Peninsula Enterprise, August 14, 1886


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels

The Atlantic hotel of Chincoteague has been filled with guests this season from Philadelphia, Wilmington and other points. The excellent table of mine host Matthews and courteous attention to guests, together with the superior facilities provided for those fond of gunning, fishing, are attractions not usually slighted by the average pleasure seeker, Chincoteague as a summer resort will become more popular when better known.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers

Mr. Theo. A. Walker, is now the editor and proprietor of the Eastern Virginian, as appear by last issue of this paper. We welcome him to the field of journalistic labors and hope he will find the work both pleasant and profitable.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing

A boat race between the Puritan and Blackhawk will come off at Parker's Island near the mouth of Onancock Creek next Monday.


Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsAfrican-Americans -- Religion

A colored camp meeting will commence August 28th next near Bloxom's Station, on road leading to Modestown, under the supervision of the Rev. J. E. Blount, of the M. E. Church.


Fields -- Livestock - Horses

The annual pony pennings of Assateague and Chincoteague, come off respectively on 17th and 18th inst. -- next Tuesday and Wednesday.


Architecture -- Other public buildings

Mr. T. C. Kellam, chairman of the Board of Supervisors authorizes the announcement, that there will be a meeting of the Board on Wednesday the 18th inst., for the purpose of considering matters to our new clerk's office.


Architecture -- Jails

A reward of fifty dollars is offered for the delivery of Edward Bayly, (colored,) who escaped from jail at Eastville, on June 2nd, "in any jail in any county or corporation" of the commonwealth. -- The proclamation of the Governor of Virginia appears in this issue.


Transportation -- Railroad - Litigation

In the matter of Thos. G. Pitts, adr., of N. Judson Kellam, deceased, and the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Company the Court of Appeals allowed a "Writ of Error and Supersedeas" in favor of the Company, on Thursday last -- the petition for the Writ being presented that day and its favorable consideration had at once, Mr. T. H. Bayly Browne appearing for the Railroad Company.


Sea -- Finfish - Catch : MenhadenSea -- Fish factoriesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ExcursionsTransportation -- Water - WrecksSea -- WreckingInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesAfrican-Americans -- ReligionInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Customs service


One hundred thousand alewives were caught by crews at our factories last week.

Schooner Jane Harris, commanded by Capt. Duvall, arrived here on Thursday, with a party of one hundred or more excursionists.

The schooner, Edwin J. Palmer, Thos. Gardner, Capt., bound from Providence, R. I., to Philadelphia, loaded with 80 tons of scrap iron and 900 coal oil barrels, went ashore on Chincoteague bar on Thursday 5th inst., and is a complete wreck. She was valued at $3,000 and there was no insurance on her. Her crew was saved by Capt. Jno. W. Bunting and the anchors, chains, cabin furniture, coal oil barrels, &c., saved from the wreck by him, were sold at public auction at his factory, on Wednesday.

A meeting of the colored Baptists here, commencing on the 7th inst., closed last Tuesday.

Col. Lemuel Showell and a party of jolly excursionists arrived here on Sunday on the yacht Anna Powell.

A prosperous meeting is now being held at Oysterville grove under the supervision of the pastor of the M. E. Church.

The Baptist protracted meeting which commenced on the 2nd of August, is still in progress. Some converts at the meeting were baptized Sunday afternoon at Birch's landing.

Lieutenant Wild arrived here Sunday, in sloop Report, as the successor of Lieutenant Baldwin. He will make his headquarters here, instead of Onancock, as he considers Chincoteague much more convenient as a "port of entry." -- Our citizens are very glad to have the cutter again with us, and all extend to the lieutenant and his crew a hearty welcome.


Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Water - WharvesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BaseballTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing


Mr. Thomas C. Kellam, by virtue of an act of the Legislature, is having a substantial and commodious wharf built at Parramore's dock. The steamer Tuckahoe will ply weekly between New York and said wharf during the potato season, making the first trip yesterday.

