Peninsula Enterprise, October 3, 1891


reprinted from Centreville Record.Professionals -- Realtors and developersTransportation -- Railroad - Personnel

The coffin in which the remains of the late Wm. L. Scott was buried in contained seventy-six pounds of solid silver in the way of screws, mountings, etc., (equal to $1,184,) forty yards of broad cloth and thiry yards of silk. In all probablility no soldier or statesman ever went to his grave surrounded with more regal trappings.


reprinted from Crisfield Leader, September 26.Moral -- Other violent crime

Moses Thompson, colored, on the 28th ult., was caught in a farmer's hen hous, near Wardtown, Va. He knocked the farmer down with a hoe, and made good his escape. He came to Crisfield. On Wednesday, last, a Viginia constable came here to look for him. He described his appearance to officer Britton, and in a few minutes he had him [in] custody. Moses was carried to Nothampton county jail the next day.


reprinted from Cape Charles [City] Headlight, September 29.Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball

Mr. H. D. Travis, of this city, broke his leg while playing baseball yesterday afternoon.


reprinted from Cape Charles [City] Headlight, September 29.Mental illness

Mr. Calvin Duer was in town yesterday, on a leave of absence from the lunatic asylum at Williamsburg, Va..


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Prices

G. S. Palmer, commission merchant, New York, reports by telegram under date of October 1st: Receipts of sweets light to-day, market firm, primes selling from $1.50 to $1.75.


Fields -- Livestock - HorsesFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Other

The death of several horses is reported in Northampton, recently, due, however, it is stated, to no special disease. The loss of some of them is attributed to too liberal feeding of the sweet potato.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

Major Mann Page, President of the Farmers' Alliance of Virginia, will deliver an address at Belle Haven, Wednesday, October 14th, 2 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to be present on the occasion.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

Dr. A. Brockenbrough, of Northampton, has been appointed by the Governor as delegate, to represent Virginia in the National Farmers' Convention.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

The regular quarterly meeting of the County Alliance will be held at Onley station, Friday afternoon, October 9th, on arrival of South bound train.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Music

Accomac C.H.

The hand organ man and monkey were in our town last Monday, but the harvest of promise was not a rich one. The staple crop did not pan out this year sufficiently to make this an inviting field for their business.


Moral -- Property crime


Quite a sensation was produced here on 25th ult., by the arrival of the owner of the sloop yacht "Mab" and a detective in search on the yacht stolen by one Nelson from Jersey City, on the 15th ult. The steamer Absecom, belonging to Capt. Bunting being chartered and our constable taken on board the yacht was soon sighted at our inlet and was ordered to heave to, but instead of doing so, said Nelson put the boat ashore and took to his heels. He was captured however and brought to Atlantic hotel, and consenting to go to New York without requisition started with detective via Stockton, where he jumped from train at full speed and escaped.

Store Broken Open -- Postoffice Robbed.

Moral -- Property crime

The store of Mr. Lloyd Brittingham, at New Church station, was broken open last Monday night, by a gang of daring thieves, who after taking such goods as they wanted and robbing the Postoffice of two registered letters, conveyed the iron safe of Mr. Brittingham, weighing some 600 pounds to a point remote from the store, in search of bigger plunder. In the latter respect, however, they were disappointed , as luckily for Mr. Brittingham he had deposited his money in Pocomoke Bank only a few hours before the raid was made on him. The registered letters contained some $28 or $30 and the goods taken were worth some $40 or $50, which together with the damage to the safe covers the losses caused by the thieves. The perpetrators of the crime entered the store by boring four holes around the lock and evidently were experts in the business, and while it is possible, that they are the same gang of thieves, which in a few months past have broken into stores of Messrs. E. H. Conquest, Oak Hall, and Mr. Wm. Walsh, Mappsville, it is more likely, that the thieves came from abroad, possibly as assistants of the gang which for some time have been operating here. No clue so far has been ascertained and it is not likely that "professionals" such as they seem to have been left any tracks behind them which could lead to their discovery.

The Ex-Confederates of Accomac and Northampton Counties.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - VeteransInfrastructure -- Public : Monuments

At a meeting of Confederate Veterans held at Cape Charles [City], July 31st, an organization was effected under the name of Harmanson-West Camp Confederate Veterans. It was decided to meet again at Parksley, October 21st, and incite all ex-Confederates to be present and aid us in completing our organization. Camps have been formed throughout the South, and have been the means of doing much good -- in giving aid to orphans of their deceased comrades, placing upon record the events of the past and the names of those who fell in defense of the Lost Cause, and in erecting monuments to perpetuate the patriotism of all who fought for the principles of self government. Fraternity and charity to all, should be our watchwords; and while we have no apology to make for the part we took, or forgiveness to ask, yet we do not propose to keep alive any ill feeling that may have resulted from the war. Above all, we do not intend that our children, and those to come after us, shall think of us as traitors -- but patriots, rallying at the call of our native State, and in defense of the principles we were thought and still think to be just and true. The object of our association should be more than social -- more than an annual reunion to cement the ties that should exist between fellow soldiers who fought under the same banner. A most worthy object and one that should be, not only a patriotic duty, but a pleasure, would be the erection of a monument at some suitable point, to our gallant dead, and to commemorate the deeds and perpetuate the principles that actuated all who gave the best years of their lives for the cause they loved so well. Time and energy, of course, would be required to consummate such an object, but I feel confident we would have the aid and sympathy of all the people generally of the Eastern Shore in so laudable an undertaking.

