Peninsula Enterprise, March 20, 1886
Architecture -- Courthouses
Our court house is receiving the finishing touches of painter, plasterer and carpenter.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Mr. A. J. Lilliston has sold to Mr. Henry C. Lewis one of the parcels of lands, known as the Hickman Lot, advertised in THE ENTERPRISE, for the sum of $1,300. The power of a little printer's ink, as shown in this case, is remarkable.
Transportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsTransportation -- Railroad - Personnel
Capt. Wm. C. Almy will command the new steamer Old Point, of the N. Y. P. and N. R.R.
Fields -- Other machinery
Rev. J. W. Elliott, who for a score of years or more has manufactured the plow so universally used and deservedly popular with our farmers; still continues in the good work. A combined cultivator and tiller recently invented by him it is said, is superior to anything of the kind ever yet offered to our people.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersMoral -- Alcohol
A correspondent from Sykes' Island states, that "at a regular meeting of Jerusalem Tent No. 79, I. O. of Rechabites, the local option question was considered and the Tent decided to ask the co-operation of all who are in sympathy with the movement and are opposed to the evils of intemperance having sway in our county, to show their hand and assist in rooting out the evil.
Moral -- Alcohol
The number of voters, required by law, in the magisterial District of the Islands, having petitioned the judge of the county court of Accomac, to be allowed the privilege of voting on the question of "license or no license," a writ has been issued for an election to be held in that district on Saturday, the 24th day of April, next.
Professionals -- Realtors and developersTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - LodgesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Mount Pleasant, a farm owned by Mr. Jno. P. L. Hopkins, this county, located near Eastville has been sold by Browne, Jacob & Co., real estate agents for the sum of ten thousand dollars, to New York parties, who will make it headquarters as a gunning resort. If you want to sell your lands at fair prices, our real estate agents have shown by the numerous sales made, that they have facilities for finding purchasers.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers
It seems that we were ill-advised as to the sale of the Eastern Virginian as it appears by the last issue of our contemporary, that Bro. Brent is still the editor. We regarded the information received by us in the matter as authentic and hence the statement made by us. We congratulate the people of the Eastern Shore and trust that the effusions of our old brother (not in years but wisdom) will continue to enlighten and edify them for many years yet.
Infrastructure -- Public : FencesTransportation -- Railroad - FreightMoral -- Property crime
Marsh Market.
The farmers in this section are busily engaged in making fences, hauling manure and plowing.
The freights from this point are as large as from any station in the county.
During the absence of Rebecca Carter, colored, from home recently her premises were raided by thieves and all her money and chickens stolen.
Letter From Commander Evans.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse service
BALTO. MD., March 15, '86.
Dear Sir: My attention has just this morning been called to an article in your edition of Feb. 27, 1886, removing the cuticle from my body in the most masterly style. The "freedom of the press" is a great thing, but in your able hands the tension is greater than should be applied. Having, as above stated, removed the cuticle from my unoffending body, won't you be fair enough to restore it by publishing the following?
I was not aware until I read your able editorial that there was, or was to be, a light-house at Killick Shoal, Va. I never received an application, petition or other writing, of any kind, shape or verbal request from any one for the position of keeper of said light-house. If I had received such, I should have returned it at once to the sender with the information that the station was not in my district. Anyone who charges me with being an offensive partisan -- either Republican or Democratic, does not tell the truth. I never cast a vote in my life and never expect to -- nor did I ever influence anyone to cast a vote for any party. I am an officer of the Navy and as such have no business with politics. Under the last administration I was charged with being a Democrat. Knowing the honorable instincts and practices of newspaper men generally, I have no doubt that you will give this card the same prominence given to the unjust attack which has called for it.
L. H., Inspector.
Diversity of Crops.
