Peninsula Enterprise, May 29, 1886


Fields -- Crops - StrawberriesFields -- Crops - Other vegetables

Large shipments of peas, and strawberries, are now being sent daily from every part of the Eastern Shore, and so far the prices received for them have been very satisfactory.


Transportation -- Railroad - Freight

Vice President Patton, of the N.Y. P. & N. R.R., says that fully 100 cars of strawberries and early vegetables are moved North, over the line daily.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers

Mr. Thos. M. Scott, has sold his interest in the Eastern Shore Herald to his partner, Mr. J. W. Stavro.


Transportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : TownTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders

Cape Charles

The steamer Cape Charles of the N.Y., P. & N. R.R. is now on the line running trucks to Cape Charles City. -- She had been hauled off for repairs, but the heavy southern freights made it necessary to place her back on the line.

Town officers were elected here last Thursday in accordance with act of incorporation of last General Assembly as follows: Mayor, A. D. Smith, Council, J. J. Bunting, C. A. McKennie, B. F. Kellogg, W. J. Simpkins, W. H. Richards, Beverly T. Fitchett; Sergeant, B. T. Ames.

A Lodge of Ancient Order of United Workmen was organized at Cape Charles City last Monday, by Dr. G. T. Truitt, with following officers and members: C. A. McKennie, P. M. W.; J. J. Bunting, M. W.; B. T. Ames, Foreman; L. H. Sturgis, Overseer; A. J. Hauck, Financier; B. T. Kellogg, Receiver; L. H. Richardson, Guide; Beverly T. Fitchett, Recorder; S. J. Evans, I. W.; G. B. Hancock, O. W.; Wm. C. Truitt, Jos. J. Restein, Wm. Riggin, Trustees. Members -- L. A. Millbourne, Thos. J. Harris, Milton Nelson, Martin Waller, D. W. Hoffman, Israel Stahl, Benj. S. Mills.


Transportation -- Water - WrecksFields -- Livestock - Sheep


Several barrels of raw linseed oil have been found along our coast -- supposed to be from a distant wreck.

The stockholders have changed the time of Assateague sheep penning from June 9th to Wednesday, June 2nd.


Moral -- Alcohol


The good effects of local option are already beginning to be seen in our town -- a "wet man" is putting a handsome enclosure around his premises.

Eastern Shore Mail Services Restored.

reprinted from Baltimore Sun, May 27.Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service

Over a month ago Second Assistant Postmaster-General Knott decided to fully investigate the necessity for the re-establishment of the steamboat mail service to Wilson's Wharf for Baltimore as soon as the vegetable season opened. -- For several weeks he has been receiving petitions from the Eastern Shore people, praying for the restoration of the service. On Saturday upon Gen. Knott's invitation, Mr. Thompson, of the Eastern Shore Steamboat Company, and Mr. Bird, of the Maryland Steamboat Company, came to Washington and had a long conference with him concerning the service. The result of the conference was an offer from General Knott to the Eastern Shore Company of $8,000 for the entire service from Baltimore to Wilson's Wharf. Mr. Thompson for the company, said that the offer would be considered. This afternoon a telegram was received at the postoffice department announcing that the offer had been accepted. Tomorrow an order will be issued re-establishing the service as it existed before it was discontinued below Crisfield. Mail will be delivered under the order at Pitt's, Evan's, Hoffman's, Davis's and Wilson's wharves twice a week by steamboat during nine months of the year and once a week during the three months of winter. Under the new agreement a saving to the government of $1,200 per annum will be effected.

Board of Supervisors.

Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : CountyArchitecture -- Other public buildingsProfessionals -- Doctors

The Board of Supervisors met on Wednesday and allowed miscellaneous accounts to the amount of $143.

The committee to examine and ascertain what repairs are needed to clerk's office, reported that the old office is not fit to enlarge and a new one should be built. Whereupon it was ordered that John W. Gillett, Wm. R. Parramore and G. T. Garrison be appointed a committee to inquire as to advisability of a new office, and a site for same, and other matters thereto relating, and report at next meeting of the Board.

A warrant ordered to be issued to A. Annis, Superintendent of Alms House, for $650.

Ordered, that Dr. H. S. Pitts be entered on the list of other physicians, and the usual allowance be granted him.

Ordered, that warrants for each day's attendance to vote be issued to each supervisor, with a deduction on account to D. F. White of $3.

Adjourned to meet on Wednesday, June 16th, next.

Church Dedication.

Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

The new M. E. Church at Crowsentown, Hunting Creek Neck will be dedicated (D. V.) on Sabbath, May 30th. -- Rev. J. B. Quigg, of Smyrna, Del., will preach at 10 a. m. and 7:30 in the evening, and Rev. C. A. Grice at 2:30 p. m. The public are cordially invited to be present at each service.

