Peninsula Enterprise, September 21, 1889
reprinted from Cape Charles Pioneer.Professionals -- LawyersAfrican-Americans -- Work - Business And professional
Frederick Burrows, colored, was admitted to the bar in Eastville, at the last term of the court. He is a graduate of the Northwestern Law College in Michigan.
Weather -- Northeast stormsSea -- Finfish - Methods : Pound-net
The owners of pound nets in the lower part of Accomac suffered terribly in the loss of their nets during the recent storm. The following estimate of losses has been reported: Joseph. C. Boggs, $600; W. G. Hoffman, $600; Alex Maryon, $300; Oswald Mears, $500; West & Mason, $500; Mister & Kellam, $500; T. H. Carmine, $400; P. H. Davis, $400. The fact, being taken into consideration with the figures given above, that the nets cannot be replaced this season and the loss incident to same, it will be seen, that their losses foot up many thousands of dollars.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceTransportation -- Railroad - Personnel
Seven employees of the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk R.R. Co., who were capsized in a small boat three-quarters of a mile from Cherrystone light station, on Sunday, 8th inst., have united in a card of thanks to A. E. Dennis, keeper of the station, who at the risk of his own life rescued them from watery graves.
Moral -- Property crime
Thomas Sutton, colored, living near Pungoteague was sent to jail last week for the larceny of a neighbor's geese and Alice Ayres, colored, became an occupant of our county jail also this week for stealing bracelets and wearing apparel of a lady near Wachapreague.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - General Stores
Pate & Mason, formerly at Leemont, Va., now occupy their large new store at Parksley, recently stocked with a large and complete line of goods of every kind and description. They invite both old and new customers to call on them in their new quarters and propose to make it to their advantage to do so.
Housebreaking and Robbery.
Moral -- Property crime
The store of Mr. Wm. H. Parker, Tasley station, was broken into and about $125 and a small quantity of goods taken therefrom on last Sunday night. An entrance to the store was made with an axe, through the upper window, which left behind was traced on next day to a negro Henry Scarburgh by his footprints, who being charged with the offence, confessed his guilt, implicating three other negroes, George Dunston, Daniel Bagwell and his son Isaiah Bagwell. Scarburgh, after making his confession, carried the officer having him in charge to place where he had buried it and handed over to him $16, which he said was his share in the division of the spoils. In his confession Scarburgh stated that he and Isaiah Bagwell watched while Dunston and Daniel Bagwell entered the store, and that it was their intention to have killed Mr. Samuel Ayres, the clerk in the store but he happened to be away at time of the robbery. He stated further that in making the division of the money it was put into four piles and Daniel having taken two of them, he thought it was too bad for Isaiah, his son to have nothing, and he handed him a dollar from his pile. That dollar, Isaiah first denied, then confessed that Scarburgh gave it to him and passed it over to Mr. Parker. The rest of the missing money has not been recovered, and the other negroes deny that they were involved in the robbery. Of the money stolen from store $15 of same was in pennies, and the wife of Daniel has since been seen with several handfuls of coins of that denomination. They were all arraigned before Justice Nelson at Onancock, last Monday, and by him sent to jail to await the action of the grand jury.
Chesapeake Agricultural Fair Association.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsFields -- Livestock - Cattle Fields -- Livestock - Horses
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Chesapeake Fair, held at the fair grounds, Saturday evening, Sept. 14th, it was decided to have a sale day during the fair when stock of all kinds will be sold, the object being to furnish a market for the fine horses and improved breeds of cattle and other stock of the Eastern Shore, and at the same time to attract buyers from the large cities. Sales of this kind have been a feature of the fairs in Kentucky for a number of years and have proved a wonderful source of profit to that State. The Chesapeake Fair proposes to make its annual sales proportionately profitable to the people of this peninsula. This feature will fill a long felt want and that it can but prove most profitable to our people can be seen at glance. Those who have horses and cattle they wish to dispose of will be saved the trouble and expense of transportation to a foreign market and at the same time a class of people will be attracted to the fair who otherwise would go elsewhere to make such investments. The success of the fair will thereby be more pronounced, and money will be attracted to our home market which otherwise would be left elsewhere. Renewed interest is being manifested in the fair by the people of Northampton county, who are showing a most commendable spirit as to its maintenance and the furtherance of anything which will promote its success. The buildings are in excellent condition, the grounds and approaches in nice order and no effort will be spared to make the fair what it is destined to be -- the foremost Agricultural Fair in Virginia.
