Peninsula Enterprise, May 31, 1890
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
W. S. Mercer of Farmers' State Alliance, has organized seven sub-alliances, in county of Accomac and a county alliance is to be organized at Accomac C. H., June 14th, 10 a.m.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
A branch of the Farmers' Alliance was organized at Accomac C. H. last Monday, with a membership of eight.
Sea -- Finfish - Law enforcement
Special grand jury convenes at June term of county court. Lookout ye violators of the law & ye men what deal in fish, hauling the seine unlawfully, and setting fykes, pound nets, etc., without license. A word to the wise is sufficient.
Professionals -- Commission merchants
The following reliable commission merchants solicit, consignments from our farmers through the columns of the ENTERPRISE. Each of them is worthy of and will receive a more extended notice in further issues of this paper:
Baltimore -- W. S. Byrd & Co., Geo. T. Ames & Co., Barney Bond's Son, I. P. Justis & Co., W. R. Byrd & Co., G. W. Winder & Co., Wm. P. Price & Co., Walter G. Fentress J. H. Seward & Co., Hawkins, Hopkins & Sutton, Wiegand, Wehrmann & McLain, M. W. Gladding & Co.
New York -- Child & Tappen, George W. Tull, Gordon & Wilson, Bernard Abel & Co., John L. Smith & Co., S. H. & F. H. Frost, Holmes & Scott, W. E. Duryea's Sons, C. E. Winterton, G. Furman & Co., Allison & Co., Wm. Gamble & Co., Fairbanks & Parker, G. S. Palmer, J. H. Bahrenburg Bro., & Co.
Newark, N. J. -- Newark Fruit & Produce Co., The Grocer's Exchange, Rhodes, Chandler & Co.
Boston -- B. P. Hoddson & Co., S. W. Powell, J. G. Savage, Everett T. Nock & Co.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service
Lieut. J. F. Wild, assistant inspector of stations in 5th Life Saving District, has been assigned to duty on revenue steamer "Gallatin," at Boston, Mass. Lieut. J. M. Dunwoody will succeed him. The removal of Lieut. Wild to another sphere of duty will be generally regretted by our citizens. His gentlemanly bearing as man and official won for him a warm place in their affections.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
"Sunderland Hall," situated near Modestown, containing 383 acres, was sold last week by Mrs. Elizabeth W. Kelly to T. Berkley Smith, at the price of $7,000.
Fields -- Livestock - SheepTransportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse service
Extensive preparations are being made for the sheep penning which comes off on Assateague on 4th day of June. As a gala day it is generally observed here and scores, frequently hundreds of visitors, are present. Some twelve or fifteen ice cream and confectionery stands will contribute to the comfort of the "inner man" on the occasion.
The steamer W. W. Coit leaves Philadelphia, according to schedule posted here, for her first trip to Chincoteague, on the 9th of June. She is to ply between this point and New York during the summer. Wharfage free of charge, was tendered to the company owning the steamer, by our enterprising townsman, S. J. Mumford.
T. A. Mahon, engineer U. S. A., made a tour of inspection to Assateague this week. Repairs to the lighthouse and enlargement of the dwelling are in contemplation and latter especially needed.
Fields -- Livestock - Cattle Fields -- Livestock - Diseases and pestsFields -- Crops - Other grainsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seaside
The Texas fly had put in an appearance again and is worrying the cattle greatly, but has done no serious damage yet.
A small insect is destroying the oat crop hereabouts and the most of our farmers will not reap as many as it took to seed the land. The prospect of irish and sweet potato crops is very fine.
Oysters are still being sent from here to market in small quantities and are selling at good prices.
Forests -- Timber rightsFields -- Crops - Strawberriesfields -- Crops - White potatoes : Yield
G. B. Jones has purchased several million feet of timber in North Carolina, and will move to that State in July. He will carry with him the best wishes of our community. The loss to us will be irreparable.
The returns for strawberries were satisfactory to the growers here this year. They yield of irish potatoes promises to treble that of last year.
Transportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidingsLaborers -- ConstructionTransportation -- Road - ConstructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential developmentFields -- Crops - StrawberriesInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
The railroad company has just completed a large barrel house here, and are now at work lengthening the siding to accommodate the large increase of business. It is now almost a certainty that they will build a first-class station in the fall, to give better accommodations to the travelling public.
The sound of the hammer . . . is heard on every side. We counted a few days ago seventeen mechanics, besides masons, and the building boom promises to keep up through the summer.
McMath Bros. have opened up four streets through their property, and have now a great many choice lots for sale.
McMath Bros., have originated a new strawberry, which they have named 'Accomac.' They are having it thoroughly tested at different experiment stations throughout the country and will probably offer it for sale the coming season. It has proved the best berry in their trial grounds this season.
At a meeting of the building committee held a few days ago, it was decided to commence work on the new M. E. Church, South, about August 1st. Plans have been secured from B. D. Price, architect, of Philadelphia, and if sister churches will give these noble workers a little aid, they will show them a church that they will be proud of.
A. T. Mears' large hotel is going up rapidly, and will probably be ready to accommodate guests by the first of August. This will be one of the largest and finest hotels on the road.
Work will begin next Monday on Messrs. Rogers Bros.' large storehouse and Mrs. W. T. Broughton's dwelling, and we learn A. J. Lilliston will commence his large shop in about two weeks, which is to be 25x50 feet.
Transportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidingsInfrastructure -- Commercial - BanksFarmers -- Farmers' organizationsInfrastructure -- Public : FencesInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Brickyards
F. R. White and son, civil engineers, are laying out the R. R. Co.'s grounds for ornamenting, after a handsome design prepared by Supt. Dunne.
