Peninsula Enterprise, August 31, 1889
Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Water - Steamboats
The steamer Helen made her trial trip to Rue's wharf, near Belle Haven, on last Wednesday with gratifying success -- from which she will continue to run on Monday's and Thursday's, leaving Rue's wharf at 8 o'clock a.m. during potato season.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels
The Onancock correspondent of the Balto. Sun, says: " A joint stock company of which Hon. Wm. L. Scott, of Erie, Pa., is chief, is said to be making preparations to build a large and elegant hotel at Cape Charles City, the southern land terminus of the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad. The hotel will be located in a spacious and beautiful grove fronting the bay, where the bathing is fine and the surroundings very attractive. The company is said to have $250,000 to be devoted to building and equipping the hotel."
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
The pacer recently sold by Mr. Ed Nottingham, Eastville, for $3000 has been resold, it is reported, for $9000.
Transportation -- Railroad - Personal injury
A brake man named Nelson fell from a moving freight train at Parksley station last Monday, breaking both collar-bones and sustaining other serious injuries.
Fields -- Livestock - Horses
Sir Walter, a valuable horse for which his owner, Mr. Chas. H. Ames, of Baltimore, had declined an offer of $500, died at Fair grounds during last week.
Moral -- Alcohol
A prohibition meeting will be held at Onancock, Saturday, September 7th, to which all friends of the cause are cordially invited.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
In a pacing race on McConnell's track, Pungoteague, mile heats, 3 in 5, last Wednesday between Orphan Boy, owned by W. F. B. Mapp and White Wing owned by Jas. W. Bell, the former was an easy winner. Time -- 2.43, 2.38, 2.36.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
The Eastern Shore Steamboat Company will issue round-trip tickets, for one fare rate to the Baltimore Exposition. Sale of tickets commences September 5th, good to return until September 18th. The steamers Tangier and Helen will lay over a few hours Friday night September 13th, giving their passengers an opportunity to witness the bombardment of Fort McHenry.
Fields -- Livestock - HorsesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
The pony pennings came off according to announcement and were well attended, but very few ponies were sold.
Steamer Biddell having on board "club" from Washington made a trip to our waters during this week.
In the boat races here on 22nd inst., prize was won by batteau of Mr. Timothy Hill, and 2nd prize was carried off by the Bet Wise of Metompkin as no other was entered in the contest with her for it.
Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : PricesTransportation -- Railroad - FreightInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Large shipments of sweet potatoes have been made from this point for some weeks past, and our farmers have been much cheered by the uniformly good prices which they have received.
The new house on Railroad avenue, which Mr. James A. Hall is having erected for Mr. Laban Churn, is approaching completion, and will soon be ready for occupancy.
Several of the residents of this place expect to attend the Maryland Exposition, which is to be held in Baltimore during the second week in September.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
A bush meeting is in progress at Leatherbury's Chapel.
The Baptist church at this place was struck by lightning on last Friday night. The side of the church was splintered but there was no damage of any consequence.
Forests -- SawmillsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Grist millsInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Read's Wharf.
Thomas Johnson, Esq., of Wilmington, Del., is spending the week at his farm, "Highland Light," at this place, for the purpose of superintending the establishment of steam saw mill here for grinding corn, cutting feed, sawing wood, &c.
The corner-stone of Melson M. E. Church, Read's wharf, will be laid Friday, Sept. 6th, with impressive ceremonies and in connection therewith, an all day fair and festival will be held for benefit of said church. Dinner, supper and refreshments will be served at moderate rates. Fire works and a musical entertainment at night will be attractive features of the occasion. The public is cordially invited.
Tragedy at Guilford.
Moral -- Other violent crime
Joseph Taylor shot with a pistol on last Wednesday at Guilford, Capt. Robert Ewell, inflicting a wound which, it is thought will prove fatal. The difficulty originated, it is said, in the attentions of Taylor to a niece of Ewell, which were objected to by Ewell. Taylor persisting in his suit, despite the warnings of Ewell, hot words passed between them at their meeting Wednesday, when Ewell struck Taylor and was shot by him, (Taylor) the ball entering the abdomen near the navel. The details of the tragedy are conflicting. According to one account received, Ewell struck him not once but several times and continued to pursue him until he was shot. Another account is to the effect that Taylor and Ewell had been separated several minutes and that Taylor returned to the scene of the tragedy after he had left it and deliberately shot Ewell, when Ewell not being apprehensive of danger was unprepared to defend himself. According to latest advices, Ewell cannot live.
Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs
The Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair, postponed Tuesday on account of inclement weather was opened the following day despite a heavy north-easter prevailing and was fairly attended. On Thursday the day was beautiful, and a grand outpouring of the people, such as never before seen with[in] the grounds testified by their presence their appreciation of the efforts of the Fair authorities to entertain them this year, and everyone, we believe, were pleased with the improvements on grounds, exhibits &c. With the grounds no one surely could fail to be delighted with the change made in them and the exhibits this year certainly are unexceptionable, especially in the ladies department, of farm products, poultry, and horses. The Fair this year in every respect is creditable to our people and in many respects better than many State Fairs. In this brief notice we cannot withhold our praise of the exhibit of sweet potatoes, and but voice the sentiment of the vast assemblage of people present on Thursday, when we say that they were the prettiest ever seen. A full report will be given next week. The fair closes today at sunset.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings
EDITOR ENTERPRISE. -- Our camp closed August 19th in the old fashioned way by marching around and was a success in every respect. Brothers Baker, Conner, Sheppard, Ayres, Wood, Dulaney, Williams, McLair and Mowbray were with us and did good service to the delight of the immense crowds which gathered from day to day beneath the tabernacle to hear them and all joined in saying that such preaching was never heard on this Peninsula before. It was estimated that 12,000 people were present during the camp and with all that crowd the writer can say that there was not the least unpleasantness and that he never saw a drop of liquor or a single person under the influence of it. Camp meetings are a thing of the past in this section, but the people both appreciated and enjoyed the efforts put forth to revive the old time custom of tenting in the grove. Our boarding tent was managed by Mr. L. F. Marshall, proprietor of the Marshall House of this place who knows only too well how to supply the wants of the inner man. One of our prominent ministers, on that occasion said, that he had been attending camps for forty years but our camp afforded better accommodations than he had ever met with before. New Church will not be left behind for kindness and hospitality -- she rivals the world. We can count not less than 14 accessions to our church. Thanks be unto God, who giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
New Church, Aug. 27, '89.
Moral -- Alcohol
MR. EDITOR -- We have scanned the columns of the three last issues of your paper for one word about the grand mass meeting recently held at Turlington's camp ground, under auspices of the Good Templars.
We have been informed of the boat races, trotting matches and the Fair, but never a word for a cause which has for its only end the elevation of humanity. We were disappointed in not having the pleasure of hearing Col. Carter as was anticipated, but I do not believe the world contains a man better suited to the occasion than the Rev. William E. Hall who kindly consented to remain with us during the three days, though he had engagements elsewhere. Mr. Hall's talent in imagery, in ridicule, in sarcasm, in pathos, in holding the breathless attention of an audience we have never seen equalled. In six separate speeches he held the vast congregations spellbound. We wish every Eastern Shoreman could have heard him on MAN, possibly they might have gained such a high conception of their dignity as never again to stoop to anything degrading. Assistance was given by Revs. George Burke, Dulaney and Turner. The music was rendered on a handsome organ, aided by cornet. The finest order prevailed. 'John Barleycorn' only gave one whoop. The meeting brought the long desired fair weather. Mr. Hall's speeches so pleased the fancies of his hearers as to loosen their purse strings to the extent of enabling us to raise $86.24 to defray expenses. Mr. Hall was so pleased with the people of Accomac that he has promised to return again in October, when every one should avail themselves of the opportunity of a life time, to hear the grandest orator who has ever visited our State. The effort was a great success, and all true Good Templars returned to their homes with a stronger resolution to push forward the temperance work.
Aug. 24, '89.
Proposals Wanted.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Welfare
The Board of Supervisors will receive sealed proposals for painting the Almshouse and porches, according to the following specifications: The two colors to Be used are the two designated on the color card of Harrison Bros., as No. 107 and No. 172 -- No. 107 for the body and No. 172 for the trimmings -- bright red for the sash, all two coats -- the ceilings of the porches one coat of blue -- all to be mixed from the best boiled linseed oil, and Lew's' white lead, and colors with best colors as designated, ground in oil -- the woodwork inside of house is to have two coats of the best light hard oil. The four front rooms, hall and passage on first floor and head of stairway are to be kalsomined such colors as the superintendent desires. The roof not to be painted. All bids must be sent in on or before the 4th day of September, to the Clerk's office. The work will be given to the lowest bidder, who will be required to give bond of twice the amount of bid, with approved security for the faithful performance of the work and within such time as the Board may specify, and the Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The contractor will be required to furnish all the material.
Done by order of
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
As attorney for Jno. W. A. Elliott, I will sell on Saturday, August 31st, 1889, at 3 p. m., on the premises four valuable and desirable lots situated in Locustmount, as follows:
Lot No. 1 Contains about one-fourth of an acre (1-4 A.) and has on it a large store-house, grocery, and grain house.
Lot No. 2 Contains about one-half of an acre (1-2 A.) and has on it a large and commodious dwelling in good repair, with excellent cellar, potato holes &c., and has a good garden appurtenant thereto.
Lot No. 3 Contains about one-half of an acre (1-2 A.) and adjoins the store house lot and the county road, and is an excellent site for a residence.
Lot No. 4 Contains about twenty acres (20 A.) [about one-half of which is [illegible] and the other half woodland] and is well adapted to trucks, grass, berries &c. This lot lies back of lots Nos. 1 and 3.
