Norfolk Virginian, June 28, 1888
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The Cape Charles Pioneer, referring to the commencement exercises of the Onancock Music School and Mr. Joynes' school, which took place in the college building last Wednesday evening says: "The high standard attained by the scholars, the appreciation of the audience, and the entire success of the evening, must have proved gratifying, indeed, to the accomplished teachers.
Moral -- Property crime
James A. Gray, of Norfolk, one of the three colored boys who stole, last Saturday night week, at Cape Charles, the cash drawer at Dr. George R. Wells drug store, containing $12, were tried in that city Thursday. Gray pleaded guilty of the theft, and declared that the other two had nothing to do with it, only being in the store at the time. All were sentenced to the county jail, at Eastville, for 90 days.