The dwelling of Capt. Thos. R. Kellam of our town, is being remodeled and enlarged.

In the game of base ball played here on Monday between the Pungoteague and Locustville nines, the score stood 13 to 10 in favor of the former.

The bateau, Jno. W. Daniel, 14 feet long, owned by Mr. Wm. James, is open for a challenge, not for fun, but money. He will be glad to hear from any one who has a boat of equal length and some money he is willing to part with.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateArchitecture -- JailsInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Public - Government : TaxationTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resorts

Real estate transfers during July.

Wm. H. Kimberly and ux. to Abraham D. Lawson, lot "C" at Cherrystone, $400.

Bayley Bell and ux. to Chas. C. and Alfred J. Bell, 375 acres near Bird's Nest station; $3,436.41.

Jerome B. Hall and wife to Sarah A. White, lot 492 at Cape Charles, $100.

Polly Kelley to Mary W. Bloxom, 45 acres near Capeville, gift.

W. H. Kimberly to Susan Coston, (colored) 1 acre at Cherrystone, $100.

L. J. Nottingham, special commissioner to W. L. Rolley, 44 1-2 acres near Capeville, $640.

Wm. J. Mapp and wife to Samuel R. Weed, 25 acres near Exmore station, $1,250.

Wm. L. Scott and ux. to Wm. West (colored) lot 9 at Cape Charles, $160.

Leonard Hunt and ux to John C. P. Kellam, lot 602 at Cape Charles, $450.

George R. Mapp and ux. to Rufus G. Dennis, 80 8-10 acres at Shady Side; $940.

Peter Doughty to Anne Hateney (colored) 4 acres near Franktown, $40.

NEWS NOTES. -- James Burton, (colored,) charged with malfeasance, in allowing Edmond Baily (colored) to escape from jail, was tried and found not guilty.

The grand jury ignored indictment sent to them against Geo. C. Brickhouse for shooting a negro, it clearly appearing to them to be a case of self defense.

Louis Moore died at his home near Wardtown, on the 8th instant of bilious dysentery aged 65 years.

Mr. John C. Kellam, and Miss Lucy Moore were married near Johnsontown on Monday 9th inst.

A festival will be held at Holmes Presbyterian church, near Bayview, on the 18th inst., under the auspices of the ladies of that church, which promises to have many interesting and attractive features. Persons from a distance wishing to attend can be landed by rail within a few hundred yards of the Church.

An Association is now in progress at the lower Baptist church, Rev. J. L. Burrows and other big lights in the church are in attendance. The exercises close to-morrow.

Lands delinquent for the non-payment of taxes were sold at the court house on Monday, the bidding in some instances being quite lively. Several other parcels were offered for sale also. An acre in Eastville, unimproved, sold for $460.

Cobb's Island has been sold, it is reported, to a stock company from Washington, Richmond and other points for $30,000.

Board of Supervisors.

Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : CountyTransportation -- Road - ConstructionInfrastructure -- Public - Government : TaxationArchitecture -- Other public buildingsArchitecture -- CourthousesArchitecture -- Jails

The Board met on the 5th instant pursuant to adjournment.

Every member was present and considerable business dispatched. Among the items may be noted a settlement with the Superintendent of the poor for the year ending June 30th, 1886. By this settlement it appears that the expenses of the poor house for said year have been well looked after by Mr. Annis, and he has managed the same very economically. Quite a goodly number of accounts and charges against the county were allowed, and warrants directed for their payment, among them the annual allowances to physicians and overseers of the poor, and semi-annual allowances to the county officers for public services. Orders were entered approving the opening of the respective roads, petitioned for by Major E. Selby et. als. and Benj. W. Mears et als. An estimate of the probable expenses for the year ending June 30th, 1887 was recorded and the sum of 50 cts on the head and 25 cents on the hundred dollars worth of property or real estate was levied to meet the estimate. This is a reduction of 5 cents on the county levy of last year. Notwithstanding this reduction, after an approximate statement by the Treasurer of how he would stand with the county funds, upon a settlement to be had Sept. 7, proximo, the Board saw clearly how it could build without delay, the much needed new clerk's office, and resolved to do so. -- The new office will be built in rear of the court house, and connected therewith by an open but covered way to the rear door. The necessary committee composed of the individual members of the Board, and Alfred J. Lilliston was appointed to procure the plan and specifications. The house will be built by contract, and the committee will advertise for sealed proposals. We take this opportunity to congratulate the board for the financial wisdom it has displayed. It has thoroughly repaired and rebuilt the court house, and the jail, and ordered a new clerk's office, with money already in the treasurers' hands to pay for it; and with these and other county expenses promptly met, (among which is the little item of $2800.00 for processioning the lands,) it has reduced the rate of taxation for the year 1886-87 as already stated. The Board meets again Tuesday, September 7th, 1886.

