Peninsula Enterprise, December 7, 1889
Moral -- Property crime
Three negroes were committed to jail last Saturday for stealing a keg of whiskey from car at Parksley station, to await the action of grand jury.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : LegislationSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Planting
Hon. John W. G. Blackstone introduced the first bill in the Legislature this session, to wit: to repeal the lease of the Hog Island Flats by State of Virginia to C. R. Lewis and others.
Forests -- Sawmills
Mr. Alfred J. Lilliston, Accomac C. H., has purchased the mill property of the late John O. Selby, from his personal representatives. He proposes to continue it on its present site with improvements such as a planer, machinery for manufacturing laths &c.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateMoral -- Property crime
Belle Haven.
Mr. J. T. Walkley has purchased of Mr. A. W. Kellam his farm of 60 acres adjacent to our town, for the sum of $1,600.
The cry of murder was heard from dwelling of Mr. Abdell of our town about 11 o'clock Friday night. Some one attempted to break into the house and Mrs. Abdell and daughter, being the only occupants at the time naturally were very much alarmed, hence the outcry. Mr. John R. Floyd heard them and went to their rescue with his shot gun and put them to flight.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : MarketsSea -- Market huntingTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - GuidesTransportation -- Water - WrecksInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service
Schooner of Messrs. Tottle & Co., Fairhaven, Conn., arrived here Tuesday and will take back cargo of 2,000 bushels of fat oysters.
One of our sportsmen's guides was out shooting one afternoon this week and in a few hours bagged 45 ducks and brand, 15 pair of them red heads, which were sold for $2.50 per pair -- total receipt $42.
On last Sunday night a side-wheel steamer was burned about 20 miles off our shore. Capt. Bloxom and crew, of life saving service, rowed out to her but she had burned to the waters edge when they reached her. Crew of steamer was taken off, it is supposed, on a three-masted schooner which was seen to leave her.
The crews of the life saving service here are receiving their uniforms -- and their new costumes would be in accordance with the fitness of things, if they could afford to have them. Receiving as they do only the pitiful sum per annum of $400, they cannot stand the outlay which the uniforms require. In the last 18 years $60,000,000 of property and 8,000 lives, saved, have been placed to the credit of the life saving service of the country and surely the heroic band of fellows deserve the increase in their wages, for which they are asking, so that they can provide clothes and other comforts for themselves without impoverishing their families, as they are compelled to do now, with their present low wages.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceTransportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Road - MaintenanceTransportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidings
The delay of 24 hours in delivering of our mail here, caused by change of the schedule of N.Y., P. & N. R.R. has naturally made our people very indignant with officials of same.
The public roads in this part of the county are in a miserable condition, almost impassible in places, and are not likely to be much improved, so long as we work under the present road system.
The freight office of D. M. & Va. R.R., Franklin City, caught fire Wednesday night of last week, but was discovered in time to be put out before much injury was done. It had its origin, it is supposed, from a cigar, which was thrown in wooden spittoon.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
The new store rooms of Mrs. Mary Tyler and Will Neville, are nearly completed.
A committee appointed for the purpose has determined to quarter the grounds of the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, and sell three of the lots, one inclusive of the present parsonage buildings, and with the receipts to build a handsome house on the lot reserved. The sale will take place in the afternoon of Jan. 1st., 1890, and those desirous of beautiful building sites have in this sale a rare opportunity.
Transportation -- Road - Maintenance
MR. EDITOR. -- I have read with a great interest, the letters of 'Uno' (and by the way, I think, without knowing, he is one of Accomack's gifted sons) on the roads and agree with him in most that he says. I ask for a small space in your paper on this subject, [illegible] to give it a practical turn, if possible. The condition of the roads, and the necessity for action to improve them is apparent to everyone. The question that presents itself now, is, "What can we do about it?" 'Uno' suggests the legislature to remedy it -- that would be a good idea, if there was anything practical about it, but there is not -- this road question has been almost frazzled out over the legislature; petitions have been sent to the legislature for the past four years, with the result of nothing done, nor has any notice been taken of the petitions -- they have been treated with utter indifference. We have now the roads that the legislature thought best for us. 'Uno' quotes Patrick Henry as saying, 'I know of no way judging of the future except by the past' 'and judging by the past,' the legislature is a 'Dead Duck.' So we will dismiss that and come back to the question. What can we do about it? Well we are in a bad fix, and it is hard to say what is best, but, if the people will give the subject sufficient thought, I believe some good will come out of it. I believe in local self Democratic government. How would this do? For each person who lives on a public road to make an effort to drain both his land and the public road in front of him, and so far as he can, get all the help from the people in the vicinity, who do not live on the road.
