Norfolk Virginian, January 5, 1890
Moral -- MurderMoral -- GamblingSea -- Finfish - Catch : BluefishSea -- Finfish - Catch : MackeralSea -- Finfish - Methods : Pound-netWatermen -- Watermen's organizationsSea -- Finfish - Legislation
The announcement in Wednesday's VIRGINIAN that ex-Governor Lee had commuted G. Jefferson Adair's sentence from eighteen to three years in the penitentiary caused quite a sensation here, and at many other points on the Eastern Shore, and has caused ex-Governor Lee to incur the enmity of many. A greater number of the people, however, think that the sentence was too heavy, and seem to be satisfied with the commutation.
O. W. Parker, a prominent restaurateur of Onancock, has been convicted of having allowed gambling at his house in October. He was fined $200 and his license revoked.
A mass meeting of the representative persons engaged in or interested in fishing, was held at Cape Charles City. It was resolved that the sense of the meeting was in favor of a change in the law prohibiting fishing with pound nets in June. June is the time of year blue fish and Spanish mackerel are in our waters, and as the law now is, they cannot be caught, as they only frequent our waters in that month. A petition will be sent to the Legislature.