Peninsula Enterprise, March 31, 1888
Architecture -- Commercial buildingsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels
Parties who desire to take the contract for building the hotel to be erected soon at Belle Haven, by Mr. Lucius J. Kellam, are requested to send in their bids at once. The new hotel is to be 3 stories high and 42x52 -- in fact the largest and handsomest on the Eastern Shore.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsAfrican-Americans -- Work - Other
Accomac C. H.
Revel George, better known as "old uncle Rev," the colored factotum at Savage's hotel, died on Monday of congestive chill, after a few hours illness.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeedTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - GuidesInfrastructure -- Public : Schools
Our oystermen have commenced to plant seed oysters, and the prices being good this season the "plant" will be very large -- in fact will have to be, as the supply on hand ready for market will have been nearly exhausted before the season closes.
Capt. Jack Snead of B. consulter, guide and friend of the sports of Philadelphia who have visited Chincoteague this season was in turn entertained by them in the Quaker City last week.
The public schools will close here on the 30th of April, but private schools, conducted by same teachers will be continued two months longer for the reasonable tuition fee of $1 per month. It is hardly necessary to add that they ought to be and will be liberally patronized.
Weather -- Northeast stormsWeather -- Snow stormsTransportation -- Water - StrandingsFields -- FertilizerSea -- Finfish - Methods : Pound-net
Hoffman's Wharf.
Capt. T. R. Chandler has succeeded in raising his pungy, Fashion, capsized and sunk in the storm of the 12th inst.
Police schooner W. S. Rogers, dismasted while laying at anchor in Pungoteague Creek during the late storm, has been towed to Crisfield by steamer Daisey to receive the necessary repairs. Four other vessels are still "high and dry" on the shore here.
The American Fish Guano Company are doing a "rushing" business, if we can judge by the time they keep their mills in operation. They run night and day and then it is with difficulty that orders, for the popular fertilizers, Virginius and Ocean guanos, can be filled.
Our people are going largely into the fish pound business this year. Last season there was but one firm engaged in the business -- this year there will be three.
Weather -- Northeast stormsWeather -- Snow stormsTransportation -- Road - Maintenance
Levin Justice, Wm. B. Lewis and Capt. H. Fitzgerald, the heaviest losers in the recent storm, will commence to repair damages done to their buildings, wharves, &c. as soon as the weather permits.
Messrs. Stanley Lewis, McCready, Causey, and Parker Parks have each donated four feet front of their premises for the purpose of widening and improving street from Johnson's store to Bridge. The thanks of the public here are most cordially extended.
Weather -- Northeast stormsWeather -- Snow stormsTransportation -- Water - StrandingsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Bayside
The schooner Samuel T. Byrd, belonging to Mr. A. F. Mears and Capt. Stanton F. Byrd, is still up "high and dry" on the Guard Shore where she was landed by the storm.
A post office has been established at this place, with Mr. J. L. Byrd as post master, and we are now supplied daily with mail from a point on railroad opposite here and 1 1/4 miles distant [Mears Station].
Our dredgers are returning from the Potomac and report dull times in that locality in the oyster business, since Christmas.
The measles have visited almost every family in this neighborhood, in the last few weeks, and in some instances whole families have been prostrated by the disease. The principal of our public school, Mr. Alfred Barnes, and most of the scholars are among the victims, and have just returned to the school room, "having laid up for repairs" the last 4 weeks.
Moral -- FirearmsSea -- Finfish - Methods : Pound-netTransportation -- Road - ConstructionMoral -- Other violent crime
A 'kicking gun' broke the collar bone of Mr. Thos. H. Linton, while out gunning last Monday.
The fishing business is a growing industry with us. There was only one fish pound in our waters last season -- this year there are five.
A movement is on foot for the opening of a new road through the northern end of the island and the establishment of a public wharf there from which the steamers of the Eastern Shore Steamboat Company will ply between this point and Baltimore, The initiatory steps were taken on Wednesday, the court having appointed viewers to examine and report on road at request of petitioners.
Messrs. Wm. H. Williams and William Allen, his son-in-law, exchanged shots here, at 30 paces apart, Friday of last week, the weapons used being shot guns. A daughter of W. wanted to marry and the father opposing, she sought Allen's home as a place of refuge -- hence the difficulty. No one was seriously hurt. Both have been indicted by grand jury with intent to maim, and as the matter is to be investigated through the proper channels, an expression of opinion as to who was at fault is unnecessary.
Accomac and Delaware Truckers in Council.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresTransportation -- Railroad - Regulation
A committee representing the Delaware State Grange met the committee of the Accomac Truckers and Fruit Growers Association, on Wednesday, at Mearsville to investigate the charges preferred by the latter against the N.Y., P. & N. R.R. The Delaware committee was ably represented. A conference was held in the Town Hall. A large amount of documentary evidence was submitted, showing the discrimination against our trucks by the railroad in freights and delivery of perishable products, how they are charged heavy discriminative rates, are carried on slow trains and delivered late, after market hours.
The quick witted drayman of both New York and Philadelphia have dubbed these trains the "slow come poke" trains.
The Delaware Grangers have employed able counsel, collected much evidence and raised funds to carry the case before the Inter-State Commerce Commissioners, who will hold a session at Dover sometime within the next six weeks to hear the complaints against the road. It is proposed to hold a meeting at Onancock on Saturday afternoon, April 7th, when it is hoped every farmer and all others interested in this matter will attend. The matter is one of the most vital importance to our people, and if any action is taken, it is necessary that it be done as soon as possible. Let all who can, attend the meeting.
Women -- Other
The International Council of Women met in Washington last Saturday. An elaborate programme of their proceedings is published and the impression thereby is sought to be created, that it is a grand assemblage. They heralded their coming, very much after the manner a circus is advertised, but unlike the latter, they will entertain less and be ridiculed more. -- The gathering of the strong minded sex is not a very attractive one, but in some respects is very remarkable. Those famous old girls, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone and Susan B. Anthony, who have been prating about Woman's Rights for more than quarter of a century, of course, are there. Europe, India, and the far off Isles of the sea, too are represented -- by women apparently unencumbered, and therefore presumably aged spinsters and childless wives. Mrs. "Frederick Douglas," also, is of the assemblage, who born of white parentage, deserted her own race for the ebony hued Freddie. Mormon women also occupy a high place in this conclave of the strong minded of the sex. A few of those may be in the throng and they are very few, who do not deserve the ridicule of all men, who love the charms and graces of that modest demeanor which is woman's noblest heritage. The assemblage evidently is not of that class of women, "that rocks the cradle that rocks the world" -- but they can doubtless better be classed among those who married "unwisely and not well," or were never wooed at all, and therefore more to be pitied, perhaps than despised.
Forests -- SawmillsForests -- Forest products - Lumber
My Saw, Planing and Grist Mills are now in full operation, and I am fully prepared to furnish on short notice to the local trade or at any point on the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk R.R. All kinds of
Dry and Green Lumber
for house building or other purposes.
Large stock constantly on hand.
Extra inducements offered to cash buyers.
H. T. White,
Bloomtown station,
Temperanceville P. O..
Accomac county, Va.