Peninsula Enterprise, December 15, 1888
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
The point farm, Cape Charles, sold at public auction at Eastville, last Monday, was bid off to Mr. Lattimer, one of the heirs, at $7,000.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : OtherInfrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
Belle Haven.
Mr. Arthur Burt, of Philadelphia, now stopping at the Doughty hotel, received 100 pigeons Wednesday and several "shooting matches" have been arranged to come here shortly.
The Kellam hotel has been completed and is now being handsomely furnished.
Kellam Bros., authorize the acceptance of challenge of Mr. O. F. White, which appeared in last issue of ENTERPRISE, and will match their horse "Modoc," against his, mile heats best 3 in 5 on McConnell's track, for $500 and will be at Powelton on 19th inst., to put up the forfeit.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seaside
Oysters in Chincoteague bay on the mainland side, of two years growth are still in poor condition for market. The one year old plants are reported to be in a fair condition only, but our planters are not despondent when their near neighbors have such fine oysters, as your Chincoteague correspondent leads us to believe they have, and when they are realizing prices that would make the people on this side of the water "smile," if they should ever be so fortunate as to receive the same figures for their stock during this season. Our brother correspondent should drop a little on his last quotations, or be charitable enough to give us the cue by securing such prices.
Diphtheria is still raging among the children of our town. Several new cases are reported this week. The little daughter of Capt. Henry L. Sharpley died with the disease 11th inst.
Moral -- AlcoholMoral -- Vandalism
A number of the witnesses from this town summoned before the grand jury to testify in regard to violations of the local option law, have been ordered to appear at December term of court to show cause.
A robe stealing mania and other misdemeanors seem to be prevalent at this time in this locality. On last Thursday night Wm. S. Mills of this place, had his carriage robe and cushion stolen while attending a temperance meeting in Sluthkill Neck; on Friday night at a similar meeting at Savageville, a robe and whip was stolen and carriage top cut to pieces all the property of B. T. Parker, a robe of E. J. Winder stolen, and Rev. J. W. Hundley's carriage was overturned. This list was supplemented on Saturday by the thefts of robes belonging to Wm. Coxton and Southey Mapp, that of former since recovered.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceMoral -- Vandalism
The millinery shop of Mrs. Mary F. Smith, near Belinda postoffice, was burned by an unknown incendiary, Wednesday night 11th inst. Loss about $150.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service
The subject of pensioning the members of the Life Saving Service is again being agitated, and should be until it is carried to a successful conclusion. There are millions disbursed annually in this country to those whose profession was to kill, and to their families after their death, but the widows and orphans of those who have lost their lives in the noble attempt to save life have no resource except at the hands of the charitable and benevolent. No one can say that such a state of affairs is right or just, but the remedy is apparently as far in the future as ever. -- Norfolk Ledger.
Everyone will endorse the sentiment expressed by our contemporary, who knows of the hardships, trials and utter disregard of their own lives in their efforts to save others, of the noble band of men, who are members of the Service. The injustice of withholding a pension from the widows and orphans of those, who battle with the winds and the waves unto death, is too apparent to be long overlooked and that the remedy is very remote we cannot believe. -- Public sentiment must so shape the votes of our Representatives in Congress at no distant day that justice will not only be meted out to them in this respect, but provision made as well for their comfort, for disabilities on account of age or otherwise. Heroism in every other branch of public service is rewarded and there is certainly no reason why that in the Life Saving Service alone should be the exception to the rule. The surplus in our treasury could not be applied to a better purpose, and our Representatives should see that the reward is not long deterred, if they would give a satisfactory account of their stewardship, when called upon.
The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk R.R. Co.
Transportation -- Railroad - Corporate
The annual meeting of the stockholders of this Company will be held at the office of the Company in Drummondtown, Accomac county, Virginia, on Monday, the 21st day of January, 1889, at ten o'clock a.m.