A. D. DAVIS, Pastor.

Mysterious Arrival of a Girl Baby.

Moral -- Other

A girl baby has created quite a sensation in the hitherto quiet village of Temperanceville. It was found about 11 o'clock Tuesday night, at the front door of house of Mr. Geo. W. Oldham, of that village. Whence it came and whose it is, no one knows, and the reason for placing it where found is equally a matter of conjecture. No traces of its identity can be found, but the presumption is, that it was brought from a long distance and was placed there by some one who had stolen it. It is described by our correspondent as a "nice looking and sprightly baby, very fat, with coal black hair and about four months old." It is now kindly cared for by Mrs. Oldham, who proposes in the event its parents do not claim it, to find for it a good home.

Local Option in Virginia.

Moral -- AlcoholAfrican-Americans -- Race relations

ONANCOCK, May 2, 1886 -- The local option contest which has been raging in the central district of Accomac county for the past month, ended yesterday in an overwhelming majority for the prohibitionists, who carried every precinct by huge majorities. The Baptist and Methodist ministers assumed control of the contest, held meetings in their churches and thus gave the contest the appearance of a religious crusade against vice. The greatest excitement prevailed here among all classes, and it is thought that but for the cold northeast wind storms which prevailed here all day many of the ladies of this town would have been out at the polls working for prohibition, as was done on Chincoteague Island a week ago.

The negroes, contrary to expectation, voted largely for prohibition. The white minister of the Baptist and Northern and Southern churches accomplished this result by their assiduous attention to the colored voters, with whom they held meetings and fraternized on familiar terms. Many Democrats here fear that the local option campaign now raging in various parts of Virginia will have a tendency to disrupt their party.

Mr. Editor. The above is a copy of a telegram to the New York Herald from Onancock, Va., in which our characters as christian ministers have been assailed. We therefore appeal.

1. To the citizens of this county, without regard to denominational distinctions or party differences, to say whether these things are so.

2. We ask that the author of the above telegram will have the manliness to give his name, in order that the friends of local option may know the concealed enemy who thus attempts to injure men who have only sought the public good.



Moral -- AlcoholAfrican-Americans -- Race relations

Mr. Editor -- I find in the last issue of your paper a card to the people of Accomac from the local option committee, setting forth certain reasons why Pungoteague magisterial district "cast a majority for license." This committee no doubt feeling as they do the sting of defeat and desiring to let themselves down easily before the public, state this was done by party manipulations, and was not a vote of sentiment or preference. I thoroughly agree with them on the point of its not being a vote of sentiment or preference, but not in the light they wish to convey it to the people. Eliminating this vote, they say it was produced by party leaders, and this district otherwise would have gone dry four to one. In answer to that, I have this to say: Eliminate the vote that was driven to the polls by the church lash, (not christen religion,) by the color lines being drawn, and the fear of being boycotted, the majority for license would have reached five hundred in this district. Boycotting has begun to be practiced here; and that too by persons professing to be christians, by-the-way. How is that for christianity? Coercive measures have been practiced in this late contest, but not by those in favor of license, and such language as the card referred to contains, ought to be condemned, and no doubt is, except by those filled with prejudice and fanaticism. After witnessing as the people did the system of organized intimidation shown here on election day, some of those that did not vote have told me since that if the thing could be gone over they would vote the wet ticket, and one young man, a member of the church, who voted the dry ticket has said he will hereafter vote for license. Another one of our oldest and most respected citizens, a member of the church, strictly temperate, and of high political standing in the Democratic party, remarked to me on the day of election, that what he saw in front of the ballot box window was enough to turn any man from voting the dry ticket, if he had so determined before, or with any people sanctioning it. The writer also wishes to say that on no occasion did he fail to state publicly, that neither Republicanism or Democracy were involved in this question.

Now, my local option friends, all the party lines that were drawn in this contest were done by your side. I know of parties that attended the colored meetings, talked with love and affection to them, and afterwards in a strictly white audience told them to come out on election day and vote the white (i.e. "local option") ticket. The battle was fought in this district on it merits -- "license or no license," that is by those that favored license. The local optionists were defeated and ought to be magnanimous enough to let the matter pass by without trying to make excuses for their weakness and inefficiency. Everything was done by them that lay in their power to win, but "policy" -- sound "policy" -- defeated them. The old veterans with war-paint on were here from Lee district and in full force, as were also their great archangel and hired man from Portsmouth, Mr. W. C. Dutton. Besides one of the moneyed "kings" of our district paraded all day in front of the voting place, having previously, as I have been informed, issued a warning to all persons owing him money, that unless they voted the "dry" ticket they would be called upon to settle immediately and no further assistance would be rendered whatever by him, also any person living on his lands should be removed as soon as possible. How is that for a free country and a free ballot? Do we live in Virginia or Russia? Are we freemen or slaves?

