Worcester County Shield, October 8, 1881
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateProfessionals -- Realtors and developersFields -- FertilizerFarmers -- Farm size and structureInfrastructure -- Utilities - Water Laborers -- FarmLaborers -- Wages
The Central Land Agency, Snow Hill, Worcester Co., Md.
Cheaper Than Ever Before Offered!
After the 1st of July, 1881, there will be established at Snow Hill, Worcester Co., Md., an AGENCY for the Sale of Lands in said County and in those of ACCOMACK, VA., and SUSSEX CO., DEL., with Branch Offices in BALTIMORE & NEW YORK CITIES.
The parties to this Agency have now nearly FIFTY FARMS on their list for sale in Worcester county alone, of all sizes and at all prices, from 70 acres up to 500 or more, at prices ranging from $7 to $20 per acre and to be had on easy terms.
The general character of the soil in the above counties is very similar and naturally good, consisting mostly of a sandy loam, with red clay sub-soil, very kind and retentive of manures, which act promptly and last well.
All these lands are easily tilled, and produce grain, grass and truck in quantity not surpassed by any others of like fertility, or perhaps equalled.
They are convenient, all of them, to market by railroad and water transportation, with daily access to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York by either -- near to Schools, Churches, Post-offices, Mills, &c., and in every place surrounded by a kind and hospitable population, who heartily welcome all newcomers, and offer their lands very cheap, because most of the owners hold several farms each, and, since the loss of their slaves, cannot farm all of them themselves to any advantage, and are anxious to invite immigration.
The climate is delightful -- mild, open winters mostly, and on the seaside especially the summers are cool, with a steady sea breeze night and day.
The water nearly everywhere is soft and good.
Fruit Orchards & Comfortable Buildings are to be found on most of these farms, amounting in value to the price asked for some of them; while the health of the locations will generally compare favorably with that of any other rural region in the Middle States; and some of the seaside lands have the finest bedding grounds for oysters that are not excelled in flavor or favor by any other that find their way to the city markets; and of Clams Fish, Crabs and Terrapin there is an abundance at all seasons, with Water Fowl in winter and choice Marsh Birds in summer in the greatest quantities. Game, also, such as Partridges or Quail, Rabbits, Squirrels, &c., are very numerous.
Labor is Cheap in Worcester and the other two counties named -- boys to men from $3 to $10 per month and housemaids from $2.50 to $5.00 per month -- while the movements going forward at the present time on this peninsula must enhance the value of its land in a few years, under any circumstances, 100 per cent. A sight of them will convince any good judge of land that they are not now estimated at hardly half their value, and no land buyer anywhere can do better. Why, therefore, should any such go West, when here land is relatively cheaper and the other comforts greater?
On some of these lands -- on the seashore -- there are Salt Meadows upon which stock of all kinds are pastured the whole year without being fed winter or summer; and that region will soon prove the greatest known to this latitude for Fruit and Truck.
By enclosing a stamp for reply any further information desired will be given if addressed to editor of the Shield, B. EVERETT SMITH, Snow Hill, Md., Or care of the CLARENDON HOTEL, cor. Pratt & Hanover Sts., Baltimore City.