Peninsula Enterprise, December 24, 1887
MigrationTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders
Belle Haven.
Five new families make their home with us another year, and one have moved out.
A hall 30x60 will be erected here by members of lodge of A. O. U. V., next spring.
Our town lodge of Good Templars is growing rapidly. It has now 75 or 80 members, and it is beginning to look rather gloomy around the barrooms.
Infrastructure -- Utilities - Water Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Messrs. C. B. Risley & Son, of Woodberry, New Jersey, have been awarded the contract by the Government for boring an artesian well at Assateague light. It will be from 200 to 400 feet deep and at a cost from $800 to $2,000.
Our new M. P. Church has been handsomely furnished with fine carpets, chandelier, costing $100 or more, first class organ, &c.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders
The new dwelling of Mr. L. M. Smith is nearing completion, and will be ready for occupancy by lst of January.
Mr. Alfred Lofland has sold the house and land formerly occupied by Dr. Lofland, situated one and a half miles below Pungoteague on Craddockville road and known as Gum Grove [farm], to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Waterfield.
The Good Templars are increasing rapidly in numbers in this vicinity.
The house and lot located in the southern portion of the village of Pungoteague, adjoining the parsonage lot of the M. E. Church South, and owned by Mr. Jonathan Berry of Horntown, has been purchased by Dr. J. H. A. Lofland, who will remove thereto sometime between now and the 2nd of January, 1888.
Vice-President Rowe.
reprinted from Fredericksburg Free Lance.Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs
Capt. M. B. Rowe has received a letter from Orris A. Browne, Esq., of Accomac, notifying him of his election as 3d Vice President of the Tidewater Agricultural Association to be held hereafter at Cape Charles [City], in Northampton county, of which Hon. W. L. Soctt, of Erie, Pa., is President, Dr. A. Brockenbrough, of Northampton, 1st vice, and Wm. F. Allen, of Norfolk, 2d vice-President. Captain Rowe has accepted the appointment and will no doubt add much to the success of the enterprise by his zeal and energy in behalf of such organizations.
N.Y., P. & N. R.R. Co.
Transportation -- Railroad - Corporate
The annual meeting of the stockholders of this company will be held at the office of the company in Drummondtown, Accomac county, Virginia, on Monday, the 16th day of January, 1888, at ten o'clock a.m.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels
By virtue of a deed of trust, dated the 23rd day of July, A. D., 1884, executed by George E. Winder and Annie R., his wife, to me as trustee for the benefit of Joseph S. Waterfield, and now of record in the clerk's office of the county court of Accomac county, by the request of the beneficiary in said deed, I shall proceed to sell at public auction, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1888, about 2 o'clock, p. m., in front of the premises, all that valuable hotel property described in the said deed as follows.
All that lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the village of Pungoteague, in the said county and State, containing four acres, more or less, known as the Tavern House and Lot, (except so much thereof, being thirty-two feet front by twenty-one feet deep, with the small storehouse thereon, which was conveyed by deed dated February 19th, 1880, by James K. Ayres and wife and Leah W. Ayres, to Henry C. Walker and Leonard H. Ames,) and bounded as follows: On the northeast by the land of Mrs. Sallie Virginia Hopkins, wife of William E. Hopkins, on the southeast by the main bay side county road and by the said lot of 32x21 feet above excepted, on the southwest by the Joynes store lot, part of which belongs to James F. Hope and the other part to Mrs. Mary Ann Walker, and on the northwest by the land of Dr. F. C. A. Kellam, Sen'r, known as the Hill property; the lot, piece or parcel of land hereby conveyed being the same which has been conveyed by deed of even date with this deed, by James K. Ayres and wife and Richard J. Ayres and wife to the said George E. Winder.
The sale of this property offers a rare chance to any person desiring to conduct the hotel business, or to make an investment, to acquire a valuable property on the main county road through this peninsula, located in a thriving village, within easy reach of railroad station and of steamboat wharf. The buildings are large, the main hotel building, the stables and other buildings and the enclosures are all in thorough repair, a large amount having been expended by Mr. Winder in thoroughly fitting up the old buildings, inside and out, and adding new buildings, within the past three years; and, besides ample room for hotel and livery purposes, the property has an unimproved side lot, fronting on the main street of sufficient size for a building lot for a residence, store house or other purpose. This property is a long established hotel, and is favorably known to the traveling public.
-- The Terms of Sale --
Ten per centum of the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, with liberty to the purchaser to pay as much more on that day, or at any time before the same falls due, as he may desire, the balance of the purchase money not paid on the day of sale, to be divided into three equal instalments, payable respectively at one, two and three years from the day of sale, with interest from that day, to be secured by the separate bonds of the purchaser, with personal security thereto to be approved by the undersigned trustee, and waiving the homestead exemption, and the title to be retained as additional security, and, if required at any time by the beneficiary in said deed or the undersigned trustee, the purchaser is to insure, and keep insured, the buildings to the amount of $1,000, as additional security; the premises are to be at the purchaser's risk from the time they are bid off by him, and he is to be entitled to possession on the day of sale upon complying with the terms of sale, and, upon payment of the whole purchase money, he is to be entitled to a conveyance of the premises, with special warranty of title, upon the same, properly prepared at his expense, being tendered to the undersigned for execution; and the property will be sold free of all taxes and levies to the 1st day of January, 1888.
If the day named above for the sale should be too inclement, the sale will take place on the following Saturday, February 4th, 1888.
For further particulars apply to the undersigned, at Onancock, Va., or to Mr. George E. Winder, on the premises.
Given under my hand this 19th day of December, A. D. 1887.