Peninsula Enterprise, March 13, 1886
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceNatural resources -- Shoreline migration
Sealed proposals will be received, as will be seen by advertisement, signed light-house engineer, fifth district, for furnishing the material and labor of all kinds necessary for building a jetty and wall of logs or stone, or of brick or stone, at Cape Charles light station, Va.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceTransportation -- Railroad - Freight
The material for the new light house at Cape Charles was brought over the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad a few days ago.
Transportation -- Railroad - Steamboats
The new steamer, Old Point, will be placed on the line between Cape Charles City and Norfolk on 15th inst. The passenger accommodations on her, it is said, will be superior to those even of steamer Cape Charles and her speed will be at least 20 miles an hour.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers
It is reported that the Eastern Virginian has again changed hands -- the purchaser being Mr. Hoffman, of Liberty, Va. We have not had the pleasure of meeting our new brother -- but none the less extend him a cordial welcome to his new field of labor.
Moral -- Other violent crimeTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Trespass
George Milliner, who was serving a term of imprisonment in our jail, for an assault upon Major George P. Barnes, has been pardoned by the Governor and was released Thursday. Nat Lang and George Finney, imprisoned for same offense, were pardoned and released on yesterday.
Fields -- Fertilizer
Pocomoke phosphate is offered for sale by Mr. D. H. Johnson & Co., Leemont, per ton, at $33 cash, $35 on reasonable credit.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
A night school has been established at Accomac C. H., by Mr. C. M. Bayne, principal of our graded school, having for its object the instruction of those, whose education has been neglected. The tuition fees charged by him are exceedingly low -- showing that a moneyed consideration does not influence him in his good work, so much as a desire to benefit those, who need his instructions. -- His is a noble work, and every citizen having the good of the community at heart should appreciate the services he would render and aid him with words of cheer.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceInfrastructure -- Public : Street lightsWeather -- Northeast stormsTransportation -- Water - WrecksInfrastructure -- Commercial - MillineriesWomen -- Work - Outside the home
The contractor says that Killick Shoal light will be ready for occupancy on 15th inst., and Wm. Parker, colored, second assistant of Assateague light has been promoted and appointed keeper of the new light. Elijah R. Wilson, of Georgetown, Delaware has been appointed to fill Parker's old place. We are informed, that one if not both of these men are utterly incompetent, knowing nothing of lighthouse work and cannot tell even in what direction the wind is blowing. Such are the men appointed instead of our own citizens, whose life work has been such as to prepare them to fill efficiently the places, which should belong to them. It is to be hoped, that an examination will be given these men -- so that it may be seen to what folly the civil service laws, enforced without regard to party obligations or efficiency, lead.
A street light recently placed in front of store of our enterprising druggist, Mr. O. N. Jones adds greatly to appearance of that part of our town, at night.
The estimated loss of Elva A. Jeffries, owner of the sloop Rebecca J. which was sunk during the storm of 25th ult., off Wachapreague inlet, is $800.
Mrs. L. A. Taylor, one of our fashionable milliners, has retired from business. Her house, purchased by Mr. J. H. Tindle, has been moved to Main St., and converted into a boot and shoe manufactory.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceTransportation -- Railroad - Wharves
The light-house on Killick shoals is nearing completion: Cannot some good Democrat be found willing to serve as light-keeper?
The re-construction of the pier at Franklin City by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, making the entire structure nearly new, is a want long seen and recognized by the people who are acquainted with its dilapidated condition.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Bayside
Oak Hall.
The oystermen, a noble and generous class of our citizens are much behind financially in their winter's work and generally depressed by the losses incident to the late flood and severe winter. But no doubt a kind Providence will give timely relief.
Church Dedication.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
The new M. P. Church, at New Church, this county, will be dedicated on Sunday, March 28th, if fair, if not, the next fair Sunday. The friends of the church are cordially invited to attend on the occasion. Several ministers of the church from abroad are expected to be present on the occasion.
Northampton County.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateTransportation -- Road - Construction
Transfers of real estate for the month of February, 1886:
Albert F. Cobb and ux to Alex. Risman, Baltimore, 313 acres near Cheriton station; $8,000.
James Smith to George Savage, 5 acres near Franktown; $75.
James K. Sturgis to Wm. E. Colonna, lot in Eastville; $63.50.
George Watson to Adale Read, 4 acres near Bayview; $200.
George S. Hine to David N. Scull, lot at Cherrystone; $800.
Court proceedings, March term:
Wm. J. Savage qualified as administrator of Charles R. Round, deceased.
John A. Nottingham qualified as administrator of Margaret Wilkins, deceased.
Codicil to the last will and testament of Benjamin Ashby proved.
On application of James A. Fisher and others, to establish a public road. Motion to quash summons overruled. -- Report of viewers as to Peggy Satchel confirmed. Exception filed by James Satchel and cause continued.
On application of H. B. Stewart and others to open public road from the main road at Wardtown to Stewart's wharf. Order appointing viewers.
On the 10th day of March, 1886, Mr. Alfred T. Bell of Northampton to Miss Alice Hendren of Norfolk.
Last February, of pneumonia, Mrs. Delitha T. Johnson, eldest daughter of the late James P. James and wife of James F. Johnson, deceased, aged 46 years.
Housebreakers Arrested.