Commonwealth vs. Joseph Taylor.
Moral -- Other violent crime
Joseph Taylor, committed to jail on Friday of last week, by Justice William T. Parks, on the charge of shooting with intent to maim, disfigure, disable and kill Robert Ewell at Guilford, August 28th, on application for bail heard before Judge H. S. Neale at Accomac C. H., last Wednesday, was released under bond of $500 for his appearance at next grand jury term of county court.
The Commonwealth was represented by Mr. James H. Fletcher, and the defense by Hon. John W. G. Blackstone, of the firm of Gunter & Blackstone.
Evidence was submitted to court substantially as follows:
Mr. F. P. Mears testified that he was at Short & Bloxom's store, Guilford, on 28th day of August, and that Joseph Taylor was there on that day engaged in a game of dominoes, when Robert Ewell arrived and advancing toward Taylor told him to get himself ready as he was going to hit him. He stated further, that Taylor moving away from Ewell was followed by him, with Ewell's brother between them, and that he saw Ewell strike at Taylor two or three times, but does not think he hit him. Taylor then left store with Ewell following him. He saw Taylor pass window where he was sitting and thought he had gone home, until he heard a pistol fired one or two minutes thereafter.
Samuel Justice, another witness, was at said store when Ewell came in, heard him ask Taylor if he was ready to take back what he had said about him and said he was going to give him a chance to do so. Witness saw Ewell strike at Taylor, did not know whether he hit him or not. His brother, Alfred Ewell had hold of him when he struck at Taylor and Robert Ewell following Taylor out of store was pushed back by him. He stated further, that Ewell was shot by Taylor some two or three minutes after Ewell first struck at him -- Ewell was standing still at time and was telling Taylor to shoot. In answer to question of attorney for defendant, said he did not know whether Robert Ewell was able to whip Joseph Taylor or not -- that he was a bigger man, but so far as he knew his reputation was that of a peaceful man -- had known of Ewell having a fight with another man and had heard him threaten Taylor.
Alfred Ewell, brother of Robert Ewell, was a witness to the difficulty between him and Taylor and tried to prevent it by getting between them. He heard his brother tell Taylor he had to take back what he said, but didn't hear Taylor's reply. His brother struck at him but don't think he hit him and he was close enough to see him if he had. He stated further, that his brother on going out into porch was pushed back in store by him and that Taylor went around house and that his brother going out into porch again was shot while standing still by Taylor. In answer to questions by defendant, said he thought Taylor tried to get away from his brother when he first tried to hit him. He had heard of a previous difficulty between them.
Arthur Wessels, another witness, heard Ewell tell Taylor that he had to take back what he had said. Taylor told him he had said nothing and to keep away from him. He saw Ewell strike Taylor once, and that Taylor went out store first followed by Ewell, who was pushed back by his brother. Ewell was shot by Taylor when in about 4 yards of him and while standing still. In answer to questions by the defense, said he had heard there had been trouble between them, but didn't know cause. He thought Ewell was able to whip Taylor. Ewell had had several fights with other parties.
Dr. J. W. Bowdoin, physician called to attend Ewell on day he was shot, testified that he found him with wound 4 or 5 inches below navel, and did not think when he first saw him that he could live until morning. Had not probed for ball and had never been able to locate it. A swelling from place where ball entered left hip indicated that ball, contrary to his opinion had gone in that direction. He could not say, however, where it was, except that it had entered the abdominal wall, and while no serious results might follow from it, he would not be surprised to hear at any time that he was dead. In answer to questions by defense, he said there were no symptoms at present of fatal result, but as they might occur at any time had enjoined complete rest for his patient. At this time he stated further, that Ewell was doing remarkably well and apparently had grown better ever since he was shot. He could not, however, pronounce him out of danger.
Joseph Taylor, who shot Ewell, being examined, testified that Ewell met him one night on road and beat him, met him another day on road and threatened to beat him, and also afterwards threatened to whip him and carried club for that purpose. In regard to the difficulty at store on day of shooting, he said, that Ewell asked him if he was ready to take back what he had said, and told him to get ready as he was going to hit him, and that he replied he had said nothing and moved away from him, with his brother, Alfred Ewell, between them. He stated further, that Robert Ewell struck him three times in store, and followed him out in porch striking him there twice -- that Robert Ewell being pushed back in store came out again and said to him, standing a few feet from store, to shoot, damn you, shoot. In answer to questions of his attorney, he said that Ewell was able to whip him and had already done it -- that he had never done anything to him, had been trying to keep out of his way, and on one occasion had gone 2 1-2 miles out of his way to keep from meeting him.
