Dispatch, December 11, 1888
Moral -- AlcoholMoral -- Property crimeMoral -- VandalismInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Onancock, December 10, 1888.
The local-option campaign has opened in this district and promises to get exceedingly lively before the election, which will take place on Saturday, January 5th. The Good Templar organization is quite strong in this section, and some of its leading members have thrown themselves into the contest with much energy and determination. Several meetings were held last week, at all of which stirring speeches were made. The meeting at Andrew's chapel in Sluthkill Neck was addressed by William S. Mills, John S. Tyler, and J. Lee Winder, of Onancock, and Ezekiel Smith, Elzy Evans, and Elijah Evans, prominent residents of the Neck. After the meeting was over Mr. Mills discovered that some one had carried off his buffalo lap-robe and his buggy-cushion and whip, of which he has since heard nothing. A similar meeting was held the following night at the neighboring village of Savageville, where several prominent young temperance reformers from this town made addresses. While the meeting was in progress some unknown parties overturned Marion Hundley's carriage, captured the buffalo lap-robe of Rev. Edward Winder, a young local preacher in the northern Methodist Church, and cut the top out of Frederick Lewis's buggy, besides taking his robe and whip and cutting the traces. Such lawless conduct is severely denounced here by right-thinking men of both parties, and an effort will be made to discover the guilty parties and bring them to justice.
The revival services at the Baptist church in this town that have been going on for the past week still continue, and much interest is manifested by the public, who go in large crowds every evening. Rev. Mr. Hundley, the pastor of the church, preached a fine sermon yesterday to the young people, at the conclusion of which several signified their desire to be remembered in the prayers of the church. Rev. Miles S. Read, pastor of the Baptist Church at Franklin, Southampton county, and an able and effective preacher, is expected to arrive here to-night and assist in the meetings to the end.
Rev. J. S. Hank, the newly-appointed presiding elder for this district, preached his first sermon here last night in the southern Methodist church, and made a very favorable impression on all who heard him.
The new northern Methodist church on Chincoteague Island was dedicated yesterday. Rev. Adam Stengle, of Wilmington, Del., preached a fine sermon to an immense audience. A large amount of money was raised to pay off the indebtedness of the church, which is one of the prettiest religious edifices on the Eastern Shore.
A farm-house near Savageville belonging to George White and occupied by a tenant named Parks was destroyed Friday night by fire. The loss is about $800. No insurance. The fire was accidental.
Judge Garrison has caused a rule to be issued against a number of persons who failed to attend the November term of the County Court and testify before the grand jury concerning the violation of the local-option law.