Norfolk Virginian, December 22, 1889
Some Big Pork -- How They Raise Hogs on the Eastern Shore.
Fields -- Livestock - Swine
ONANCOCK, December 21. -- A hog weighing 930 pounds was killed by a well-to-do farmer named Bennett Parkes, living near Modest Town, this county, several days ago. Farmer Bennett Parkes, a well-to-do farmer, who resides in the upper part, of course, near Modest Town, killed a hog the other day which tipped the beam at 930 pounds. Mr. Parkes says the hog, up to the time of being killed, had not drank any water for weeks. He fed him on meal and molasses and got up regularly at 12 o'clock each night to give him a meal. A Mr. Mears, of this county, has heretofore worn the belt as raising the largest hog on the Shore, his weighing nine hundred and one-half pounds. The hog killed by Mr. Parkes is undoubtedly the largest ever raised in the county, if not the State.