I feel confident, that if each intelligent farmer will take this matter in hand, in a very short while, a marked improvement will be visible -- the roads will not only be restored, but the farm land will be greatly improved in capacity for producing crops, water holes will be gotten rid of, which will add to healthy condition of the people. There is no way to get rid of the nuisance upon us at an early day, except by the good sense and patriotism of the people -- it is the only action that can be had at once, and it is best that the people should rely on themselves -- there is nowhere else to place confidence. You, Mr. Editor, can with your paper and its magnificent circulation, reaching every family in the county, do much to get this suggestion in motion, take it up vigorously, and push it -- and I am sure you will do much good, for a long suffering people.
Transportation -- Railroad - FreightInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service
The trains of the N.Y. P. & N. R.R., continue to run, despite the injustice thereby done to the people, according to the "own sweet will" of its officials. The warnings of the press and protests of the people not only are unheeded, but if the Cape Charles Headlight can be accepted as their mouthpiece, "they will stick down their brakes tighter" in proportion as their methods are resisted. The utterances of our contemporary may be correct and they may be indifferent to the wishes and convenience of the public they profess to serve, but we propose "to fight it out on the line" which we have started, despite the warnings of their apologist, until a change for the better in our railroad schedules is effected, "if it takes all the winter" to accomplish that object. The fact, that the railroad officials turn a deaf ear to all our warnings will not deter us in the fight we are making in the interest of the people. We take that stand in no captious spirit, but because a delay of twenty-four hours or more in the delivery of the mail to many parts of our Peninsula is occasioned by the present railroad schedule, which could be easily remedied, if the officials would exercise a proper regard for the wishes of the people. The delay is due to the fact, that the carriers of the mail to post-offices not on the line of the railroad leave about two hours before the arrival of the afternoon mail train. The delay, therefore, could be remedied either by running the afternoon mail train which takes the mail to Pocomoke city at 1.30 p.m. through our Peninsula or by a change in schedule of about two hours in the present train. Why Pocomoke should have better mail facilities than we do, we have yet failed to learn after most diligent inquiry, but waiving the privilege thereby accorded to our neighbors and denied to us, the query is pertinent, why not run the mail train which we have an hour or so earlier? The only reason that can be given in opposition thereto, which occurs to us, is that passengers would be landed an hour or so earlier points across the bay -- and we fail to see how any one could be put to any serious inconvenience thereby. In thus entering our protests against the present mail service and suggesting the change, we but voice the sentiment of our people and but feebly express the disgust and indignation they feel -- and we would be derelict in the duty we owe to them, if accepting the suggestions of the Headlight, we stifle the grievances not of one man or one community, but of all our people. The change demanded relates, as will be noted only to the south bound mail train. An earlier mail train from the South would accord better with the wishes of our people, but with the forbearing spirit, for which they are noted, they submit without a murmur to the delay of a few hours, which occasions them no serious inconvenience. Nor do we ask to have the fact taken into consideration, that the present mail arrangements will cause us to issue the ENTERPRISE a day earlier to enable our subscribers to receive it on time. But while we have no disposition to antagonize the railroad or to find fault of its officials, it is not only our province, but our duty, however amusing our efforts may be to our Cape Charles contemporary, to fight against the wrongs which [illegible] and the railroad officials ought to want light and be thankful for it, however humble the source, to enable them to conform to the wishes of a people contributing so largely to the revenues of the railroad as our people do, instead of stiffening their necks and stopping their ears to reason or as our contemporary suggests by "putting down the brakes tighter on us," because of our disposition, "to kick," when in our opinion, the rights of the people are unduly infringed upon.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farm size and structureInfrastructure -- Commercial - Grist mills
A tract of land containing sixty acres, located within one mile of Horntown, Accomac county, Va., and immediately upon the main county road, with a water grist mill in good condition, and a small residence and outbuildings thereon. The soil is kind and adapted to trucks and other crops, with an ample supply of wood and an abundance of pine shatters and other resources for manure.
Terms of sale accommodating.
Most of the purchase money can stand for a long time if desired by the purchaser. Apply to
Bloxom station, Va.
Horntown, Va.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farm size and structureFarmers -- Tenancy
The undersigned offers for sale at private contract, a valuable sea side farm situated in "White's Neck," about 4 1-2 miles from Parksley, containing about 120 acres, with good dwelling and all necessary outhouses in good repair. It is in a good state of cultivation, having been occupied by the same tenant for ten years, is well adapted to the growth of all kinds of trucks, or would make splendid stock farm, having a good pasture open to the water. It is well timbered and has on it an abundance of resources. For terms and other particulars call on or address.
Parksley, Va.