Peninsula Enterprise, March 6, 1886
Notice is given by the Lighthouse Board that after March 10th, a light of the fourth order will be shown from the structure recently erected on Killick Shoal, Chincoteague bay, Va.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers
The February number of the Amateur Times, a neat little sheet edited and published at Eastville by Master Lloyd Brockenbrough, a member of the Fourth Estate not yet in his teens, lies on our table.
Moral -- Property crime
Two colored men of Chincoteague charged with stealing four gallons of gin and other liquors, were sent to jail this week.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Banks
It is said that Receiver Peters, of the Exchange National Bank, will shortly declare another dividend of ten per cent. -- Norfolk Virginian. So small a pittance even will doubtless be received with thanks by the Eastern Shore depositors of the "busted" bank.
Architecture -- Jails
John W. West, confined in jail in default of bail to keep the peace, climbed over the wall while the attention of the jailor was temporarily diverted, last Wednesday, but was overhauled at a distance of about 3 miles therefrom and remanded to his old quarters. At night of same day, by removing a bar of inside window of debtor's room in which he was confined, he scaled the walls again and regained his liberty.
Moral -- Alcohol
The local option question now engages the attention of our people, and opinion is divided as to the result of an election regarding it. Strange as it may seem, some of the most ardent advocates of no license are those who have used most of the intoxicating beverage, and on the other hand some who show most indifference in the matter are strictly temperate in their habits.
African-Americans -- Work - Business And professional Women -- Work - Outside the homeInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential developmentProfessionals -- Realtors and developers
Belle Haven.
Aunt Fanny Johnson, colored, cake and ice cream maker, died Wednesday, aged 76 years. She was a general favorite in the community.
The building committee of the M. E. Church South met Monday night and arranged to have work commenced on a new church in our town in May.
The building boom continues with us. The dwelling of Rev. Mr. Crawley is nearly completed and Messrs. Jule Ward, H. L. Wyatt and Louis Floyd propose to have dwellings erected during this Spring. Mr. Wallings has sold five building lots in the last six months.
Moral -- Property crimeMoral -- AlcoholTransportation -- Road - Personal injury
The poultry business has become so profitable of late, that some of our people are raising them -- off the roost. Cold weather and hard times will generate new ideas.
Mr. Upshur Bradford, was knocked or fell from his cart at a point near Belle Haven last Tuesday night, receiving severe injuries. According to latest reports he has not recovered sufficiently to explain his injuries. The presumption is though that he was foully dealt with, as he is a strict temperance man.
Fields -- Livestock - PoultryFields -- Livestock - Diseases and pestsWeather -- Northeast stormsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideTransportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Water - FreightSea -- Finfish - Catch : Rock
Marsh Market.
The high tides in January and cholera having destroyed near all the chickens in this vicinity, the supply is not equal to demand, with our ladies.
Large shipments of oysters have recently been made by Messrs. Walter J. Hall and Charlie Feddeman, by both steamer and rail and the returns have been satisfactory.
During last month fine black perch, rock and cat fish were caught near Shad Landing.