Peninsula Enterprise, August 15, 1891
Architecture -- Other public buildings
An office is being built for our new county treasurer, next door to clerk's office.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
The Hargis lot sold at Accomac C. H. last Saturday , by Samuel T. Ross executor, was purchased by Wm. C. Hall, at the sum of $1,727.50.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs
The number of horses entered at Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair this year will be larger than during any previous year of its existence. The display of colts will be a superb one.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
Dick, the horse owned by J. W. Fitchett (Payne), did not beat 3 minutes in the trial of speed on last Monday. He lost the ten dollar wager that he put up upon the performance by fifteen seconds.
A meeting of the members of Pungoteague Grange will be held on 20th instead of 13th inst., as heretofore announced, and all persons entitled to tickets to Fair Grounds are requested to be present or to give the matter their attention through a representative.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ExcursionsAfrican-Americans -- Society
Excursion trains will be run by N. Y., P. & N. R. R. for the colored people from Cape Charles [City] to Ocean City, August 22nd, and Cape Charles to Hallwood, August 23rd.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction
Accomac C. H.
The barber shop in our town is being enlarged, and during the time, our barber Mr. E. T. Koenig, can be found at shop on Cross St.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
A party of officeholders and politicians from Philadelphia arrived here this week on the fine yacht R. B. Leeds, of Mr. J. J. English, and after spending several days at the Atlantic hotel, left for Cobb's Island and Old Point.
Rev. J. W. Turner baptized eight persons last Sunday, in channel on eastern side of the island, and received nine into church membership.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
John S. Phillips is building a dwelling on his farm adjoining Parksley.
Dr. Sledge's dwelling on Adelaide street is receiving the finishing touches.
D. H. Johnson is building a millinery and notion store on one of his Dunne avenue lots.
J. Morgan Dix has begun work on the Baptist parsonage, corner Browne avenue and Adelaide street, after plans by Architect Wilson, of Baltimore.
Capt. Charles Fitzgerald gave a delightful party on Metompkin beach to a number of young friends, this week.
Professionals -- Commission merchants
The following commission merchants were in Accomac, doing this week: W. G. Fentress, J. Wallace Bond, T. W. Seward, Baltimore; C. H. Bahrenburg, R. H. Gordon, G. Thos. Bunting, W. A. Burton, Representing Duryea's Sons and W. T. James, representing C. E. Winterton, New York.
Eastern Shore Historical Society.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsArchitecture -- Historic preservation
The address before the Eastern Shore Historical Society, will be delivered by Prof. F. P. Brent at the Fair Grounds of the Eastern Shore Agricultural Association, at their Fair which commences on the 25th of August.
Alliance Picnic -- Card of Thanks.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
At a regular meeting of the Golden Rule Alliance, held at their hall in Locustville, on Saturday, August 8, 1891, ordered that the thanks and congratulations be extended to the ladies of Locustville and vicinity for the supper and kind attention given us at our picnic on James' Shore, on the 30th day of July, and our appreciation for their kind help and assistance, without which it would have been a failure, when it proved a success. We also extend our thanks and congratulation to the brothers who were appointed as committee to officiate in the different departments to which they were assigned, which was done with neatness and ability. We also extend our thanks and appreciation to the public for their kind patronage, and will ever hold them in our remembrance, also to the brothers for furnishing our little people with fine sail boats. With many thanks for all that were present at our supper, we bid you a short farewell, hoping to meet you again.
Sec. Golden Rule Alliance.
Campt-Meeting at Turlington Grounds.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings
The camp-meeting in Pungoteague circuit, near Keller, opened on the 7th inst., with the following ministers in attendance: Rev. Dr. W. M. Leftwitch, Presiding Elder of Nashville, Tenn., District; Rev. Wm. H. Christian, Hampton; Rev. J. D. Hank, Presiding Elder, Salisbury; Rev. R. A. Compton, South Norfolk; Rev. J. W. S. Robbins, Southampton county; Rev. C. D. Crawley, Isle of Wight county; Revs. W. J. Twilley, J. T. Moore, J. M. Anderson, A. C. Berryman and J. R. Sturgis, Accomac. The introductory sermon was preached by Rev. W. J. Twilley, Friday evening, and the following order of exercises was observed during the meeting: Morning prayer, 7 a.m., lovefeast, 9 a.m., preaching 11 a.m., following by prayer meeting, preaching and prayer meeting, 3 p.m., preaching and prayer meeting, 8 p.m. -- in addition to which a special service was held for children on Wednesday, 2 1/2 p.m.
Excellent order prevailed during the entire meeting, and the exercises were attended with gratifying results, the number of converts during meeting being thirty or more. The success of the camp since its establishment, in fact, has been such as to justify its continuance from year to year, and the opposition that it met with from some of the members of the church at its beginning, in view of the good work being accomplished, is fast disappearing. In this connection, it will not be without interest to our readers to state, that since the first camp meeting was held on Turlington Grounds in 1872, conducted by Rev. Oscar Littleton, a tabernacle has taken the place of a pine bower, which was re-built this year at an expense of $550, the grounds then illuminated only by pine knots are supplied with twenty lamps, and the few tents then erected on the grounds have since increased to forty-one private tents and two excellent boarding tents -- and its influence for good has been such, that to it may be attributed to a great extent, the division of the circuit into four circuits, which now employ and support comfortably four ministers instead of one.
Moral -- Alcohol
In obedience to an order of the county court of Accomac county, made at the June term, 1891, notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the several voting precincts in Atlantic Magisterial District, in said county, on the 1st Saturday in September, 1891, on the question of "Granting or Not Granting Liquor License" in said district. Said election will be conducted by the officers charged with the duty of conducting other elections.
U.S. Marshall's Sale.
Transportation -- Water - Sailboats
By virtue of an order of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Virginia, in re A. J. Twyford vs. the schooner Jno. K Kirkman. In admiralty, I shall sell for cash auction on Tuesday, the 11th day of August, 1891, at 4 o'clock p.m., at Hoffman's wharf, the schooner Jno. K. Kirkman, her tackle, apparel and furniture.
R. R. Farr,
U.S. Marshall
Per J. J. Sullivan, Deputy Marshall.