Peninsula Enterprise, August 3, 1889


fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Yield

Large shipments of sweet potatoes are being made daily from Accomac. The crop is two weeks earlier this year than it was last year and the average yield is about a barrel to 225 sprouts, the best reported being that of Mr. J. S. Waterfield, Savageville, viz: 26 barrels from 3095 sprouts, about 154 per barrel.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Upon the recommendation of Hon. John W. G. Blackstone the special committee of Legislature appointed to look after our oyster interests, will report in favor of public sail boats being kept on service during the whole summer to attend to oyster interests of the Eastern Shore.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BoxingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resorts

Jake Kilrain, the pugilist, according to report, is recuperating at Cobb's Island.


Moral -- Alcohol

Tickets will be sold over N. Y. P. & N. R.R. at two and a-half cents per mile good until 10th. from Pocomoke to Cape Charles inclusive to Keller during Temperance Mass Meeting to be held on Turlington's camp-ground commencing August, 7th inst.


A race has been made between the skiffs, Geo. T. Garrison and Mary Fletcher, owned by Mr. Thos. H. Melson and Capt. Wm. R. Bunting, respectively, for a purse of $100. The north end of Hog Island, near Bell's Creek has been selected as the place and Thursday, August 15th the time for the race.


Temperance mass-meetings will be held at Turlington's camp-ground, near Keller station, on 7th, 8th and 9th of August. Col. G. W. Carter, one of the finest orators of the country, will attend and make several speeches.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders

A Lodge of the Order of Mystic Circle was instituted at Accomac C H., last Thursday by Deputy J. E. Wyatt, of W. Virginia and we have shown our faith in it by our works, in having our name enrolled as one of its members. It furnishes insurance on life at moderate rates and possesses one feature that especially commends it, viz: that in the event of total disability of any member one-half of policy is paid during life.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Belle Haven.

Taylor's ice cream parlor is the favorite resort for our young folks, and his milk shakes are 'jes grand.'

Several horses and colts from 2 years old up, are being trained on the two half-mile tracks in suburbs of our town for Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsWeather -- Rain stormsInfrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsWatermen -- Personal injury


Capt. Spencer D. Fletcher and party from Jenkins Bridge have been enjoying the cool sea breezes at Assateague station this week.

Red Hill opposite us on the mainland "will open up" as a summer resort on Wednesday, August 7th, and many of our citizens will be there on that day.

The rainfall here on Thursday and Friday of last week was the heaviest for many years. Our fields were flooded and the public highways were impassable for several hours.

Capt. Jas. E. Matthews has just returned from the city with a handsome turnout for the accommodation of his guests.

John D. Lewis, of this place, while attempting to reach in a small boat his sloop anchored at Ocean City, last Tuesday, fell overboard and was drowned. -- Efforts were made to save him, but he never was seen after he fell, and it is supposed he came up under the boat. His body has since been recovered and was brought to Chincoteague for interment, on Wednesday. He was a worthy citizen and highly respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and two small children.


Weather -- Rain stormsTransportation -- Railroad - OtherFields -- Livestock - Diseases and pestsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionProfessionals -- Builders


The rain storm that prevailed in this section during Friday, 26th inst., caused considerable damage to the bed of the Del. Md. & Va. R.R. in the way of washouts, at several points along the road, the principal ones being on the line from Snow Hill to Franklin City. It was the heaviest rainfall in the recollection of the oldest inhabitant. Our streets were flooded all over the village, averaging 5 to 8 inches deep. Many bridges in this part of the county were washed away, and much damage was done to truck and corn crops, which had already been seriously injured by the wet weather.

The "Texas fly" has made its appearance in this neighborhood, much to the annoyance of cattle, but no serious damage, as yet, has been reported.

The new dwelling being erected on Stockton avenue by John F. Powell for Levin J. Smith of our village, is nearing completion, and will be a handsome and commodious building.

Thousands of Barrels of Sweet Potatoes.

reprinted from Baltimore Sun, July 31.Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : PricesTransportation -- Water - Freight

[Illegible]. The steamer Eastern Shore brought over 1,800 barrels from the Eastern Shore counties of Virginia. This is the largest cargo ever received in Baltimore this early in the season. The potato crop is said not to have been much affected by the continued rainy weather during the spring, and a large crop is expected, which will probably bring good prices. The bulk of yesterday's receipts was shipped to the Western markets. The prices ranged from $4 to $4.25 per barrels.

Market Report.

Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Pricesfields -- Crops - White potatoes : Prices

Made by G. S. Palmer, commission merchant, 166 Reade St., New York.

Sweet potatoes continue to arrive in small quantities and market holds them on anything that is choice. Eastern Shore yellow, selling today from $3 to $3.50 per barrel, red $3 to $4.50, round potatoes in good demand and bringing now from $1.50 to $1.75 per barrel when choice. Melons $1.50 to $1.75, egg plant, $4.50 to $5.50 per barrel, tomatoes 50 cents per crate. Peaches are now in heavy supply, as they are coming from all sections and prices therefore ruling lower, from 50 cents to $1.50 per crate July 31st.

Fraternal Mystic Circle.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders

A Lodge of the Order of Fraternal Mystic Circle was organized at Accomac C. H., last Thursday by special Deputy, J. E. Wyatt of West Virginia and the following officers were elected: J. D. Grant, W. R., G. F. Parramore, V. R., B. T. Melson, P.W.R., B. S. Ashby, W.C.W., L. F. Nock, W. Rec., T. W. Russell, W. Col., B. T. Beloat, W. Treas., E. L. Hickman, W. M., W. J. Ayres, W. W., H. P. Nock, W. G., J. W. Powell, W. S. Trustees -- M. Oldham, E. T. Coleburn, A. J. Lilliston.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
August 3, 1889