Peninsula Enterprise, May 18, 1889
Transportation -- Railroad - FreightInfrastructure -- Utilities - Ice
Capt. O. A. Browne, Cape Charles, offers for sale ice delivered on cars at 50 cents per hundred pounds.
Forests -- Forest products - Barrels
B. W. Mears & Son, Keller, have on hand a large stock of berry crates and baskets, the Norfolk half barrel truck package, which they are selling at low figures.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service
Mr. Geo. E. Winder, Pungoteague, has been appointed mail agent on the steamboat route between Norfolk and Cape Charles, and entered upon his duties Thursday of last week.
Transportation -- Railroad - FreightInfrastructure -- Utilities - Ice
Cape Charles Ice Company is doing a heavy business in supplying consumers up the railroad with ice. A good article and advertisement in ENTERPRISE as in this case, usually is all that is necessary to produce desired results.
Transportation -- Water - WharvesTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeedSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsInfrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - GuidesSea -- Finfish - Catch : DrumTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - FishingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Millineries
Wharf building now given employment to many of our citizens. New ones are being built by Capt. R. E. Swift and C. E. Babbitt & Son, and wharf of Capt. Jno. W. Bunting at fish factory is being enlarged and repaired.
Steam Yacht Manitee belonging to Hamilton Disston, having on board the owner, Senator Quay, and other prominent citizens of Philadelphia arrived here on Tuesday, 14th inst., to remain three days.
In the last thirty days fifty thousand bushels of oyster plants have been shipped from our wharves -- 20,000 from this place and 30,000 from Parker's bay, to Northern markets, which were sold from 40 to 65 cents per bushel.
Millionaires, bankers, politicians, editors, detectives, hotel proprietors and others have been stopping at the Atlantic [Hotel] this week and all agree that the accommodations furnished are unsurpassed. Indeed no effort has been spared under the present management to make it first-class in all respects and of late it has been refurnished, many double rooms added and dining room refitted and rearranged. It now has 52 large, airy and well ventilated rooms. For this season especial efforts will be made to make it an attractive resort, and in addition to preparations already made with that view, guests will find polite and competent servants, guides to conduct them if fond of fishing and gunning, and livery stables with complete outfits. The rates have been reduced and are now as low as can be found anywhere. The Editor knows of no better conducted hotel anywhere and the rates are entirely too low for the accommodations furnished.
The catch of drum in our waters daily is large and is a source of both pleasure and profit to many of our citizens.
The establishments of our milliners and dressmakers are again running on full time and visitors to Chincoteague will be amply repaid soon to see our pretty girls turn out Sunday, if no other business brought them here.
Forests -- Forest products - Lumber
Hoffman's Wharf.
S. K. Martin & Co., have built a large shed to keep their dressed flooring, weather boards, &c., dry, and have a full stock of all kinds of lumber and building material on hand which they have bought at lowest possible prices, and will sell as cheap as any one, quality and grade considered. They also have just received a large lot of berry crates and baskets, and are headquarters for best building line.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Commercial - NewspapersFields -- Crops - Strawberries
Mr. W. T. Wise is soon to begin a handsome residence on his lot opposite Baptist church.
D. J. Titlow, Esq., has purchased "Point Meade" the beautiful residence and truck farm of J. H. Riley, Esq., situated directly across the creek from Onancock.
There is to be a newspaper published in our town, the first issue of which will appear Saturday today, probably, edited by J. T. Bull, Esq., of Pungoteague. It is reported that the name of the paper is to be "The Onancock News."
The strawberry crop in this section is not turning out well. The dry weather for the past two weeks greatly retarded the growth of this crop, but the rain last Tuesday night did much good.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - BrickyardsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionProfessionals -- BuildersInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential development
The Parksley Brick & Tile Co., will have bricks ready June 1st.
Mr. Callen is enlarging his house.
Dr. Ewell is building a drug store.
L. F. Hinman & Co., are opening a full stock of goods in their new store.
Messrs. Pate & Mason have begun work on their storehouse at Parksley.
J. R. Lewis & Bros., are building two houses for Dr. E. H. Wells on "Pennsy."
F. R. White, C.E., of Manheim, Pa., is here laying out lots for the P. L. & I. Co.
Mr. Milbourn, the section boss, has moved his family into Mr. Hope's new house.
