Peninsula Enterprise, March 21, 1891
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
D. Frank White, organizer, continues to draw them in the fold. Another Farmers' Alliance was organized by him at Horntown, last week.
Fields -- Crops - Corn
B.W. Mears & Son, Keller, have just received two car loads of good corn, which they are selling close for cash.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
The farm Bowman's Folly, situated near Accomac C. H., was sold by Messrs, Quinby & Quinby, to John Cropper, of Washington, this week for $12,000, the sum fixed by Miss Kate Gibb, under her will if he desired it at that price. It is the old home of his grand-father, Gen. John Cropper.
Accomac C. H.
A large number of the children of our town and vicinity, are sick with la grippe, bus so far no case has been attended with serious results.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceInfrastructure -- Utilities - IceTransportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Litigation
Commander Harrington of this Lighthouse district made his quarterly visit this week, and reports Assateague and Killick Lights in good order -- and that a handsome cottage is to be erected for keeper of Assateague Light soon.
Capt. John W. Bunting received this week from New York, a cargo of ice, as fine as was ever seen, at $2.50 per ton.
The steamer Widgen, plying between Chincoteague and Franklin City, passes over much of the best oyster planting ground of our citizens, and being of too heavy draught for our waters, has smothered and killed thousands of bushels of oysters, by scraping the beds over which she passes. Our people are naturally indignant and in addition to making complaints to the officials of D. M. &V. R. R., have consulted attorneys as to the remedy for the evil.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : MarketsTransportation -- Water - WrecksInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service
Our oystermen are busily employed in catching oysters for Northern and Southern markets.
The three-masted schooner Mary C. Carroll, loaded with fertilizers and bound from Perth Amboy, N. J., for Richmond Va., was wrecked on Dawson shoals on last Saturday night. She went to pieces in a few minutes after she struck the shoals, barely giving the crew time to escape to their yawl boat and before they could signal for help. A patrolman had warned the schooner to keep off, however, and reporting her mysterious disappearance, Capt. Lynn Taylor and crew went to her rescue and succeeded in towing yawl boat to station, where its crew consisting of six was kindly cared for.
Meeting of County Alliance.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
There will be a regular meeting of the Farmers' County Alliance 75, held at Parksley station, on Friday, the 3rd day of April, 1891. Secretaries of sub-Alliances will have their credentials, dues and fees ready by the first day of April, and send to me at my postoffice at Onley. I will send blank reports out as soon as received from State secretary, and be careful in making them out; look over your Constitutions and you will see what you have to do, also read your reports and you will make no mistakes, if you do, I shall have to return them, and it delays time in my report to State secretary. All persons seeking information outside the Alliance from the county secretary will bear in mind if they wish an answer they will have to send me a stamped envelope or it will go the the waste basket.
March 10th, 1891.
School Report for February.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration
Number of schools in operation, 119; number of graded schools in operation, 25; number of pupils enrolled 4,888; number of pupils in average attendance, 3,750; number of schools visited by superintendent, 8.
Best average daily attendance was by the Horntown graded school, Miss Annie Hargis, Principal.
As this is the last school month of this session for some of the districts, all the teachers of the county will please send in next reports for 5 weeks which will give uniformity the entire session.
Jno. E. Mapp,
Co. Supt. Schools.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : LegislationSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Planting
I was highly pleased with the article of Mr. N. W. Nock in a recent issue of Enterprise, relative to the protection of our seaside oyster industry. Knowing the needs of proper protection, from my own personal knowledge and contact as a laborer, I certainly endorse every word he says, and more too, and I am sure it meets the endorsement of all who pretend to know anything about the needs and demands of the seaside oyster industry. Cut off, and being isolated from the balance of the great oyster producing area of the State of Virginia, it requires a different police service.
There should be a suitable police force for our "Sea Side Narrows" under a commissioner, who should be empowered to make arrests for violation of the law, and who should further be commissioned to set apart lands for planting purposes, and whose duty it would be to keep a record of all lands granted, its location and eligibility, and parties should from year to year, make a sworn statement of how many planted; said commissioner to examine them and assess them at a fair valuation, and report such assessments to the treasurer of the counties for collection, same as taxes on any other personal property. The commissioner should receive a suitable compensation for such a service, in addition to a fee for surveying and setting apart lands. This would not only enhance the value of the industry, give protection to the citizens of this State who are justly entitled to its benefits, but would enable the State to collect its proper portion to the revenue from the industry, necessary for its demands, besides making the force self-sustaining, to say nothing about the enhancement of real estate contiguous to the creeks, bays, &c., from Chincoteague to the capes of Va. As it now is, the industry, its protection, and mode of collecting the revenue is certainly very primitive and does not speak well for our boasted intelligence and our notion of the progress of the times.
Only a glance at the records, shows that the revenue derived from the vast industry, on our Sea Side is too paltry to be considered. Our rocks are yearly being depleted, and a large percentage of their products carried to "My Maryland" to enrich the citizens of that State, at the expense of people, and revenue of Virginia, all for lack of suitable police force to look after the matter.
This is a shame and should not longer be endured. I know our representatives are intelligent, patriotic and home-loving enough to see that suitable laws be enacted for the preservation of the industry, now that it has been called to their attention.
Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slips
FOR SALE -- From 150 to 200 bushels of big stem Jersey potato seed. C. B. Savage, Onley, Va.
Fields -- Crops - Corn
CORN FOR SALE -- At Eyreville farm on Cherrystone creek, in lots to suit purchaser, from 5 barrels up -- vessel can come within two hundred yards of corn cribs. If purchaser desires it by railroad, send bags to Cheriton station. For further particulars, address W. B. Wilson, Bayview, Va.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PoachingSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Dredging
Notice -- All persons are hereby notified not to catch oysters or dig maninoses and carry off my shore on Andua creek under the penalty of the law -- especially no scraping for crabs allowed. Jno. W. Corbin.
Fields -- Fertilizer
FOR SALE -- Car load of fine salt, at $1.50 per sack, delivered at Parksley station. D.H. Johnson.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Public : FencesFarmers -- Farm size and structure
I offer for sale at private contract my dwelling and land situated near Sanford P.O. The tract contains about 20 acres -- 6 acres of good arable land with a fine lot of fruit trees and a small strawberry patch thereon, and the balance is covered by a pine thicket, that affords abundance of shatters. The dwelling contains five comfortable rooms and is nearly new -- and there is good well of water on the premises. The cleared land is enclosed by a good wire and railing fence. The premises offered is very desirable to those wishing to engage in oyster business and will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to undersigned.
Sanford, Va.
Valuable Vessel For Sale.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Pursuant to an order of the county court of Accomac county, made March 4th, 1891, in a certain cause therein pending, in which the Commonwealth of Virginia is plaintiff, and the pungy "J.W. Brooks" is defendant, I will sell at public auction, at Hoffman's wharf, in Accomac county on Saturday, March 28th, 1891, at 2 o'clock, p.m., the said pungy "J.W. Brooks," together with her tackle, apparel, anchors, cables, and also her dredges, scrapes, etc.
Terms cash. Sale will be made promptly at the hour named.
John H. Wise, Sheriff.