Peninsula Enterprise, April 9, 1887


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

The Fruit Growers and Truckers Association of Accomac will hold a meeting at the Fair Grounds at 2 p. m. today. All who are in any way interested in fruit growing and trucking are invited to be present.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Martin Chesser and others indicted for felonious dredging in Pocomoke Sound, were discharged from custody last Tuesday, the Court holding that the section of the oyster law under which they were indicted, was a nullity so far as an indictment for felony was concerned. The same parties indicted for "roughing" oysters were tried and the jury failing to agree, the Court permitted a nolle prosqui to be entered -- the matter involved being of too insignificant importance to incur further cost.


Moral -- Other violent crime

Dr. John W. Bowdoin has received a letter from Governor Lee, informing him that the sentence of John Fisher, sent to penitentiary for cutting with intent to maim John W. Savage, has been commuted to one year. Fisher having been confined in penitentiary more than a year, commutation in his case means a pardon now.


Infrastructure -- Public : Towns


Atlantic has 8 stores, 1 shoe, 1 blacksmith and one cabinet shop and a graded school.


Fields -- Crops - Strawberries

Belle Haven.

Messrs. Taylor & Jarvis, of Berlin, will engage largely in strawberry culture on premises of Mr. Jno. R. Floyd, adjacent to our town. Several acres more are to be added next week to their patch of 6 acres, "put out" last spring.


Transportation -- Railroad - RegulationTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresSea -- WreckingTransportation -- Water - OtherTransportation -- Water - Wrecks


Since the inter-state commerce law went into effect, freight on a barrel of oysters from this point has been increased from 50 to 57 1/2 cents per barrel and 13 cents are now charged on empties, which before were brought free. The Deleware Division agent promises to regulate the rates soon and it is hoped that he will give it his attention at once, as our time for handling oysters this season has nearly expired.

Messrs. C. R. Babbitt & Son, wreckers of this place found on Thursday 31st ult., abreast of Cobbs Island, a three-masted schooner sunk in 5 fathom water. They stripped her of sails and riggin and having brought them here, advertised for the owners to come forward and claim them. If not claimed they will be sold as our law directs.

A new sail loft has been opened here by Messrs. Flemming & Holstein and the large patronage which they are receiving justifies the assertion that they are giving general satisfaction.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Fox


The last fox hunt of the season, in this section, will take place on Monday, 11th inst. The starting point will be at the "Ivory Woods." All lovers of the fun are invited.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


The farmers of this vicinity organized a meeting at this place last Saturday, with Capt. W. A. Street as chairman, and Julius Matthews as secretary. The chairman in a few pointed remarks stated the object of the meeting, which was to effect a permanent organization of farmers in the upper part of the county for the purpose of advancing all interests peculiar to their occupation. Upon a call for membership over thirty names were given the secretary upon the spot. It is understood that this Association will endeavor to act in concert with other organizations of farmers on the Shore in all matters affecting their common interests. The meeting adjourned upon naming the 16th inst., as time for next meeting at this place, and inviting all farmers to be present.

Mr. George T. Gillespie proposes to stop farming and remove to this village. He is now preparing lumber to erect a house upon a lot purchased of Mr. John W. Gillespie.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : MarketsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeedSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - VeteransMoral -- Alcohol


Capt. W. T. Summers is engaged in carrying oysters to planters in New York.

Many of our people on account of the good prices last season are making preparations to plant oysters more largely than ever this year.

The prospects of Mr. J. W. Broughton, candidate for Commissioner of the Revenue are brightening daily in this vicinity. Our people say that it is no more than is due, to one who served as Mr. Broughton did as a gallant soldier in the Confederate army for 4 years that he be rewarded with an office now, for a term of four years.

The quietude of our place was greatly disturbed some nights ago by a citizen of this community while on a drunken frolic. The store of Mr. A. F. Mears was visited by him, for the purpose, it is alleged, of shooting the owner and it is hard to say what the result might have been had not Mears happened to be absent at the time. A sister of the offender who had followed him to the store was so frightened for fear he would shoot some one, that she was rendered speechless for 86 hours and her life is still in danger. He has been guilty of the same offence twice before.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
April 9, 1887