Reply to Mr. Horsey.

Transportation -- Railroad - Freight

EDITOR OF THE ENTERPRISE. -- If you will allow me a little space in your paper I will make an answer to the defence of Mr. K. C. Horsey, in regard to the shipping arrangements at Oak Hall station. I don't know the gentleman who made the first complaint against arrangements but, if Mr. Horsey wants some facts, I can supply him sufficiently. Mr. Horsey says he has been at the depot every day and that "there has not been a barrel of potatoes laid over." If that is so, I beg him to explain how it happened, that of a shipment of 6 barrels made on the 2nd of July, only 4 barrels reached their destination on the 7th of July; and why it was, that two shipments, one on the 5th of July of 5 barrels of potatoes, and one barrel of string beans, and another on the 6th of July of 4 barrels of potatoes, all arrived in market on the same day -- the beans being spoiled by the delay? If these facts are not sufficient to satisfy him, I can easily supply him with more.

Yours, &c.,



July 29th, 1886.


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : PricesFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Quality control

We have often commented upon the folly of some of our farmers in shipping their produce to market in an unripe and unsalable condition, and had hoped that they had learned wisdom from the lessons taught them by experience but reports which [illegible] justify the assertion that a "babe in [illegible]" is still wiser than some of them are. That folly is especially shown in the shipments of sweet potatoes this year -- for instance potatoes shipped the same day have netted respectively to the shippers from $5.00 to 40 cents per barrel. Why this disparity in the returns? There can only be one answer -- that while one barrel has been filled with marketable potatoes, another has contained trash, that would be discreditable to a swill barrel. The farmer, therefore, who ships unsalable potatoes not only sacrifices a portion of his crop but the market is thereby so depressed, that as large a price cannot be secured for the salable product -- by his folly a decline in the price results, which is seriously felt when his potatoes are fit for market. Why the course pursued by some of our farmers in making shipments, in view of the disastrous consequences to them and to others, is perhaps a pertinent inquiry? There can be only two explanations -- either a laudable ambition on their part not to be beaten by their neighbors in having their produce first in market, or a desire for their neighbor's good potatoes to sell their trashy ones. If for the former reason then he has the remedy of using better manures and superior methods of cultivation, selecting soil best adapted to the growth of the sweet potato &c., -- if the latter, then the remedy is in the hands of the commission merchant, and the returns this year indicate a disposition on their part to correct the evil. They are selling each farmer's potatoes this year on their own merit and returns are being made accordingly. Heretofore in many instances a good barrel of potatoes was worth no more than a poor one as the same returns were made for all. -- Farmers now who send trash to market will find it not only unprofitable but disreputable to so do. Returns to each shipper according to the value of his potatoes will soon teach those who heretofore have been too careless "to put up their potatoes properly" that it will pay to do so and those who heretofore have not cared what trash was imposed upon the purchaser, if good returns were made to them, will soon learn that after all "honesty is the best policy." We but voice the injunction of every good commission merchant when we say to our farmers in conclusion wait until your potatoes are ripe, then cull them properly, put them in as good barrels as you can secure and fill them according to gospel measure.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
August 14, 1886