Peninsula Enterprise, November 3, 1888
Moral -- VandalismMoral -- Firearms
The glass of a car window of the south bound excursion train to Cape Charles last Tuesday was broken at a point near Hallwood by a missile of some description, which has not yet been ascertained -- possibly the random shot of some careless gunner. A fragment of clam shell was the only thing that could be found in the car after the excitement had subsided and it furnished only a very unsatisfactory explanation, as all agree that it could not have been hurled with sufficient force to have broken the glass. The incident after the excitement had passed led to considerable merriment at the expense of a Hebrew, in the clothing business at Pocomoke city. Another shot fired for his benefit by a prominent insurance man convinced him that Virginia was the land of desperadoes. According to last accounts he was still at Cape Charles afraid to make the return trip.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
A trotting race, mile heats, best 3 in 5, will come off on McConnell's track at Pungoteague, on Thursday, November 8th between Rocket, R. L. Parks, owner, and Frank W. T. Wright, owner, for a purse of $200.
Sea -- Finfish - Methods : Hand lineInfrastructure -- Utilities - TelephoneMoral -- Property crime
Sea fish, such as trout, blue fish, bass, &c., were never so plentiful as at present in our market. On Thursday of last week thousands were caught with hand line weighing from 6 to 9 pounds. Capt. John W. Bunting also reports the largest catch ever made with his nets.
The telephone line has been completed to Assateague Life Saving Station. Its extension to other points in the district depends to a great extent upon our representatives in Congress.
The saloon of Mr. George R. Coleburn was broken into last Saturday night, and his pocket book containing one hundred and eighty dollars was stolen therefrom. The name of the man, which is known to Mr. Coleburn, will be given to the public, if the money is not returned promptly.
Sea -- Finfish - Catch : Trout
Trout fish large and fat are being caught at sea by our fishermen, and are selling readily in our markets at fair prices.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionMoral -- Vandalism
Mrs. Nancy Byrd is having lumber prepared for a dwelling to be built at Parksley.
An unoccupied tenement house on the land of William P. Custis, near Leemont, was destroyed by incendiary fire Wednesday night.
Chesapeake Agricultural Fair Association.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
The Chesapeake Agricultural Fair was formally opened on last Tuesday by Dr. A. Brockenbrough acting president in a short and appropriate address of welcome to visitors and of congratulations to the managers for services satisfactorily rendered. He was followed by Major Baker P. Lee in a chaste and eloquent speech, which merited and received the hearty applause of his hearers. The Pocomoke brass band promptly on hand rendered acceptable music throughout the day. The races begun on the first day were exciting and have increased an interest from day to day. Of the articles on exhibition there is but one opinion, that they were excellent in quality but not enough of them and two of the departments were hardly open to that objection. The stock was certainly very fine, and the ladies always first in every good work were well up to the standard in their department. The Fair is indeed a success at the beginning and it requires no prophet to fortell that it will be in a few years among the first in the country and should be. No fair grounds in the country possess more natural advantages and it is being managed by gentlemen of enterprise, pluck and brains, a fact patent to every one, who sees what they have accomplished in the first year in laying out and beautifying their grounds. A good race course, first class grand stand, and superb stables are among the improvements. The weather during the Fairs has been all that could be desired. The number of visitors present on first day was about 800, on the second day 2,000 and on the third 3,000 or more.
In the first day's trotting races, Dion, owned by Mr. John T. Bull of Accomac, was the winner in the 3 minute class of the first premium, $150. Time 2.52 1/2, 2.53 1/2, 2.40 1/4. Clifton Morrell, owned by Mr. N. L. Holland of Northampton, in the 3 year old class of $50. Time 3.20, 3.15. In the running race 1/3 mile, Rarus, owned by W. T. Fitchett of Northampton, of $30. Time 59 1/4, 59 3/4.
In the second day's races, Charlie, of Norfolk, won in the 2.40 class, first premium of $150. Time 2.39 1/4, 2.39 5/6, 2.36, 2.40 1/4. Fred, owned by Mr. G. H. Adair of Northampton, won in 4 year old class, first premium of $50. Time 3.29 1/2, 3.20, 3.07.
In the third day's races, Kate Clark, of Washington, won in the free for all race, 1st premium of $150; Sam, owned by Fred Waddy of Accomac 1st premium of $35, in two year old class; Rarus in running race of all ages 1st premium $50.