Peninsula Enterprise, July 23, 1887
Weather -- Heat wave
Sylvia Beach and Peter Duffey, colored, died from the effects of heat in the county during the week. The death of several other colored people, to which the heat to some extent contributed, are also reported.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsAfrican-Americans -- Religion
Campmeetings of the colored people of Accomac will be held at places and commence at times following: Broadwater's grove near Bloxom station, July 30th; Point of Forks, August 12th; Savageville, August 20th.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings
Campmeeting commences at Parksley station to-day. Revs. R. W. Todd, of Snow Hill, T. E. Martinsdale, of Salisbury, Md., and T. S. Thomas, editor of the Peninsula Methodist, have been engaged to preach to-morrow.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
A race will come off at Metompkin Inlet, next Saturday for a purse of $50 between the batteaux of Messrs. Chas. Mason and Geo. Finney. Trials of speed will be made for amusement on same day between several other batteaux, and all owners of boats of that class are requested to be present and enter them.
Transportation -- Road - BridgesTransportation -- Water - WharvesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionArchitecture -- Commercial buildings
Mr. I. W. Bagwell is having the bridge connecting Market street with Mt. Prospect moved further up the creek, in order to allow W. D. Lewis space for erecting a wharf.
The erection of Hallett's new store house was commenced on Friday last, by a force consisting of three carpenters. The contract calls for a one-story building 26x60 feet.
Weather -- Heat wave
There were several cases of sunstroke with us during the late hot weather.
New York Market.
Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Pricesfields -- Crops - White potatoes : PricesFields -- Crops - Other vegetablesFields -- Crops - TomatoesFields -- Crops - Other fruit
Special telegraphic report of today's sales, of truck in New York market. Furnished by G. S. Palmer, wholesale produce merchant, 166 Reade Street, shipping No. 155.
NEW YORK July 12. The new sweets are of red variety and selling from $4 to $5; round potatoes $1.50 to $2; Bartlett pears $4 to $5; crate of tomatoes $1 to $1.50; cantaloupes $2 to $3; onions scarce and selling at $3.50.
Weather -- Heat wave
The intense heat which has prevailed throughout the country for several days has been attended with disastrous consequences to health and life in many sections and numerous cases of sunstroke and death are reported to parties, overcome by the heat in country places as well as in the cities, but principally in the latter. Two deaths are only attributed to the intense heat in Accomac, but the death list which we publish this week, is so much larger than ever appeared in our columns before, that it may be very safely asserted, that it aggravated the disease with which they were suffering, and in some instances hastened death.