Peninsula Enterprise, July 9, 1887


Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excurions

An excursion under the auspices of the Farmer's Association of Northampton, will be made to Virginia Beach and other points on Tuesday, July 19th, via N.Y., P. & N. R.R.


Watermen -- Personal injury

Charles Smith, an Austrian, about 20 years old, fell overboard from a small fish boat from Crisfield, opposite Pungoteague, last Tuesday, and was drowned.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateForests -- SawmillsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Race tracksTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Belle Haven.

The handsome dwelling of Mr. Geo. W. Jacobs is nearly completed.

Rev. C. D. Crawley has sold his house and lot to Mr. Wm. T. Ashby and is having another dwelling erected on a lot purchased of Mr. Don Walling.

Mr. S. S. Kellam has purchased a tract of land adjacent to our town, of H. C. Mears and will have a handsome dwelling erected thereon. It is reported also, that he will move his saw mill to his new premises.

The race course of Messrs. Frank Kellam and G. W. Jacob at this place, it is claimed will be the finest on the Eastern Shore, when completed. A. Mr. Bedford, of Baltimore has been engaged "to train" on it several fine horses in this section.


Architecture -- Commercial buildingsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels


Work was commenced on B. T. Parker's new hotel, on Monday, by a large corps of carpenters. The building will be larger and handsomer than the one destroyed by fire. It will be three stories high.

Bush Meeting.

Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings

A bush meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Levin D. Lewis, near Leemont, commencing July 19th, and lasting four days. It will be under the management of Leemont M. P. Church. A large meeting tent has been secured to take the place of a bower. The ladies of the church will give a supper every evening for the convenience of those expecting to remain over to night service.

Able divines from abroad will be present to conduct religious exercises.


Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 9, 1887