Peninsula Enterprise, November 22, 1890


reprinted from Manchester LeaderTransportation -- Railroad - Corporate

It is rumored that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has purchased lands in Lynnhaven bay for the purpose of erecting extensive terminal facilities on them. Lynnhaven bay is two hours nearer Cape Charles than Norfolk, and by running a ferry across from the cape to the bay instead of Norfolk, that much would be saved.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Water - Wrecks

Schooner Lihman Blue, Capt. A. Sharp, went ashore on beach two and a half miles south of Pope's Sound, 4 a. m., 18th inst. She was loaded with wood and bound from James River to Philadelphia. Total loss -- no insurance. She was seen by patrol of Pope's Island Life Saving Station, when she struck, and Capt. Seal Bloxom and crew with commendable promptness went to the rescue and succeeded in saving the entire crew. Riggin, &c., will be sold at public auction today, 22nd inst.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Insurance companies

The Mutual Live Stock Insurance Company of Mappsville, meets at that place the first Saturday in December, 3 p. m. All members of the same are requested to be present with assessment to meet loss on horse of Mr. J. W. Taylor.


Moral -- Vandalism

The barn and stables on the farm of Mrs. George T. Garrison, near Accomac C. H., were destroyed by fire on Friday night of last week. Mr. William T. Bradford, the tenant on the farm, lost nearly all his agricultural implements, two carts, two valuable horses, &c. The origin of the fire is unknown, but supposed to be incendiary. The losses of Mrs. Garrison are from $300 to $500 -- of Mr. Bradford from $500 to $600. No insurance. A subscription paper is being circulated for benefit of Mr. Bradford, and everybody in the community should help him to meet his losses.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Packing

Belle Haven.

The new dwelling of Mr. John B. Floyd, on Fitzhugh Lee St., is nearing completion.

Scarborough & Rowley commenced operations at Willis Wharf Wednesday, with six shuckers and are ready to give employment to 12 or 15 more skilled in the art.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideTransportation -- Water - FreightFields -- Livestock - Horses


Several of our vessels are engaged in running oysters from James river into the waters of Maryland.

A fine Morrell colt of Mr. W. J. Whealton died this week of blood poison, for which he asked $600 and refused an offer of $325.


Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Packing


The new M. P. Church Parsonage, in course of construction here, is fast nearing completion. The building is located on Stockton Avenue, nearly in front of Church St., and when completed and painted, will add very much to the appearance of that part of the town.

Two gentlemen largely engaged in the oyster shucking business in Fair Haven, Conn., are at Franklin City, negotiating for a building to begin shucking oysters at this place. They are of the opinion that they can do better by having the oysters shucked here and then shipped, than by buying oysters in Virginia and sending them to their present place of business in the shell, as the freight will not be so heavy.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Bird


Our sportsmen are industrious in their pursuit of quails, but report them as very scarce.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


New dwellings continue to go up in and around our town -- the latest, a handsome one built by J. Morgan Dix.

An Alleged Murderer Captured.

Moral -- Murder

SALISBURY, MD., Nov. 18. -- John Taylor, a tinner, in the employ of L. W. Gunby, hardware dealer, of Salisbury, complained to Justice Trader yesterday that a stranger, who gave his name as John Reeves, had threatened to shoot him. Justice Trader gave Chief of Police Shockley orders to arrest Reeves for carrying concealed weapons. Reeves was taken and lodged in the county jail. A man here recognized the prisoner as Samuel Lewis, who left Parksley, Va., last March to avoid arrest, he being charged with the murder of George Twiford, who was killed in a disturbance near that place at that time. Justice Trader telegraphed Sheriff Wise, of Accomac county, to know if Lewis was wanted there. He was instructed to hold the prisoner. Today Sheriff Wise arrived here, identified the man and took him back to Virginia. Lewis told the Sun correspondent that he was in the disturbance in which Twiford was shot, and that his overcoat was badly cut by Twiford, but he does not admit that Twiford was shot by him. Lewis has been in Delaware and Maryland since the Parksley affair, but returned to his home about four weeks ago, he says, to live with his wife, but friends there advised him to go away again and remain until after Christmas. He is about forty years old, and is afflicted with consumption. -- Baltimore Sun.

Samuel Lewis, to whom the above refers, indicted in our court for the murder of George J. Twiford, arrived here on Wednesday in the custody of Sheriff Wise, and was lodged in our jail.

Board of Supervisors.

Architecture -- JailsTransportation -- Road - MaintenanceTransportation -- Road - BridgesTransportation -- Road - ConstructionInfrastructure -- Public - Government : WelfareInfrastructure -- Public - Government : TaxationInfrastructure -- Public : Churches

Proceedings at their meeting on 17th were as follows:

A committee was appointed to receive and "prove" the iron cages to be placed in jail.

The rebuilding of Wallop's bridge, repairs to the public road in Drummondtown, near Hall's store, and the opening of public road on Chincoteague Island, applied for by P. D. Corbin and others approved.

The annual report of Superintendent of Poor, for year ending July 1st, 1890, received and examined, and settlement made with Superintendent for said year.

The insolvent and delinquent tax list for year 1889 returned by John J. Blackstone, county treasurer, and examined.

The payment of $2.50 per month for having sink in jail cleaned, authorized.

Policy of insurance for $5,000 effected by Chairman of Board on Almshouse received.

Accounts against county, including those of judges and clerks of November election, examined and allowed.

The use of court house once a month by the Catholic denomination for religious purposes until further notice, authorized.

Board adjourned to meet at court-house December 15th.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
November 22, 1890