Solomon T. Ewell, witness for defense, testified that he was at store and heard Robert Ewell tell him he was going to hit him and saw him do it once or twice. He stated further, that Taylor seemed to be trying to get out of way of Ewell and was followed out of store by him. He didn't know of any previous difficulty between then.
William H. Young, another witness for defense testified that he heard Ewell tell Taylor that he had to take back what he had said about him, and that Taylor said he had said nothing. He saw Ewell strike Taylor twice in store and again on porch. He stated further, that Taylor had been trying to keep out of his way and once while down the creek went 3 miles out of his way to do so.
Samuel T. Killman, stated that he saw the difficulty between Ewell and Taylor and that the latter seemed to be trying to get away from him and was followed by him out of store and when pushed back, seemed to want to get out again. The shooting occurred immediately after he went out last time. This witness was corroborated in all essential particulars by Thomas Parks, another witness.
Samuel W. Matthews testified, that he was coming up creek one day last spring and heard Robert Ewell say he was looking for Joe Taylor and was going to thrash him. He stated further, that Ewell seeing two men, thought one of them was Taylor and went towards them armed with a club, which he said he would use if Taylor drew his knife on him. He said he had to thrash him but never heard him mention his name afterwards. Ewell, he said, was a bigger man than Taylor.
James P. A. Taylor, father of Joseph Taylor had heard through his son, that Ewell had threatened him and he told him to keep out of his way and he tried to do so as he had had his clams shipped by him, so as not to be thrown in his way. He stated further that Ewell was looked upon by his neighbors as a bully and had had fights with several parties. Ewell was a bigger man than Taylor and weighed about 200 pounds.
Valuable Real Estate at Auction.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
The real estate to be sold at public auction, next Saturday, at Willis wharf, Northampton county, should attract purchasers from every part of the Eastern Shore who have money to invest, and would place it where it is most likely not only to give the best returns, but desirable by reason of its location and surroundings. Accessible as it is by rail and water, and situated as it is in one of the most desirable neighborhoods on the Eastern Shore, it is hard to overestimate its value. Sold as it is in several parcels, the merchant, farmer, waterman, or the party in search of a delightful home can all be suited. If you have money to invest, take the train for Exmore, and take a view of it, or be promptly on hand on day of sale. Really we do not remember, when any more desirable property was ever offered for sale on Eastern Shore.
For Sale at Public Auction.
Fields -- Livestock - Horses
I will sell at public auction at Accomac C. H., on Monday, September court day, one colt sired by Twilight, 18 months old, 3 cows and two calves, several bedsteads, and other household property &c.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
NOTICE -- As special commissioner in the suit of John Edward Justis, &c., by next friend, vs. Isaiah F. Justis and wife, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on Saturday, October 5th, 1889 at 3 o'clock p. m., at J. C. Justis & Co's store, on Hunting Creek, "Shoar's Island," containing by estimation fifty acres of good pasture land, enclosed, and twenty acres of cleared land, upon which there is a good dwelling house, and appurtenant to which there excellent oyster planting grounds. For terms, &c., see posters or the undersigned. L. Floyd Nock, Special Com'r.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farm size and structure
That valuable farm known as "Farmington," situated at and near Bird's Nest station, in Northampton county, containing four hundred acres, about one-half of which is cleared and the other half wood-land. The farm is in a high state of cultivation, is well adapted to the growth of grass and all kind of trucks and has on it a good dwelling, two good tenement houses and all necessary out buildings; it is convenient to churches and schools and is a mile and a quarter from a sea-side landing. The farm will be sold as a whole or in parcels of fifty or one hundred acres to suit purchasers.
Persons desiring a good stock or truck farm would do well to examine the above described property before purchasing elsewhere.
For further particulars apply to
OTHO F. MEARS, Att'y., Eastville, Va., or to R. J. BULL, Bird's Nest, Va.
Transportation -- Water - Sailboats
A "deadrise batteau" 18 feet long, 6 feet 3 inches wide, painted white, with copper colored bottom, galvanized rudder post and tiller, and neatly fitted up as a pleasure boat, was taken from the surf on Wallop's beach a few days ago by several men. The owner to procure the same should apply to P. H. Chesser, Temperanceville, Va.