Farmers -- Innovation
MR. EDITOR: -- Will you give me the space in your valuable paper to talk a little with our farmers on the importance of a "diversity of crops." There was a time with our farmers, that the want of a broad and general means of transportation, justified the notion of making the sweet potato crop a specialty, and I might say an entirety of money making power of this peninsula, but now that we have the great blessing and advantages of railroad transportation, ought we not to begin to look around ourselves, and ask if a greater diversity of crops will not yield to honest labor more money? Much indeed can be said in regard to all the sections of our country, as well as the people living more remote from us, that have met with ruinous depression in their agricultural interests, by clinging too tenaciously to the one crop idea. The vast and wealthy Island of Cuba, for instance, thirty years ago had almost a monopoly in sugar and syrups, which was then thought, could not by any possibility be taken from her, and their production excluded almost every other industry, but to-day we find, that the great nations of western Europe are not only producing from the beet enough sugar for their own consumption but are exporting their surplus by the thousands of tons all over the world. Their present, and the prospect of increased production, must in a very few years, demonstrate to the people of Cuba the fallacy of the "but one crop system." Coming nearer home, let us consider the ruinous consequences of the one crop system of the cotton States before the war. Cotton was their main and almost only crop, depending upon other sections to produce their corn, wheat, bacon, besides innumerable other articles of subsistence and of comfort -- the consequence of which was that the great Northwestern States were built up, which afterwards became the most powerful factors in the destruction of their liberties and institutions. Numbers upon numbers of like lamentable consequences might be recounted, that have befallen those people who have depended specially, as an agricultural people, upon one crop alone as a means of revenue.
Viewing the matter at our own homes has not the fallacy of the one crop -- the sweet potato -- been proven of late years by the small returns and is not the query pertinent, when will our farmers seek to better their condition by a greater diversity of crops? If we are to cling to old ideas, what profit may we expect to derive from the great blessing of certain and speedy means of transportation, that has been given us? What the need of a railroad if we are not to seek the advantages to be derived from it? Why should we plant five acres in sweet potatoes if they will not yield us as much money as five acres of Rutabaga turnips, when their cultivation will cost us five times as much? Let us plant sweet potatoes, but much fewer of them, but let us plant turnips, cabbage, kale, spinach, musk-melons, in fact all the field and garden trucks, and in as large quantities as we do sweet potatoes, and this being done and equal attention being given to them as has been to the sweet potato, in my opinion our farmers would have more money for their labors. Let us reason this matter together on a mathematical basis in a word let us use figures.
5 acres in sweets 50,000 hills 1 ct. each | $500.00 |
5 acres in Irish $50 per acre | 250.00 |
Last 5 a. afterwards in corn 40 bbls. at $2.00 | 80.00 |
_____ | |
831.00 | |
Cost fertilizer on Irish pot's | 60.00 |
_____ | |
Total | 771.00 |
Now let us look again:
2 1/2 a., in sweets 25,000 hills 1 ct. each | $250.00 |
1 a. in spinach 500 bbls., at $3 per bbl., price 6 cts. | 150.00 |
1 1/2 a., in kale 150 bbls. at 50 cts. per bbl worth tod-day $2.50 | 75.00 |
5 a. in Irish pot's yield 100 bbls worth $100 - fertilizers $60 | 40.00 |
25,000 heads of cabbage raised on the 5 acre of Irish potato land at 2 cents each | $500.00 |
_____ | |
Total | $1015.00 |
Thus we see by a diversity of crops better results.
Muskmelons could also be planted to an advantage. At the smallest calculation an acre will yield one hundred barrels and are rarely, if ever worth less than one dollar per barrel clear, to this add two acres in Rutabaga turnips that are now clearing in the city of Norfolk 75c per barrel and one acre in spring cabbage -- five thousand heads at two cents each, and the diversity of crops must become apparent to any sensible farmer.
