Dispatch, July 10, 1888


Infrastructure -- Utilities - TelephoneInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesProfessionals -- Commission merchantsMoral -- Alcoholfields -- Crops - White potatoes : YieldFields -- Crops - Other fruitInfrastructure -- Commercial - Rental housing

Onancock, July 7, 1888.

The telephone line between Onancock and Tasley station is now a fixed fact, and it is almost certain that the line will be extended to Accomack Courthouse. Colonel Benjamin T. Parker, of Onancock, and William H. Parker, Esq., of Accomack Courthouse, are the main stockholders, and it is understood that Hon. T. H. Bayly Browne will be the solicitor of the company. The erection of this line will be a great convenience to the people of the two towns.

The Methodist Protestants laid the corner-stone of a new church at Hunting Creek on Thursday. Addresses were delivered by the president of the Maryland Conference and the president of the Western Maryland College. The day was further enlivened by the strains of the Pocomoke Brass Band and a large Sunday-school parade from the neighboring village of Leemont to the site of the new church.

Mr. William A. Hatch, a well-known New York commission merchant, was married several days ago to Miss Nannie Gibb, the accomplished daughter of Mr. T. B. C. Gibb, who resides in the northern part of Accomack near the Virginia and Maryland line. The ceremony was performed in the Episcopal church at Stockton, Md., by Rev. Mr. Batte, after which the couple took the train for a tour through the northern States and Canada.

Judge Garrison, of Accomack County Court, has issued a writ for an election to be held in Matomkin district on Saturday, September 1st, to decide whether the local option law shall prevail any longer in that district. The movement looking to a similar election in Lee district, in which Onancock and Accomack court-house are situated, seems to have fallen through.

The Irish potato crop on the Eastern Shore is turning out well and up to the present time good prices have been realized. Potatoes grown in this section are large in size and superior in quality. William J. Ayres, of Accomack Courthouse, dug from his patch a few days ago one potato weighing seventeen ounces, and Duffield Savage, of the same place, dug eleven potatoes from one hill which weighed eight pounds. These are not exceptional cases for Accomack and Northampton. The sweet potato, however, is the staple product of Accomack. Northampton raises mostly Irish potatoes, or round potatoes, as they are more generally called over here. For the past week Manager Wallridge has been shipping about 600 barrels of Irish potatoes from Hon. William L. Scott's Hollywood truck-farm at Cape Charles City.

The cold weather last spring ruined the fruit crop on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. There will be but few peaches and apples and they of inferior quality.

The supply of house in Onancock is not equal to the constant demand for them.

Richmond, Va.
July 10, 1888