Norfolk Virginian, March 16, 1889


Moral -- MurderMoral -- Property crime


The public in this section are greatly exercised over the killing of Peter B. Smith at Eastville, Tuesday morning by Jefferson Adair, a prominent young man, of Accomac, and express great sorrow and sympathy for the unfortunate perpetrator of the deed. Both parties belonging to the most prominent families on the shore, and were both highly respectable. The funeral of the remains of Smith took place from P. E. Church, Eastville, Wednesday evening at 3 o'clock. Adair was unmarried. Smith leaves a wife and five children.

Frank Powell, employed at Turlington Bros. store at Fair Oaks, this county, as clerk, stole about $800 worth of goods from his employers several days ago. Powell was on the eve of being married to a wealthy young lady living in the neighborhood. The goods were missed and a search instituted for them which resulted in the finding of them in Powell's trunk. Powell confessed the crime. Mr. Turlington will not prosecute the case. The girl, however, refuses to marry him. Powell has disappeared.

Norfolk Virginian
March 16, 1889