Frank Fletcher, President. Harmanson-West Camp, Confederate Veterans.

Annual Meeting of Colored Teachers.

Professionals -- TeachersAfrican-Americans -- Work - Business And professional

Mr. EDITOR -- Please allow me through your paper to say a few words to my fellow teachers. The time has again arrived for us to meet in our annual association. Hope it is the intention of each to be present. We hope as a body to be able to do a great deal of beneficial work for each other and thereby enable all to do better teaching. Our efforts are endorsed by our superintendent, and I believe when fully understood by him and others will be highly appreciated. The object of our union is to better prepare us as teachers and to elevate our race. Do not fail to meet at Pungoteague, on 3rd Saturday in October, at 10 a.m.

Your co-worker,

Geo. E. Blair, Fair Oaks, Sept. 21, 1891.

To Sweet Potato Growers.

Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Quality controlFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : PricesProfessionals -- Commission merchants

MR. EDITOR -- I find by reading your paper, that the farmers of the Eastern Shore through their Alliances are trying to adopt a more remunerative plan of disposing of their sweet potato crop.

It is an indisputable fact, that sweet potatoes grown on the Eastern Shore of Virginia excel any in quality that are raised in any other sections of the United States and the grower gets less for his trouble; while the net price the season through will not average them seventy-five cents per barrel, the south Jersey farmer thinks he is getting nothing for his when he gets twice that amount.

The difference in price is brought about by different ways of handling and disposing of them. The Jersey farmer carefully culls and selects his potatoes, puts them in baskets where they can be seen from to top bottom, carts them to his nearest depot where he can always find a market at paying prices -- while the Virginia farmer ships his off to be sold, as a rule, regardless of their quality of condition, and unless a very short crop and prices are high for that season, there is very little left after paying expenses.

I have been in and connected with the sweet potato business for more than twenty years and I would like to offer a few suggestions to your growers, which I think if carried out, would prove a benefit to both growers and dealers. The Eastern Shore sweet potato is known and used wherever there is a demand for such goods and there is no dealer to any extent but knows where they are raised and they are bound to have them and if they cannot get them consigned to them by the grower they will buy them, and in nine cases out of ten, parties that can handle them would rather buy them than have them consigned -- but it will be impossible to get dealers to establish themselves with your farmers as long as they continue to ship them, as they come in direct competition with those who receive them on commission and whose benefit it would be to keep the dealers out of your county.

Let it be known, by the farmers of the Eastern Shore, that they have sweet potatoes, that they are for sale at the depot, well selected and in packages that can readily be examined, leaving at home for the pigs such as are not marketable, and they will attract the buyers, have double the money at the end of the season and a plenty of nice hams to live on during the winter.

I have made the sweet potato business a study for years and I cannot see any other remedy for the present existing evil -- low and ruinous prices -- to the grower of sweet potatoes on the Eastern Shore.



Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

The harmony and good feeling existing between the Democratic party and Farmers' Alliance of Accomac, was happily illustrated by the proceedings of the Convention at Accomac C. H., last Monday. Mr. White, leader of the Alliance and the Democratic nominee was placed in nomination by Mr. Geo. F. Parramore, whose profession as an attorney-at-law, precludes him from affiliation with the Order, and the claims of Dr. J. E. Broadwater, who is not a member of the Alliance, was enthusiastically advocated by Mr. Thos. C. Kelly, prominent as a member of the Farmers' Alliance. The farmers of Accomac naturally trust the Democratic party, because for the most part, they are members of it and through it can only hope to secure legislation conducive to their interests. The Democratic party in Accomac trusts the Alliance, because it is hard to conceive, how its members representing the bulk of the property interests and population noted for their worth and intelligence, can demand legislation, detrimental to any class of our citizens. Their interests are indeed identical and the disruption of the Democratic party through the Farmers' Alliance, would mean the speedy disintegration of the latter. They should act in harmony and will, so long as the Alliance has an existence in Accomac -- and to that end no reasonable demand of the Alliance, should or will be refused by the Democratic party of the county. In this connection, it is gratifying to note, that the same spirit of concession and conciliation is prevailing throughout the State.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
October 3, 1891