terms will be liberal and made known on the day of sale by the
July 26th, 1890.