Again, why should not our farmers utilize their glass potato beds for winter purposes? They have certainly cost too much money to be allowed to lay idle for a single day if it could be avoided. -- Now I will take as a base on which to work, a potato bed one hundred feet long and six feet wide, which gives us 600 square feet of surface and from this calculation any farmer will be enabled to know many square feet he has and what he can produce under his potato frames in winter when laying idle. We will plant in our potato bed of 600 square feet, spinach, which we can sell the last of February and it will in no case fail to clear us $5 per barrel and we think that our bed of 600 square feet will produce 10 barrels. Now take the large growers of sweet potatoes who have beds that could be utilized for winter's use, not of hundreds but of thousands of square feet and think of the profits that our farmer could make which they are now letting slip through their fingers. I have invited my friend, Capt. O. A. Browne to say something on this subject and I hope that our prominent men all over the E. Shore may take up the subject of a "diversity of crops," and, as I feel sure will more certainly offer something stronger in behalf of the theory than I am able to do. One fact is positively certain, that as an agricultural people, we are rapidly becoming poorer each year, and unless a change can be brought about the thrift and comforts, with which we have been so bountifully blessed for these many years will depart from us.
Mappsburg Mar. 17, 1886.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse service
An editorial in a late issue of our paper has elicited a letter from commander Evans, published in our issue of to-day. The editorial to which reference is made was inspired by information we regarded as authentic, but accepting the statements of commander Evans as correct, it appears that our informant, in some respects, was mistaken as to his facts. Prompted then by "those honorable instincts and practices of newspaper men generally" of which commander Evans speaks, we are disposed to make the amende honorable as to the charges made by us against him as to the Killick Shoal light, but as he does not disclaim the unsavory record which he has made in connection with the Hog Island light as charged by us also, are we to understand, that commander Evans admits the justice of the attack made by us on him, in that respect? In the editorial in question and in previous ones, upon information received by us we charged commander Evans with turning out keeper Ames without a cause and with giving him no opportunity to be heard on the charges preferred against him, and we commented upon the matter then as we do now that it was a little curious that Republican light keepers should be retained by one "who is not an offensive partisan" too, and light keepers with Democratic proclivities deposed. Mr. Ames has the confidence of the people of the Eastern Shore, and those of us who endorsed him believed he would make a suitable and efficient keeper, but he is turned out! Why? Commander Evans can, perhaps, explain -- and as we would not be unjust to him whether he is a Republican or Democrat, in that spirit of "fairness" for which he gives us credit, the columns of our paper are open to him.
To the Fruit Growers of Accomac.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
It is very important for mutual protection, and a more thorough development of the business, that we be organized. It is therefore proposed that we meet at Drummondtown on the 29th of March, it being court-day, and organize a Fruit Grower's Association. -- Any fruit grower that cannot be present on that day and wishes to join such an organization, can address a note to Judge Gunter, Accomac C. H.
Local Option Meeting.
Moral -- Alcohol
The citizens of Accomac in favor of local option, are respectfully requested to meet at Temperanceville on the 26th of March at 2 o'clock p. m. to take such steps as in their judgment may seem best calculated to secure the success of the local option movement.
>Attention Farmers.
Sea -- Fish factoriesFields -- FertilizerFarmers -- Farm debt
According to promise to sell fish if we have any left after making up our stock of guano, we take this method of informing the farmers that we have a small quantity of dry and wet fish to offer, dry ground at $32, and wet at $15 per ton of 2,000 pounds in bags, spot cash, delivered at our works, Hoffman's wharf, Va. It has been reported that we would not sell fish to farmers, and were trying to force them to buy our guanos. We deny any such charge and pronounce it false, for we have never refused to sell any farmer fish for cash when we have had any for sale. It has also been reported that we would not sell our Virginius and Ocean guanos on time, which is also false. S. K. Martin is agent for Virginius and Ocean guanos for Hoffman's wharf and vicinity and will sell responsible parties all they want on crop time at the following prices: Virginius guano at $40, Ocean guano at $32 per ton of 2,000 pounds, 5 per cent. off for cash. Fish will only be delivered on receipt of cash in all cases.