Norfolk Virginian, January 25, 1890
Transportation -- Railroad - OtherTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersFields -- Livestock - Diseases and pestsTransportation -- Railroad - CorporateInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTransportation -- Railroad - Wharves
At the continued examination yesterday of the negro Jim Custis and several other negroes of Onley Station, near here, who were arrested by Detective Childress, special detective for the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Company, all of the accused parties were discharged, owing to a lack of evidence against them.
As was stated in this correspondence several days ago, Custis was arrested upon the charge of having placed a log upon the company's track, with the intention to derail a train. Custis stated that he knew nothing of the affair, but qualified this by saying he had heard it stated that several other negroes had placed the log there with the intention of derailing the train and robbing it, and that he had seen the log and thrown it off the track. Upon the strength of this, the other negroes were arrested and brought before Squire Nelson, who, owing to the flimsy evidence, were discharged. Custis is a notorious character.
Detective Childress left for Norfolk yesterday.
It is reported here that one I. O. G. T. Lodge in the county has disbanded, but the Lodge here is getting weak.
Chesapeake Lodge A. F. & A. M. will, it is understood, shortly build a handsome brick structure for a lodge room.
All the horses in the livery stable of Colonel B. T. Parker here have been afflicted with aggravated cases of la grippe, which disease is still prevailing here to a great extent.
It is reported that the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad officials are contemplating running a branch road through this peninsula.
The bill recently approved by Gov. McKinney, allowing the Old Dominion Steamship Company to build a wharf at Pickett's Harbor, in Northampton county, which opens on the bay, is thought to be the first move by this company for the building of a railroad through Accomac and Northampton counties, direct from Norfolk to New York.
The dedication of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Cape Charles City, February 2nd, promises to be an imposing affair.