Norfolk Virginian, December 20, 1890
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsTransportation -- Water - Channel and harbor dredgingInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Onancock, Va., December 19.
Cobb's Island, that popular and pleasant seaside resort, situated off Northampton county, having been purchased by a syndicate, will enter upon a new era of prosperity under its new management, which is composed of J. F. Slaughter, of Lynchburg, president; C. O'B. Cowardin, Richmond, vice-president; B. H. Latoys, secretary and treasurer. The directors are: President and vice-president, George McKinney, ex-Governor Fitzhugh Lee, L. C. Garland, of Vanderbilt University; Judge R. T. W. Duke, of Charlottesville; R. L. Miller, of Lynchburg; T. Lucius Cobb, of Cobb's Island; Robert Slaughter, of Lynchburg; J. D. Berry, of Bedford City, and J. R. Kyle, of Lynchburg.
The company was chartered at Lynchburg with a capital of $250,000, each share being held at $100. Appropriations for improvement have been made as follows: Hotel, $100,000; steamer, $25,000; docks, $25,000; breakwater, $25,000; other improvements and paying for the property, $75,000. A branch from Exmore station, on the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Road will be built to Brockenborough's wharf, from which guests will be conveyed to the island by steamer. The surf bathing is unexcelled, the beach firm and smooth as concrete pavement, and game and fish abound.
The American Dredging Company of Philadelphia has the contract for widening the harbor at Cape Charles some two hundred feet at the mouth. This improvement is greatly needed, the harbor now not being adequate to free access in stormy weather or at night.
A Presbyterian Church has been organized at Cape Charles, with a membership of twelve, Rev. W. S. Lacy, D.D., of Norfolk, officiating. M. H. Stevenson, Esq., and W. Tunnell were appointed ruling elders, and Jay Wassum, Esq., and Mr. E. M. Kellogg, deacons.