Peninsula Enterprise, April 19, 1890


Transportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidings

Mr. James T. Hurst has agreed, it is reported, to convey an acre of land to N. Y., P. & N. R. R. Co., at what is known as "Eliza's Flat," near Accomac C. H., the consideration being the establishment of a station at that point.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Planting

The attorney for the Commonwealth authorizes the following: Complaint has been made to the attorney for the Commonwealth that a portion of Long Point Rocks in Chincoteague bay is staked off by oyster planters at Greenbackville. If this information is correct, they are not only liable to a heavy fine if all the stakes are not removed upon notice by the proper oyster inspector, but any oysters planted on said rocks are liable to be taken by any oysterman at work there; as any oysterman has the right to take any oysters he finds upon a natural rock.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Capt. E. J. Corbin and Capt. John S. Gaskins have been re-elected as commanders of the sail vessels of our oyster navy, with the approval, we believe, of the people generally of the Eastern Shore.


Forests -- Forest products - Other

A pine was cut down on the premises of Mr. Henry Battaile, on the road between Boggs wharf and Keller, recently, known as the "line pine," which was 155 years old, as proven by the number of concentric rings. Its diameter was 4 feet, 4 inches.


Moral -- Other violent crimeProfessionals -- LawyersAfrican-Americans -- Work - Business And professional

Ed Winder, a negro indicted for assault and battery in Northampton county court, was represented by Burrows, the negro attorney. A verdict of guilty was rendered by jury and the offender will satisfy the demands of justice by an imprisonment of fifteen days in jail and payment of a fine of ten dollars.


Mental illness

George W. Wharton, a very respectable colored man living near Hoffman's, was sent to jail this week on a charge of lunacy. He has since been adjudged insane by a commission of lunacy and will be sent to an asylum.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

Among the list of claims that have been filed for church property destroyed, damaged or occupied by Union troops during the war, the Secretary of War has transmitted to Congress the following under the heads, "rejected or have not been settled:" Methodist Episcopal, Drummondtown; St. George's Episcopal, Pungoteague; Methodist Episcopal, Pungoteague.


Transportation -- Water - WharvesForests -- Forest products - LumberInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


Mr. S. E. Matthews has improved his waterfront by a handsome and substantial wharf and proposes to utilize a portion of same as a wood and lumber yard. This wharf is No. 12. A few years ago there was not one on the island.

The work of improvement in our dwellings is still going on -- the latest to catch the spirit being Capt. Seal Bloxom, William Messick and William Davis -- their dwellings having been enlarged and otherwise so much improved of late as to make them models of beauty and comfort.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : LitigationSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seed


A report was current here this week that trouble was again brewing over the oyster grounds in Chincoteague bay. Some of our people a few years ago were involved in a suit over the same matter as that now in agitation.

The large quantities of salable oysters in our waters at the beginning of the season have been nearly exhausted, and the returns for the same have been for the most part satisfactory. The beds are now being seeded and plants are in demand and selling from 15 to 20 cents per bushel.


Moral -- Property crimeFields -- Crops - Other vegetables


The white caps paid Mrs. R. L. Ames a visit last Wednesday night and carried off all her fowl except on old hen.

Mr. F. S. Smith is shipping large quantities of asparagus and receiving good prices for same.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


Work has been commenced on the dwelling of Mr. T. W. Parker, on the Scott Hall property.

Mr. W. T. Wise is having the lumber hauled for the erection of a dwelling on his property on Main street.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Brickyards


Louis F. Hinman has bought two lots on Bennett street and will build a dwelling at once.

H. T. Mason, of Pate & Mason, has bought two lots on Catharine street, adjoining the Park, for a home.

S. J. Lewis has bought a lot on the north side of Bennett street and traded with A. J. McCready for his lot adjoining Lewis' store. S. J. Lewis & Co. will extend their buildings, and McCready will build larger shops.

Samuel T. Jones has resigned as President of the Parksley Land and Improvement Co., and W. F. Chadbourne has been elected in his place.

The Parksley Brick and Tile Co. began making bricks this week with a force of Baltimore and New York workmen, who expect to make from Accomac clay and burnt with Accomac pine, bricks equal to the "best New York or Baltimore" article.


Infrastructure -- Public : SchoolsArchitecture -- Schools

The School Trustees of Lee Magisterial District, having been authorized by an act of the General Assembly of Virginia to borrow a sum of money for the purpose of building a public free school house, in the town of Onancock, and said loan having been negotiated, the said Board of Trustees will now receive sealed proposals for the erection of said building. All proposals should be addressed to the undersigned and plainly marked as such. A meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at their office in Drummondtown, Monday, April 28th, 1890. At which time and place said proposals will be opened and contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all of the proposals. The contractor will be required to furnish all material, and also be required to give bond for the faithful performance of his contract, with good security to be approved by said Board of trustees.