Moral -- Property crime
On the 25th of last December, the storehouse of Wm. T. Tull, at Wagram, was broken into and forty-five dollars in currency and sixty dollars worth of goods were stolen therefrom. At that time there was no clue to the perpetrators of the crime, but Mr. Tull wisely concluded that by keeping quiet, some old coins which were taken away as part of the plunder of the guilty parties would eventually lead to their detection, and the course pursued by him proved to be correct. In a short time several of the old coins were brought to him, his brother and Mr. Collins to be spent for goods by one Martha Custis. Last week, after a sufficient number of the coins had come into his possession and identified beyond all doubt Mr. Tull secured a warrant from Justice A. S. Taylor and had it placed into the hands of Constable George T. Gladding, directing him to search the house of Martha Custis. The search being made, there were found in her house $10 in currency and a part of the stolen goods. She was promptly arrested and confessed that she and one John Cropper were the guilty parties. At the examination before the justice, she exonerated Cropper and charged that Caleb Broughton, David Jones and Lewis Downing, all colored, were her confederates. Broughton and Jones when first arrested, protested their innocence, but afterwards confessed their guilt. The confession brought to light the following facts: that Caleb Broughton was the captain of the gang, and by a preconcerted arrangement made between him and the other three, if either was caught, John Cropper who was an old offender "against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth" in his section, was to be charged with the crime. Their plans failed -- John Cropper was released -- and Martha, Caleb and David were landed in our jail last Saturday by Constable Gladding, to await the action of the grand jury. Lewis Downing being out of the county, has not been arrested.
Capture of Maryland Dredgers.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementLaborers -- Fisheries
During last week Capt. E. J. Corbin attempted to arrest a lot of dredgers on "Old Woman's Marsh" rock, just this side of the Maryland line. The arrest was resisted, and Capt. Corbin was driven off by overpowering numbers. -- He at once communicated with Chief Foster of the Chesapeake, who securing his aid and that of Capt. Gaskins as pilots, proceeded to the scene of trouble. The result was the capture on Tuesday afternoon of the dredger Martha E. Freeman of Crisfield, together with Capt. Gilbert Cottman, Robert Thomas, William Parker, Henry Britman, Henry Smith, Frank Brown, Martin Miller, William Smith and John Druert. The first four are negroes, and the five remaining are Germans. The crew was picked up in Baltimore. The Chesapeake brought her prize and prisoners into Pungoteague creek. The boat is held at Hoffman's wharf under guard, and the prisoners were by order of Justice Blackstone lodged in jail on Wednesday, to await indictment.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
The dredgers have been very active on "Woman's Marsh" rock, this week, and several vessels have been loaded with oysters there. -- This rock is in sight of Crisfield and in Virginia waters. The Virginia police force, under the command of one Corbin, tried to arrest the dredgers and fired on them. -- The fire was returned and Corbin retreated and left the dredgers in full possession of the rock, and it is said that the oysters there are now scarce, fully thirty thousand bushels having been caught. -- Crisfield Leader, 6th.
From the above, it will be seen that Admiral Skaggs' fleet has made a haul of not less than "30,000 bushels" of oysters from Virginia in a few days -- having, as the Leader says, "been very active."
We are glad the Leader admits "Woman's Marsh" rock to be "in Virginia waters." The Maryland dredgers have been especially free in their threats to resist lawful authority by force of arms -- and when "the Virginia police force tried to arrest the dredgers and fired on them -- the fire was returned," and Captain Corbin was driven off. -- He, however, returned with the steamer Chesapeake and captured on Tuesday a Maryland dredger with a crew of nine men. There are two things to be said just here. The foreign dredgers may as well understand once for all -- and govern themselves accordingly -- that they must observe existing lines or despite their threats they will come to grief if it takes the posse of the whole State to do it. And the steamer Chesapeake can find far better employment in looking out in these waters for violations of law than running through the "Swash" or from Norfolk to Matthews and back. Had she been on this side when the "30,000 bushels" of oysters were stolen Capt. Corbin would never have "retreated and left the dredgers in full possession of the rock." With a sloop only he could do nothing against a fleet. We suggest, with due consideration for her yachting qualities, she should try service -- real service -- and prove she is not such a useless tax-swallower only as she seems.
To the Fruit Growers of Accomac.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
It is very important for mutual protection, and a more thorough development of the business, that we be organized. It is therefore proposed that we meet at Drummondtown on the 29th of March, it being court-day, and organize a Fruit Grower's Association. -- Any fruit grower that cannot be present on that day and wishes to join such an organization can address a note to Judge Gunter, Accomac C. H.
The Handsome Trotting Stallion
Fields -- Livestock - Horses
which took the 1st premium in 1885, and the 2nd premium in 1884, for speed in the class of trotting stallions at the State Agricultural Fair held at Richmond, Va., will make the spring season in Accomac and Northampton at
$25 to insure a mare with foal,
15 for services the season,
10 for single service.
He will be at Accomac C. H., the first day of each county court and remain there two days.
For further particulars address
Bayview, Northampton, Va.
The Handsome Trotting Stallion
Fields -- Livestock - Horses
will make the spring season of 1886 on the Eastern Shore of Virginia at $15 to insure a mare with foal, at $10 for services the season. He will be at Eastville on 1st day of each court and remain in the county of Northampton for two weeks thereafter at such places as his services may be desired. The rest of time during season will travel in Accomac, and will be at Drummondtown on 1st day of county court.
For further particulars address
Accomac C. H., Va.