Peninsula Enterprise, March 29, 1890
Farmers -- Innovation
The Governor of Virginia has appointed Capt. O. A. Browne, a member of the State Board of Agriculture, from the First District, to serve for the term of four years.
Professionals -- Doctors
Dr. J. H. Mapp, of Machipungo, Northampton, has concluded to locate for the practice of his profession at Buena Vista, a growing town in Southwest Virginia and left for his adopted home on last Monday.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs
The Chesapeake Agricultural Fair will open the 18th of August instead of the 12th, as heretofore announced. The directors wisely concluded that it would not do for the same to conflict with the Accomac Baptist Association which meets on 13th of August.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential developmentInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Accomac C. H..
Capt. S. A. Lewis has purchased two lots on Lilliston avenue in our town, and will have a handsome dwelling erected thereon for his occupancy another year. Other purchases will follow and a building boom is expected in that part of our town during the year.
Handsome dwellings will be built in our town by Messrs. Samuel T. Ross and John T. Powell for their occupancy another year.
Transportation -- Water - Boat buildingMoral -- GamblingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
Belle Haven.
The shipyard in our town is now the favorite resort for our young men of elegant leisure. A large batteau of huge dimensions is now being built by Mr. William M. Taylor and three-fourths of our male population at least are offering their services as architects
A trotting race will come off on McConnell's track, Pungoteague, next Wednesday, between 'Dandy Jim' and the 'Brickhouse' horse, owned respectively by Messrs. E. L. Walters and Richard Taylor of this place for a purse of $50. Numerous side bets are being made and a large sum of money is expected to change hands on the occasion.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsInfrastructure -- Public : TownsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Taxation
Spring rains and low tides have made our oysters so fat this year that the demand for them increases daily.
Mr. F. S. Stout, of Portersville, Pa., one of the stockholders of Wallop's Island, was here this week to contract for the building of the clubhouse to be located on the island. It is to be two stories high and 20 X 120 feet, with handsome verandah, etc. Beautiful cottages will be built around it.
The large quantity of lumber arriving here daily, indicates that our town is on the eve of a genuine building boom.
Mr. W. L. Nock is here for the purpose of reassessing our lands and reports them greatly enhanced in value.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Mr. Parker W. Parks sold a portion of the Blackstone farm this week to Edward and Albert Colonna for the sum of $2,225.
Fields -- Livestock - Diseases and pestsFields -- Livestock - Swine
The forty acres and a mule for which old Aunt Elzie Jones, colored, of this vicinity, has been waiting since the war, come to her last week in the shape of a check for $3,600. One of her boys wore the 'blue' in the late 'unpleasantness.'
Hogs are dying of cholera in this neighborhood and the losses occasioned by the disease, have been very heavy upon two of our neighbors, Messrs. R. T. Bonnewell and R. L. Ames.
Sea -- Fish factoriesMigrationTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - LodgesSea -- Finfish - Catch : DrumTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersInfrastructure -- Commercial - NewspapersSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : MarketsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
Mr. Wm. W. Roach (Tony), for several years past assistant Supt. of the extensive fish factory works at our inlet, has accepted the position of general Supt. of the Mammoth Works at Crisfield, Md., and went on to take charge of same on Monday last. Madame Rumor says, though, that he will shortly return to fix up some unfinished business of a nuptial character with one of our beautiful and blooming young maidens.
Mrs. Martha Stiles, wife of Capt. Jacob W. Stiles, for many years past a citizen of our town, but very recently of Tuckerton, N. J., and a lady of many excellent traits of character, died at the latter place on Tuesday, the 11th inst. She leaves a devoted husband and several children to mourn her demise.
Capt. Dickey Delano, an attache of the Accomack Club near here for many years, has temporarily retired from the business, and is now a guest of mine host, at Kellam's Hotel.
Capt. L. James Phillips caught the first red drum of the season last week.
The Masonic Lodge here still continues on the up grade, the fraternity receiving new members into the craft at almost every regular meeting.
Wachapreague has a news-boy in the person of Master Berwell O. Bell, and among the papers he sells, is that mighty interesting and instructive weekly, the Utica Globe.
The schooner, Congress, Capt. E. S. Erickson, sailed on the 25th inst., for New York with a cargo of select oysters, many of which would tempt the palate of an epicure if placed before him.
Messrs. Bunting & Bell authorize your correspondent to state, that having the greatest confidence in the sailing abilities of their yacht, 'Who'datho'tit,' she will sail any boat of 35 feet or under, belonging in Accomac or Northampton counties, from Wachapreague to the inlet and return for a purse of $100.