Peninsula Enterprise, July 21, 1888


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

Governor Lee has commissioned the following named gentlemen of this district members of the Interstate Farmers Association, which meets at Raleigh, N.C., August 21st. Dr. A. Brockenborough, Eastville, O. A. Browne, Accomac C. H., Dr. J. E. Brodwater, Temperanceville.


Infrastructure -- Utilities - Telephone

A telephone line, extending from Parkers Hotel, Onancock via Tasley to store of G. F. Parker & Co., Accomac C. H., will be put in operation shortly. Application has been made to Board of Public Works of Va., for permission to erect same which will of course be granted. The poles are being prepared. The enterprise originates with Messrs. Benj. T., Wm. H., Geo. F. Parker and the line will be owned by them. It will be a great convenience to the public and hope our enterprising citizens will reap the rewards they deserve from same.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing

In the race at Powelton last Wednesday between the skiffs "Geo. T. Garrison" and "John W. Daniel," the former was an easy winner.


Architecture -- Other public buildings

The clerks office at Accomac C. H. has been completed and the cases are only needed to make it ready for occupancy. The lumber used for staging purposes and other articles such as hoes, shovels, wheelbarrows, necessary for construction of same, together with barrels, lime &c., will be sold at public auction next Wednesday, 3 p. m.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders

The program, at laying of corner-stone at Temperanceville next Wednesday, has been enlarged to include readings by Prof. Austin Merrill of Vanderbilt University, free to all who patronize supper and confectionery department. The Pocomoke brass band has also been engaged for the occasion and will be on hand to discourse sweet music. The Masonic Lodges of Eastern Shore of Va., and Pocomoke City, Md., will participate in the ceremonies incident to the occasion. Everybody is invited and all should attend who can. The day promises to be of unusual interest.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

The new M. E. Church at Read's wharf, Northampton county, will be dedicated (D. V.) Sunday, 29th. Services will be held at 10 a. m., and 3 p. m. Able ministers have been invited to assist, and arrangements are being perfected to make the occasion one of more than usual interest. The public are cordially invited to be present.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdFields -- Livestock - HorsesTransportation -- Water - Aids to navigationInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionLaborers -- Construction


Capt. Theodore Hall and wife left on Tuesday for Newbern, N.C., their future home.

Marsh birds abound here at present, and the sportsman who cannot kill several dozen in an hour is a bad marksman.

Fish never were so abundant in our waters. The usual catch in our channel of an average fisherman is from 200 to 300 fine fish in an hour.

Our Mr. Edward P. Timmons will engage very extensively in stock raising at this place, and with that object in view has lately purchased a drove of Mexican ponies.

The buoy tender steamer Geranium arrived here on the 14th inst. The buoys in our waters received the attention of her crew. The buoys at Metompkin will receive attention at the hands of parties who are the lowest bidders for the privilege.

The effect of the fat bivalves of last season on our people are apparent everywhere in our midst. They are more cheerful, dress better, have finer boats, finer horses and carriages, and a genuine building boom is ours. The extent of the boom can be inferred from the following: A new M. E. Church is in course of erection 40x24 feet; work on hotel, store and millinery shop of Mr. D. J. Whealton is nearing completion; the Baptist have completed a new church on east side of Island; handsome dwellings have been built by Wm. Hill, John Bowden, and handsome dwellings are soon to be erected by Mr. Wm. T. Lewis, Dr. R. W. White and others; the store of Mr. J. A. M. Whealton is being enlarged, and the dwellings of Mr. Frank Matthews, Wm. Davis and others are being rebuilt. In addition to the above the good effect of the liberal use of paint and improved enclosures are noted everywhere. Mechanics from Horntown and Temperanceville, Va., Snow Hill and Berlin, Md., now find steady employment here, and still there is a demand for more of them.


Sea -- Finfish - Catch : TroutSea -- Finfish - Methods : Hand lineTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball


Trout fish are plentiful in our waters and a great many of the tribe are being caught with hook and line.

The Franklin City base ball club, which had recently re-organized, and adopted a gray uniform electing new officers, &c., played the Pocomoke City club a match game on the grounds of the former club at this place, on Wednesday, 18th inst., resulting in the favor of the Pocomoke club. The Franklin City club, for the first time in the history of the club, were defeated on their own ground. The same clubs will play another game at Pocomoke City, on next Tuesday, the 24th inst.


African-Americans -- SocietyInfrastructure -- Public : Schools


For several weeks past some colored women living in and around Onancock have been making times lively for their husbands. Horse whips and rattan canes have been freely used on the unfortunate husbands, and several divorces are talked of. Henry Kellam, Bob Drummond, and Caleb Taylor are the most prominent victims. The thrashing of unfaithful husbands has become almost an epidemic among the colored women around here.

The Onancock Academy has been leased to Frank P. Brent, Esq., who has been principal of the school for the past eight years. Mr. Brent will secure an able and competent assistant in the place of Mr. W. C. Marshall who has accepted a position in the Episcopal Female Institute at Staunton.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions


Beach parties are almost of daily occurrence among our young people.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 21, 1888