For terms and further particulars see posters or the undersigned.
Accomack C. H., Va., Aug. 12 '89.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farm size and structureInfrastructure -- Commercial - Grist mills
As trustee, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, September 14th, 1889, at 11 o'clock, a. m., at Horntown, forty acres (40 A.), more or less, of arable and woodland, and also the water grist mill, belonging to Martin R. Ellis and wife, situated on Swanseagut creek, about 4 miles from Horntown, adjoining the lands of Major W. Pilchard, Edward Lang and others. This property consists of valuable high land, especially adapted to trucking, with abundant resources for manure, and an excellent mill. For further information, see the trustee or posters.
L. FLOYD NOCK, Trustee.
The Belle Haven School
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
will open Sept. 9th, 1889.
This school is under the joint management of the Superintendent of the Public Schools of this District and a Board of Directors, composed of gentlemen in and about Belle Haven.
Besides the curriculum of the public schools, Latin, French, German, Greek, Algebra, and higher Mathematics and Natural Science will be taught, if enough pupils to justify it desire them. But the attention of the public is called to the scientific course in English, which is to be a feature of the school.
TERMS -- In order to meet the extra expenses that a session of forty weeks demands, the light charges found below must be made: -- For the school year of forty weeks for the public school course $10 for one pupil, $5 for each additional pupil, and for one subject not in the above course there will be a charge made of $5, each additional subject $2.50. These charges must be paid quarterly in advance. For further information apply to Capt. W. J. Rue, Sec. of School Board, or to either of the teachers.
J. T. LITTLETON, A.M., Principal.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateTransportation -- Water - WharvesFarmers -- Farm size and structure
The undersigned, special commissioners, in pursuance of late decree of circuit court of Northampton, will sell to highest bidder, the following real estate at Willis' Wharf, Northampton Co., SATURDAY, SEPT. 28th,
1st -- That valuable farm containing by recent survey 162 900-1000 acres, exclusive of marsh-land, situated on seaside, in upper part of said county, about 1 1/4 miles from Exmore station, and bounded by the lands of William J. Rue, the heirs of John E. Robins, Mrs. Joice E. Willis et als., and was formerly owned by the late Edward L. Willis. The lands are high and productive, well adapted to the growth of all kinds of trucks, and has on it a good dwelling and the necessary outbuildings. It has a large water front, where fish, oysters and wild fowl abound.
A. -- Lot. No. 1, containing 1 425-1000 acres, bounded on the north by Willis' wharf road, east by Lot No.2, and south and west by the above described farm. This lot has on it quite a handsome dwelling-house, nearly new, and necessary out-houses.
B. -- Lot No. 2, known as the store-house lot, with the wharf attached, containing 633-1000 acres, and bounded by the wharf road, the main farm and Lot No. 1.
C. -- Lot No. 3, containing 2 205-1000 acres, with a comfortable dwelling and necessary outbuildings on it, and bounded on the north by the lands of William J. Rew, east by the water, south by the wharf road, and west by Lot No. 4.
D. -- Lot No. 4, containing 1 201-1000 acres, bounded on the north and west by the lands of William J. Rue, east by Lot No. 3, and south by the wharf road. This lot also has a good dwelling and out buildings on it.
More valuable property than the above described is rarely put on the market, it is convenient to churches, schools, railroad station and steamboat wharf, it is located on and near the water, is opposite Hog Island, a resort for sporting men, and is convenient for fishing, gunning, and sporting generally.
At Grangeville, Accomac Co., SATURDAY, OCT. 5th.
2nd -- That valuable farm commonly known as "Mount Willis," containing by recent survey 106 468-1000 acres, situated near Grangeville, Accomack County, about 2 miles from Keller station, and bounded by the main seaside county road, the lands of Edward T. Edmonds, Wesley S. Phillips, et als., and was formerly owned by the late Edward L. Willis. The farm has plenty of resources, is well adapted to the growth of all kinds of trucks, and has on it a good dwelling and all necessary out-buildings. It is convenient to churches and schools.
TERMS OF SALE -- Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, and the balance of the purchase money to be divided in three equal installments, payable respectively in six, twelve and eighteen months from the day of sale, with interest from the date thereof, the purchaser to execute bonds with good personal security for the said instalments, payable to the said special commissioners, the purchaser or purchasers will be allowed to anticipate the whole or any part of the purchase money, and upon paying one-half of the purchase money in cash, may dispense with the giving of personal security, but in either event the title to the property will be retained until the whole of the purchase money has been paid. The rents and profits of the said property for the present year are reserved to the parties now entitled to received the same, and possession will be given on the 1st day of January, 1890, if the terms of sale have been complied with. The buildings and premises will be at the risk of the purchaser as soon as bid off.
Zoro Willis, Otho F. Mears, Special Commissioners.