Democratic-Messenger, February 23, 1889
Infrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsTransportation -- Railroad - WharvesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seaside
Chincoteague can now boast of having a first-class hotel. The "Island Hotel," recently opened by Mr. George E. Hammond is now being run by him on strictly business principles, has 10 to 12 permanent guests and receives a share of the patronage of transient guests. As yet no complaints have been made as to the accommodations or bill of fare, but on the other hand, both have been spoken of in the highest terms. Mr. H. makes a good proprietor and is not only liked by his guests, but by all who know him.
A new shed and store-house has been erected on the steamboat wharf at this place by the Railroad Company, and all felt very grateful to them for doing something that has been so long needed.
But few oysters are being shipped from here this season, owing to the overflow of extra stock going into market from Chesapeake, which are selling at a very low price. "Chincoteague's" having such a delicious flavor, when once used by a party he is pretty apt to continue the same, therefore, many who are now using the "fresh" oysters from other points would do well to secure from this place the highly prized "salt" oysters, which are liked by all consumers.