Dispatch, August 29, 1888


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racingProfessionals -- TeachersWatermen -- Personal injury

Onancock, August 25, 1888.

The eleventh annual exhibition of the Eastern Shore Agricultural Association, which began last Tuesday and ended yesterday, was altogether one of the most successful ever held in this section. The fair grounds are located on the seaside about one and a half miles distant from Keller station, on the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad. The distance from the railroad, with the entire absence of hotels and other houses of accommodation on the grounds, prevents any considerable attendance from distant sections of the peninsula, but everybody who can reach the fair by private conveyance is generally on hand every day during the exhibition. The woods that surround the grounds are filled so thick with vehicles of every description, from the old-fashioned four-wheeled carriage to the familiar one-ox cart, that one can scarcely make his way through them. On the grounds are to be seen agricultural implements, farm and garden products, horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, and an elaborate display of ladies' fancy and domestic work. The chief feature of the fair, however, is horse-racing, and while this is going on nearly everything else is neglected. The Eastern Shore is famous for the abundance of its fast trotters, and during fair week horse talk is the main topic of conversation here. Most of the horses that have won races at previous fairs were conspicuously absent at this one. The leading three-minute race was won by Scott's Fancy, of Northampton; but the most exciting and closely contested was the 2:50 race between Buck Scott's Clifton, of Northampton, and Levin Parker's Grey Eagle, of Accomack. This race was won by Clifton, the best time made being 2:38 1/2 -- Grey Eagle coming in only a neck's length behind. The free-for-all race on the last day was won by Parker's Grey Eagle, who beat Scott's Clifton on every heat. Scott's famous stallion Signet that won the leading trotting race at the last State Fair, was on hand and attracted universal admiration, but did not enter the races.

The livestock department was very fine, the ladies' department unsurpassed, and the poultry as good as at any previous exhibition; but the display of farm, orchard, and garden products was the slenderest ever seen here before. The space usually devoted to this department was not half filled. The articles on exhibition were of very superior quality, but they could all have been carried away in a couple of one-horse potato-carts.

The crowds present each day were variously estimated at from three to four thousand souls, and the fair must have been a very decided financial success.

The newly organized Chesapeake Agricultural Society will hold its first exhibition at Cape Charles City during the last week in October.

Professor Martyne, widely known in this section of Virginia as a skilful instructor in the terpsichorean art, died yesterday at the home of his son-in-law, Dr. Burleigh C. Kellam, at Cape Charles City, in consequence of injuries received several days ago in falling down a flight of steps. The Professor was an old man, and had been an invalid for some years.

During one of the severe rain and wind storms that recently swept over the Chesapeake bay Captain Lewis Crockett and his brother Travis Crockett were caught in an open boat while going from Crisfield, Md., to their home on Tangier Island, some fifteen miles distant. The mast of the boat was struck by lightning and both men were rendered unconscious, in which condition one of them remained till he reached the island.

Richmond, Va.
August 29, 1888