Mason Work -- Build the underpinning walls with piers 8 inches thick, 21 inches long and 18 inches high from the surface. All piers not to exceed 8 feet from centre, and to be filled in with 4 inch walls. Girder piers to be 4 feet long, 8 inches thick, two chimneys each to be 17 inches square, and placed where marked upon drawings. All bricks must be hard burnt, either New York or Baltimore manufactured, and the same must be laid in strong mortar made of wood burnt lime and good sand. The ceiling to be plastered with two coats, sharp and finished. Stove receivers to be placed in chimneys. The size of building to be 32x45 feet, 20 foot post, with hall to run through on first and second floors 10x45 feet, height of ceiling on first floor 9 feet 6 inches in the clear when finished.

Frame Timber -- Sills to be 6x8 inches oak or heart pine. Girders to be 6x6 inches. Corner post to be 6x6 inches with inside angles bent out to make them 4 inches on the face. First floor joist to be 2 1-2x12 inches. Second floor joist to be 2x12 inches. All to be 16 inches from the centre, and spiked to the post. Upper joist to be 2x9 inches, 2 feet from centre. All door and window posts to be 4x5 inches. All intermediate posts 2x4 inches, 16 inches from centre. The building to be well braced with 4x4 inch scantling. Top and bottom floors to be well bridged. Plates to be 4x5 inches; rafters 2x6 inches with arm braces; and crown board 1 1-2x6 inches. All framing to be yellow pine -- run of the log and clear of defective knots. Siding to be of first growth yellow pine, well seasoned, clear of defective knots and put on with 8 penny nails, with not less than 1 1-2 inch lap. House to be square boxing with return cornice and bed moulding. The roof to be of No. 1 heart shingles clear of knots. All door and window facings and corner boards to be of heart pine. The entire building to be dressed on outside -- the outside to be painted with two coats of paint of Lewis lead and pure boiled linseed oil -- inside to be two coats of hard oil. All flooring must be made of good one-inch boards dressed and tongued and grooved, not to exceed 4 inches in width. All sides to be staved up with beaded ceiling on first and second floors. All window sills to be ploughed and capped. The building to have 10 windows on first floor, sash 1 3-8 inches thick 12x18 -- 12 lights, 11 windows on second floor, sash 1 3-8 inches thick 12x16 -- 12 lights. All windows in first and second stories to be with weights and silver lake sash cord, one window in each gable 10x12 -- 12 light. One pair front doors 5x7 feet, 1 3-4 inches thick, 4 panels square paired moulding with 18 inch transom over top, two doors on first floor 3x7 feet, 1 3-4 inches thick; two doors on second floor 3x7 feet, 1 3-4 inches thick. The lower floor shall be divided by a partition into two rooms of equal size. The upper floor shall be divided by a partition -- arranged by a succession of doors so that both rooms may be converted into one, to be placed where shown upon drawing. The building to have two stairways, with Newels and ash hand rail. All doors to be hung with 3 1-2 inch wrought butts, and rim knobs, locks, brass bolt and key. Foot and chain bolts to front doors. Sash locks to all windows. One pair front door steps. All work to be done plain, but in workmanlike manner. The contractor must insure building before any payments are made by the Board of Trustees. Payments will be made as follows: When raised, the Board of Trustees will inspect the same, and if according to specifications, one-third of the contract price will be paid; when shut in, the Board of Trustees will again inspect the same, and if found to be according to the specification, another one-third of the contract price will be paid; and when completed, if upon examinations it is found to be according to the specifications the balance or remaining one third of the contract price will be paid. Building to be completed by September 1st, 1890.

W. A. BURTON, Clerk,

Locustville, Va.


Moral -- Alcohol

VIRGINIA: At a Court held for the county of Accomack, at the Court House thereof, on the 31st day of March, A. D., 1890.

Ordered, that this court will on the second and third days of the next term, being the 29th and 30th days of April, 1890, proceed to hear and consider applications for license to sell by retail, wine, ardent spirits, malt liquors, or any mixture thereof, alcoholic bitters, bitters containing alcohol, or fruits preserved in ardent spirits, or to keep a bar room or a malt liquor saloon, or to keep an ordinary; at which time all persons having information as to the fitness, or unfitness, of any such applicant to conduct such business, or that he will, or will not, keep an orderly house, or that the place, at which it is proposed by the applicant to conduct such business, is a suitable, convenient and appropriate place, therefor, or otherwise, are requested to attend and give in their testimony, upon any one or more of said applications. And it is further ordered, that the clerk of this court do cause a copy of this order to be inserted once a week, for two successive weeks, in the PENINSULA ENTERPRISE, a newspaper published in this county; and that he cause thirty copies of said order to be printed, and deliver same to the sheriff of this county, and the said sheriff shall cause said copies to be posted at the most public places in this county at least ten days next preceding said term.

A Copy.

Test. M. Oldham, Jr., C. A. C.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
April 19, 1890