Dispatch, July 5, 1889
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - HolidaysMoral -- AlcoholInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTransportation -- Railroad - Personal injury
Onancock, Va., via Tasley, Va., July 4.
All the stores and business-houses in Onancock were closed to-day. The Good Templars celebrated the day by holding a big open-air meeting in the grove around the Town Hall. Speakers from abroad delivered addresses in favor of prohibition, and a brass band from Marion Station, Md., enlivened the exercises by music. Early in the afternoon a severe rain-storm interrupted the proceedings and drove the crowd under shelter.
At Saxis Island, in the northern part of Accomack, the corner-stone of a new Methodist church was laid, and there was an old-fashion patriotic celebration at Cape Charles, in Northampton county.
Alfred Bell, son of Bayley Bell, a highly-respected young man residing in Northampton county, while standing on the side track at Eastville this afternoon was run over and killed by the north-bound train on the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad. His body was frightfully mangled.