Peninsula Enterprise, May 24, 1890
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Planting
It may be interesting to oyster planters to know, that at the last term of the county court, in the trial of the case of the Commonwealth vs. Arthur Justice, Judge Gillet held that if an oyster planter failed to pay the inspector the tax on his planting ground for any year, that he thereby forfeited the right to use of the ground; and that the ground could not only be taken up on application, but that any person could take any oysters they might find on the ground, and not be liable for larceny thereof. Oyster planters had better keep the taxes on their planting ground paid up promptly, if they wish to have their oysters protected from the public.
Fields -- Crops - Other vegetables
The steamer Eastern Shore on Tuesday carried 2,000 barrels of peas to Baltimore, the best quality of which sold for $3.50.
African-Americans -- Other
"Uncle Ben" Cropper, a well known old negro, died near Drummondtown, on Saturday, at the age of 86 years, of dropsy. Thus another landmark has passed away.
Moral -- Murder
Information has been received here that Dr. James Dennis Pitts, who was tried in Norfolk county a few years ago for killing Dr. Walter on Tangier Island, and was sentenced to the penitentiary and pardoned, died in Reynolds, Nebraska, on the 15th inst.
Transportation -- Road - Maintenance
Accomac C. H.
We call attention to the improvements of our streets by our talented engineer, surveyor of road district No. 1; if he lives (long enough), safe passage on stilts and in gum boots will yet be secured.
Infrastructure -- Public : TownsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service
A building boom has begun.
Under the new mail arrangement we have quick transit.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resorts
Many sportsman are with us, and several parties expected.
We have quite a building boom. Messrs. J. B. Lynch & Son are about to erect a large two story storehouse, Kendall Bunting is finishing a handsome dwelling, William C. Conant has raised the large club house on Wallop's beach, and is giving employment to a large number of hands. Thirty or forty more buildings are to be let to bids by the Wallop's Island Company.
Transportation -- Water - WharvesTransportation -- Water - Boat buildingTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - LodgesSea -- Fish factoriesTransportation -- Water - FreightTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - FishingTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdMigrationTransportation -- Water - SteamboatsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionFields -- Crops - Other vegetablesFields -- Crops - Strawberries
Capt. Elliot Johnston is this week having a large and very substantial wharf built on the site of his old one.
Dr. LeCato's pleasure yacht recently built by Capt. John T. Richardson, was launched on the 16th inst., and christened the Ed. Powell.
Capt. Foote's fishing steamers, which left here several weeks ago for Norfolk, to undergo repairs preparatory to fishing next month, have returned to port.
At least 30 or more New York gentlemen, members of the Accomac Club, have recently visited us on their way to and from their club house at our inlet, and report gaming and sporting tiptop at this time.
A steamboat line will be established between this town and Philadelphia and New York, on or about June 5th, which will carry passengers as well as freight. Other points on this creek, in Machipongo and Chincoteague will be touched both going and returning.
Gunning is excellent in our waters at this time but fishing is poor.
Capt. E. E. Stiles of this place, sells at public auction today, 16 inst., his household furniture, & c., and with his family will take his departure next week for his old home in New Jersey.
The swift and elegant steam yacht Manatee, owned by Hamilton Disston and others, of Philadelphia, with a party of distinguished Keystoners on board, paid us a short visit early this week, on their return to their city of Brotherly Love.
Mr. John T. Nock is having a two-story building erected on his farm, a short distance from town.
The farmers of this section who have peas and strawberries have been for the past two weeks busily engaged in shipping them to market, for which they have received very remunerative prices.
Prohibition Notice.
Moral -- Alcohol
All persons interested in the advancement of the prohibition cause or the advancement of the temperance cause in any of its various aspects, are earnestly requested to attend a public meeting to be held in the Town Hall at Onancock, May 31st.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesMoral -- Alcohol
MR. EDITOR -- Since the last session of the Wilmington Conference of the M. E. Church, the Onancock charge has made a good record for secular improvement. Ayres Chapel has been repainted inside and out, the ceiling has been calcimined, and the building has been made attractive. The prime movers in this laudable work are Capt. John H. Drummond and Capt. John H. Hopkins.
The lecture room of the town church has been put in good and attractive condition by a re-painting, ceiling and walls plastered, and some needed articles of refurnishing added.
The parsonage property of the same charge has been fenced with beautiful peach-pine pickets, and lumber is now on the ground for repairing and remodeling the house. The work begins next week and promises an entire transformation of the property, a thing which has been needed long and much. The estimated cost of these improvements has been put at about $350, and including the Ayres' improvements over $400 have already been raised for the purpose. The ladies are raising funds for a general refurnishing.
Last Sunday was temperance day in the M. E. Church, and after a suitable sermon, a collection was taken amounting to $5 for the work in Nebraska, and a delegate, with expenses met, was elected to the June temperance congress in New York. Rev. G. W. Burke was elected.
Fields -- Other machinery
POTATO PLANTER -- The best and cheapest labor saving machine ever offered to the people of Eastern Shore -- one man with it can put out 15,000 sprouts per day, thereby saving the labor of three men daily. It will last 10 years and costs $7 or less than $1 per year. For sale by E. J. Winder, Agt., Onancock.