Mr. Lipscomb, agent for the United Banking and Building Company of Richmond, organized a local board on Monday. S. J. Lewis, president; H. T. Mason, vice president; Dr. A. D. F. Ewell, treasurer; E. T. Parks, Thomas Fountain, and W. A. Bowen, appraisers; H. R. Bennett, agent. Over $10,000 in stock was taken.
Mr. Mercer, North Carolina, organized a branch of the Farmers Alliance on Wednesday. D. F. White, president; Thomas Fountain, vice-president; Dr. J. T. Sledge, secretary; Edward White, Jr., treasurer.
Messrs. Graham and Powell of the Eastern Shore Hedge Company, of Centreville, Md., are here organizing the 'Accomac and Northampton Hedge Company,' and superintending the planting of the hedge on the P. L. and I. Co's grounds, and on the R. R. Co's grounds.
Bishop Curtis of the Catholic church visited Parksley this week to administer the last rites of the church to a member of his flock.
The postoffice building is enclosed.
L. F. Hinman has lumber on the ground for his dwelling.
The Parksley Brick and Tile Co., opened a kiln of first class brick this week.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Second homesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction
Read's Wharf.
Mrs. Col. Edmond Green and daughters, of Wall street, N. Y., are spending the summer at Read's wharf.
George H. Read has just finished a handsome new store in place of the one robbed and burned last February.
Meeting of E. S. Hedge Company.
Infrastructure -- Public : Fences
On Thursday of last week, the Eastern Shore Hedge Co., of Centreville Md., entertained about sixty prominent gentlemen of Accomac and Northampton, at the farm of Capt. William H. Green, near Mappsville.
The object was to explain their system of treating osage orange hedges of which Capt. Green has over three miles on his farm.
Gen. William McKenney, State Senator John B. Brown, Hon. A. R. Weedon, W. Scott Roberts of the Centreville Record, Wilmer Massey and other gentlemen from the Eastern Shore of Maryland were present, and gave their testimony as to the advantage of this fence over any they had used.
Those who had seen Capt. Green's hedge before it was plashed and trimmed by this method two years ago, were as much surprised as pleased at the splendid results obtained, and were enthusiastic in their recommendation of this system.
A company will be organized for Accomac and Northampton counties, and the business pushed here.
This fence has been adopted by the largest and most progressive farmers of the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware, as the most durable, economical and handsome fence for this section, and it will only have to be seen by our land owners to be appreciated.
The meeting at Capt. Green's was a very enjoyable affair, and the memory of the bountiful repast so daintily served by fair maidens, will linger after many days.
The visitors from Maryland were highly pleased with the soil, climate and resources of Accomac, and will be heard from again.
Fields -- Livestock - HorsesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
The undersigned, executors of the last will and testament of John R. Kellam, deceased, will sell at public auction, on Tuesday, 17th day of June, 1890, commencing at 9 a.m., on his late premises at Locustville, valuable personal property of the decedent, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils, corn, 15 head of cattle, hogs, carriages, carts, etc., also following valuable stock:
1st. Bay mare, Maud Morrill, 5 years old, record 2.41, trial 2.30, by Walker Morrill No. 2557. 1st dam Hamiltonian Pilot, sister to Signet 2.26 1-4, second dam Sherman Morgan No. 2626.
2nd. Bay mare, Lady Suffolk, 5 years old, trial 3.05, by St. James, he by Walker Morrill No. 2557. 1st dam Dexter, thoroughbred. (She is a fine driver.)
3rd. Bay mare, Ella, 5 years old, fair speed, said to be by "Duncan," by Dictator 113, with a fine filly by her side by "Windom" No. 9892.
4th. Sorrel stallion, Sherman, 4 years old, fair speed, by Clifton Morgan. 1st dam Sherman Morgan No. 2626.
5th. Bay gelding, Von, 5 years old, 16 hands, trial 3.10, by Gray Morrill, record 2.34. 1st dam by St. Charles, record 2.37, 2nd dam Black Hawk, 3rd dam Glencoe, thoroughbred.
6th. Bay mare, Maggie, 6 years old, trial, 3.10, by Walker Morrill No. 2557. 1st dam Hamiltonian Pilot, sister to Signet 2.26 1-4, 2nd dam Sherman Morgan No. 2626. 3rd dam Financier, thoroughbred.
The Terms of Sale: -- Cash for purchases amounting to $10 and under -- for all sums over $10, the purchaser can if he desires, execute a bond satisfactory to executors, payable in four months from date.
Forests -- Forest products - Lumber
Yes! Then take a stroll through
-- our --
Laths, Shingles, flooring, Well Tubing, Cypress, Pine and Ash Lumber, Lime, Hair, Plaster, Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc., etc., and are dealers in Carriages, etc.
Call and get our prices before buying elsewhere.
Hoffman's Wharf, Va.
Professionals -- Builders
H. L. Lilliston and T. J. Adams, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS,
offer their services to the public, and guarantee all work done in first-class manner.
Work done by day or contract.
All material furnished when desired.
Correspondence solicited of parties from a distance.
Fields -- Fertilizer
Mixture A No. 1,
Manufactured by H. L. Crockett & E. J. Winder.
Ammonia 5 to 6 per cent.
Actual Potash 6 to 7 per cent.
Phosphoric Acid 3 to 4 per cent.
Bone Phosphate 7 to 9 per cent.
Made of pure Dry Fish, pure Dissolved Bone, pure Muriate of Potash, &c.
MIXTURE "A" No. 2.
Ammonia 4 to 5.
Actual Potash 2 to 3.
Phosphoric Acid 2 to 3.
Bone Phosphate 5 to 6.