Peninsula Enterprise, November 6, 1886
Moral -- Alcohol
A temperance meeting will be held at Parksley station at 10 a. m., on Wednesday, November 30th inst.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
The Red Bank Farmers' Association will meet at Marionville on Wednesday, November 10th at 7 1/2 p.m. It being the regular annual meeting for the election of officers a large attendance of the members is desired.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
Fifty-two persons were converted at a revival meeting recently held in the Methodist Church at Powelton. The exercises were conducted by Rev. C. D. Crawley.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesProfessionals -- Builders
A Methodist Church, which is to be added to the circuit of Rev. J. W. Carroll, is now being built at Coard's branch near Accomac C. H. Its rapid completion is assured under the skillful hands of master workman, Mr. Jona Parks, assisted by Mr. Wm. Stevenson and others.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Real Estate Transfers.
Geo. Watson to W. F. Nottingham & Bro., 1 7-10 acres near Bayview, $85.
Wm. L. Scott and wife to Jno. N. Sterling & Bro., lots 506 and 510 at Cape Charles, $594.
Robert S. Trower to Preston E. Trower, his 1-7 of the Trower land (undivided,) at Belle Haven, $250.
George R. Mapp et ux. et als. to Preston E. Trower land at Belle Haven.
Frank Gibb and wife to Ellen Weston, 2 acres near Cheriton station, $150.
T. M. Scott to Joseph Stevens, 6 acres woodland near Selvaville, $164.
John W. Tankard and wife to Orland V. Wosten et al, 146 84-100 acres near Hadlock, $2,750.
Jacob Collins to Minny Fitchett, 3 acres near Eastville, $125.
John T. Whitehead to Thomas H. Brickhouse, 2 1-2 acres near Bayview, $150.
Elizabeth T. Ward et als. to Rosa W. Willis, 12 acres near Exmore Station, $365.
John E. Nottingham, trustee, to Sally A. Mezick, 50 acres near Franktown, called [illegible]erton, $2,400.
Answers to Queries of "Patrons."
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs
1st. The Fair literally belongs to the people who sustain it.
2nd. Financially it is owned and conducted by the Bellehaven and Pungoteague Grange organizations.
3rd. It is not incorporated.
4th. It has cost several thousand dollars in the last nine years, furnished by the said Granges and paid back by the people in the form of gate money or admission fees, confectionary privileges &c., which fees go to pay expenses, premiums &c.
5th. The public has the privilege of making it a success or a failure, by their attendance or non-attendance.
"The Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair" was commenced nine years ago, by the united efforts of Bellehaven and Pungoteague Granges, not for private or individual gain, or that of the organization, but to stimulate the agricultural development and progress of the Eastern Shore in all her varied enterprises. With what success, the people can best judge.
Would be glad to hear from "Patron" any suggestions that will further advance and improve the agricultural interests of our Peninsula.
KELLER, Nov. 3, '86.
To the Oyster Inspectors of Accomac County.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Your attention is specially called to the following letters, recently sent to me by the Auditor of Public Accounts:
Tangier, Oct. 19th, 1886.
Auditor of Virginia.
Dear Sir: --
I thought I would write and inform you of the system of licensing dredging vessels adopted by the inspectors. I found one vessel on the 18th whose license had been dated ahead up to the 20th.
And last winter I found many vessels who had been away to market when their monthly license had expired, and when they returned and renewed their license, the inspector allowed them all the days elapsing between the date of the old license and the date of application for the new license. I know one man who gained 13 days at one time that way. I spoke to the Inspector and told him I thought it wrong, but they kept on doing the same thing, and I presume they intend doing the same thing this winter and by this system of granting license monthly, the dredgers instead of paying $3 a ton will get off with $2.50 and some of them I expect won't pay more than $2 a ton, so I thought it my duty to inform you of these facts as I supposed you were not aware of it.
Your Obedient Servant.
RICHMOND, VA., Oct. 23, 1886.
Hon. Geo. T. Garrison, Judge Accomack Co., Va.
DEAR SIR: The Auditor of Public Accounts is in receipt of a communication from Capt. E. J. Corbin, of the oyster navy that the Inspectors of your county are violating the law in their manner of registering vessels to dredge &c., by anti-dating licenses and other irregularities. I deem it my duty to call your attention to the matter.
Very Respectfully,
The object of this communication is to warn you against these alleged violations of the law, and to request Capt. Corbin and the other officers of the oyster navy to report to the Commonwealth's Attorney the names and circumstances of all such violations.
Judge County Court.