Norfolk Virginian, December 23, 1890


Weather -- Northeast stormsForests -- Shipping : Water

Onancock, Va., December 22.

Reports of destruction to property during the cyclonic gale Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, are fast coming in. A large raft of fine time logs, belonging to the Onancock Mill Company, in tow of a Norfolk tug, from Pungoteague creek to Onancock, was swept away by the angry waters, just outside Pungoteague creek, Wednesday morning and the tug almost overturned. The crew, however, managed to get the boat back in harbor, before serious damage was done, while the logs, about three hundred in number and valued at $1,500, were washed and tossed about in sections of from ten to thirty in number.

On Tangier Island the wind was terrific. Vessels in harbor were dashed against each other with such force as to carry away mastheads and bowsprits.

Norfolk Virginian
December 23, 1890