Mr. Dix's house is enclosed, and Messrs. Wessels & Co., have contracts for dwellings for Mrs. Mary A. Adams, Mrs. Eveline T. Barnes, and J. Frank Barnes.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - FishingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsProfessionals -- MarinersTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - LodgesSea -- Finfish - Catch : TroutInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seed
Hamilton Disston, Esq., U.S. Senator Quay, P.M. Gen. Wanamaker and several other Philadelphia gentlemen high in political and social favor are expected here in the near future on Disston's magnificent steam yacht which pays us a visit of a few days every spring.
Hon. John W. Woltz of the Free Lance, spent a delightful week at our town, recently, yachting and fishing and left highly pleased with his recuperative trip to this place.
Capt. John W. Mears, the master and owner of the fine yacht "Report" is engaged much of his time in taking passengers and sportsmen to and from the town and the island opposite.
Very many members of the Accomack and Revell's Island Clubs, (some of them are represented to be millionaires) with their friends and acquaintances from the St. Lawrence to the James, and from the Atlantic to the Mississippi and Great Lakes, have been sojourning hereabouts for the past two weeks.
Hon. T. H. B. Browne and Col. W. Ulysses Schoolfield of Accomac C. H., made us a visit last week, and took a trip with a party of Washington, D.C. clubmen to their house at Revell's Island on the south point of which the owners purpose erecting a $5,000 building as soon as possible.
Trout and hog fish are very plentiful in our waters at this time, the catch per man, being from 1/2 to 3 bushels on a tide.
B. Custis Hargis, a clever and accommodating youngster of our town, is again in the service of the Accomack Club -- the right man in the right place.
Messrs. J. E. Tygert & Co.'s fish factory at Wachapreague Inlet, superintended by Capt. E. J. Foote of our town, is, together with three steamers engaged thereat during the fishing season, now undergoing most thorough repairs, preparatory to commencing operations about a month hence.
J. D. Shotwell, Esq., a resident of Rahway, N.J., and a director [illegible] of the largest saving bank in New York City also Sec. of the N.Y. Bench Kennel Club, was a most welcome guest of our townsman, Capt. Elliott Johnston, last week. He seemed especially fond of boating and fishing, and being an expert in handling the "filthy lucre" was also very skillful in catching the "finny tribe." With humor, courtesy, sociability, being some of the characteristics of the gentleman, many were the regrets of the numerous friends he made while here, at his departure for home on Tuesday last.
Thos. B. Smith of this place will very soon commence the erection of a handsome dwelling on his beautiful lot in that portion of our town known as 'Brooklyn,' which he will probably occupy as soon as completed.
Messrs. McGee and Jackson of Sherman, Texas, agents for government mail contractors, spent some days with us this week. the object of their visit was to sublet certain routes to lowest responsible bidders in this section.
Large quantities of oyster plants and seconds have been taken from our waters by Jersey boats this spring and considerable of the 'wherewithal' has been left behind in exchange for the luscious bivalves.
Moral -- Murder
Convicted of Murder in Second Degree -- Sentenced to eighteen Years in Penitentiary.
The trial of Jefferson Adair for the murder of Peter B. Smith in March last begun on Wednesday in Northampton county court, resulted in the conviction of the accused on the following day of murder in second degree, his term of imprisonment in penitentiary being ascertained by jury at eighteen years. A motion for a new trial, heard immediately after the conviction, by Judge Peek presiding in place of Judge Neale was overruled and sentence was pronounced on prisoner in accordance with verdict of the jury. In the hearing of the case the evidence did not differ materially from that heretofore reported through our columns and briefly can be summed up as follows: That in a dispute over the stakes in a game of cards between Smith and Adair in March last, the latter drew his pistol, threatened to shoot Smith, laid his pistol down on the table and after a few seconds had passed and when everyone present thought the trouble was ended, took it up again and fired, the ball from the pistol passing through the brain of Smith producing instant death. The murder from the beginning was regarded as unprovoked and the effort of the counsel to extenuate the crime by the plea of drunkenness was a signal failure. The witnesses all agreed that his intoxication at the time the crime was committed was not such that to deprive him of his reason. And their opinion was strengthened by the fact brought out at the trial, that Adair immediately at the commission of the offence endeavored to induce the witnesses to say that the shooting of Smith was accidental. The jury returned the verdict in about an hour after case was submitted to them, and stood at first, one for murder in first degree, eight for eighteen years in the penitentiary and three for a shorter term. Adair was ably represented by Hons. John W. G. Blackstone and John Neely, Judge Fitchett and Mr. Otho E. Mears and was ably and vigorously prosecuted by Commonwealth attorney E. J. Spady, assisted by Mr. White of Norfolk.
The verdict is generally received as a proper one and such as was expected, the jury trying the case being composed of men respected by every one for their worth and intelligence.