Peninsula Enterprise, October 30, 1886


Natural resources -- Conservation - Game

A large number of sportsmen from many of the counties of Virginia, assembled in Richmond Friday of last week, and organized the Virginia Field Sports Association. Captain John S. Wise was unanimously elected president. There were owners of several very noted dogs present from the North. The association starts out under very favorable auspices, with a good membership. Several residents of Maryland were, upon application, enrolled as members.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

An interesting revival is now in progress at Temperanceville, conducted by Rev. J. W. Carroll. On Wednesday seven persons were converted.


Moral -- Alcohol

A temperance meeting was called at Accomac C. H., last Monday, but without any action, was adjourned until 10 a. m., the last Wednesday in November, and Parksley station selected as the place of meeting at time designated.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

An eye witness, writes us that he saw the three year old colt, Clay, belonging to Mr. William E. Floyd, trot a mile this week in 2.24, and that a sister of Clay, belonging to Mr. Teacle Elliott made a mile on same day, to a cart, in 3.04.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : BirdNatural resources -- Conservation - GameInfrastructure -- Public : Churches

Belle Haven.

An old gunner in town says, the bird law prohibiting the shooting of partridges until the 15th of November is a good law.

The corner stone of the M. E. Church South, Read's Wharf, was laid Wednesday, but was not largely attended as was expected on account of rain. Confederate notes of the denominations $100, $50, $20 and $10 were deposited in the corner stone.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Diseases and parasitesSea -- WreckingSea -- Fish factoriesTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdInfrastructure -- Public : SchoolsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Insurance companiesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Millineries


Our people are very despondent at the prospects of the oyster business. -- The weather is so warm that oysters will not sell in the city and if they would it has been so dry and warm here that they have become "green gilled" in upper part of the Island and are poor in other parts.

Lusty cheers went up from hundreds of our citizens on Saturday, the 16th inst., when the schooner formerly known as Bertha A. Watt passed by our wharves, commanded by Capt. C. E. Babbitt and son, owners. She is the largest boat ever seen in our waters, and is the same which went ashore on last March on Pope's Island, and was afterwards sold at public auction for $85. She has since been rebuilt and now has the name of one of her enterprising owners, C. E. Babbitt. Her length is 90 feet, depth of hold 12 feet, and carrying capacity 260 tons. Too much cannot be said in praise of the enterprising owners, who have converted what was almost a worthless hulk into a magnificent schooner, worth as many thousands of dollars as they have spent hundreds of dollars in repairs.

Our fish factories are still running and are doing a flourishing business. The catch of fish last week was over 300,000.

Hon. Chas. Gibson, representative in Congress from First District of Maryland spent last week at Atlantic hotel in Chincoteague. While here he bagged considerable game -- from 40 to 60 yellow legs daily and says he enjoyed the sport so much he will return again shortly.

Our public schools opened on the 4th inst., with 6 teachers, 5 white and 1 colored, and with 350 white pupils and 20 colored.

Capt R. R. Stant is having a handsome storehouse built at Nashville, with funds received from paid up insurance policy of $1,750.

A few years ago there was not a millinery store in our town -- now there are four, well filled with as select a stock as you will find anywhere.


Forests -- SawmillsInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesWomen -- Religion


The steam saw mill located here of Messrs. L. D. Lewis & Son has been leased by Mr. Geo. P. Parks.

The protracted meeting commenced some weeks ago at the M. P. Church, conducted by a female evangelist from Baltimore continues. Very many persons have been converted during the meeting and still there are numerous penitents.

Was It Homicide?

Moral -- Murder

On last Saturday about 9.30 p.m. Lafayette H. Moore, a farmer will connected and himself well thought of, left Eastville for his home and on the following morning his lifeless body was found at a point near Eastville station. At an inquest held over him the verdict of the jury was "that he came to his death by some cause unknown to the jury." At least one fact was revealed at the inquest that a blow upon his head had caused death, but whether he may have been struck by a passing train (as some think and which is hardly probable) or whether he was foully dealt with, or may have committed suicide is not known. His death so far is a mystery but suspicion points to a man as the probable perpetrator of the crime.

A New Route to Richmond.

Transportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsTransportation -- Railroad - Corporate

The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Company has completed arrangements for the establishment of a first-class line of freight and passenger boats to run in connection with their railroad line, up the James river to Richmond. The new boat line will commence running on Monday, November 1, and will open up a new route for freight and passenger travel between Richmond, Philadelphia and New York.

An Inquiry About the Fair.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs

Mr. Editor: -- The correspondent for your paper from Keller says it has been decided not to move the Agricultural Fair to the railroad. For the benefit of the people, who patronize the Fair yearly -- would it not be well that the public should know something of this institution? -- for many questions are constantly being asked, and no one seems to be able to answer them. Here are some of the questions which the officers should answer for the information of all.

1st. To whom does the Fair belong?

2nd. How is the ownership held? (no reference to land, but the institution).

3rd. Is it incorporated or is it private property?

4th. What did it cost and who furnished the money?

5th. Has the public any rights in it, and how are they represented?

Clear and distinct answers to the above five questions will throw much light on the subject, which the public are interested in.


Profitable Farming.

Farmers -- Innovation

Capt. Spencer D. Fletcher, who adopted the four field system of farming six years ago, allows two fields each year to be in clover -- one clover field is cut first for hay, the second crop is threshed for clover seed; and the yield this year was two and three-fourths bushels per acre. The cost of producing this crop is very little, and the yield much larger than grain crops or even sweet potatoes sold in October. The second year of the clover it is grazed, and in the fall plowed under.

In order to get the land started in clover, Capt. Fletcher saved the expense of one hand and one horse, by being able to dispense with these, which was about two hundred dollars a year, and this sum was annually invested in fertilizers -- which has paid well, as it has more than doubled the capacity of his farm to produce.

Capt. Fletcher thinks the five field is much to be preferred to four -- exclusive farming -- and where trucking is added six fields would be better still, one to be devoted to this purpose.


Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
October 30, 1886