In conclusion I wish to say that my action in this late affair was caused by my personal interests at stake -- all of which to me are great. I also desire to state that I have no unkind feelings toward anyone, whether they voted the dry ticket or the wet ticket, or whether they voted at all or not.

At the same time I am in favor of temperance in all things and will agree to assist as far as I can any movement that will prevent drunkenness. I am in favor of high license with restrictions and believe that the Sunday laws should be strictly enforced; and the minor laws absolutely observed. And I further claim that the men who dared to vote as I did are entitled as I am to be deemed as honest as any man who voted the other way. "Charity vaniteth not itself."



Moral -- AlcoholAfrican-Americans -- Race relations

Mr. Editor -- Believing I am the minister referred to by your correspondent "X." I ask now for a reply. The attack is contemptible, and I at first determined not to reply, but such misrepresentation should be answered. He says he canvassed the whole district. No doubt. Yet, had he stayed at home as I did, instead of running to every negro meeting and hut he would have found the vote against license greater. The canvass by "X," and others, was most thorough. For myself I can say I tried to influence no one. I believed, that local option could do no good -- but rather harm -- and "dared to vote" as a free citizen of a free Commonwealth, against what I believed wrong. For this I am anathematized by "X" -- who Pharisee like is thanking God how holy he is, and showering his petty bolts upon my devoted head. I know nothing of buying votes -- "X" seems to have a clear insight into such matters, and possibly so likes the taste of the fruit he is anxious to advertise its virtues for future use, and endorse it by past experience.

Believing the principle of Prohibition wrong, I opposed it. I had a right to do so -- and it is very pertinent to inquire of "X" where does he derive his authority to be my judge? Is he the keeper of my conscience? Whence his authority? And how comes it that he, and those with him, only are of the Saints of the earth? I trust he and they are christians -- it does not become me to judge them, the more prayerful and careful reading of that Book which teaches us if we "have not charity we are as nothing." Mr. Editor, just here let me suggest to "X" that he visit the R. R. Stations -- and the steamer wharves -- and read carefully the names on the jugs and demijohns, and peep if he can into certain barrels -- he will read something not pleasant to his soul, and will go home a sadder, but wiser man -- for he will find many names whose ballots read "against license" on these jugs &c. And inquiry will point out others of the same who have sought to persuade ex-barkeepers to violate the law to feed their appetite. I have nothing in malice -- but attacked by an unseen enemy I must defend myself, even though I have to speak truths disagreeable to him, and certainly to me.


New Church, May 25, '86.


Moral -- AlcoholAfrican-Americans -- Race relations

Mr. Editor -- The smoke of battle has cleared away, and taking our place among the jubilant victors in the great fight just ended, we propose to give a brief account of election day. Early in the morning the wets poured in with sleeves up, and hats waving, declaring their ability to carry the citadel by storm. At one time it really looked as if they would. But for the wisdom of the drys we know not what might have been, but even when indignities were offered our beloved pastor, Rev. J. W. Carroll, we were quiet. The colored vote, lead by white men, from whom better things might have been expected, went nearly solid for wet. We wish, however, to make special mention of Rev. James Cluff, Oliver Coar, Elias Hope, and a few other colored men who stood like noble heroes against the flood gates, the wets raised against them. They worked from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same. The wets appeared well pleased with their work, and gave many tokens of their hope of success throughout the district. But before 10 p. m., that indefatigable worker for this holy cause, A. S. Taylor, with the zealous Kendall Robins, brought the glad tidings from New Church, Saxes, and Hall's, of a complete victory for the drys.

Allow me, sir to express our gratitude to you for the fairness with which you have conducted your paper during this canvass. We regret the loss of Pungoteague, and cannot agree with the Virginian, that she has achieved a great victory. The struggle through which we have just passed through is one of no common magnitude. It is Righteousness vs. Wickedness, God against Satan, and I never can apply the word "great" to any victory achieved by the latter. But we rejoice to learn that a majority of her noble sons and daughters were on the side of right and are there to stay. May they grow in this good work, remembering they will reap their reward if they faint not.


Temperanceville, May 25, '86.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

Mr. Editor -- Allow me to state through your columns, that a Farmers Meeting will be held at Mappsburg station during the holidays, Monday the 14th. The purpose of this meeting is to organize at that place a "Farmer's Agricultural Club". Such as is being organized at many places on the E. Shore -- and at points where not organized, no time should be lost in forming such clubs by our farmers. We anticipate a large meeting, and hope that both farmers and those interested in our great work, will attend and help along the cause. We desire that each club of the E. Shore may attend, and if not able to come one and all, will send a delegate to the meeting, in order that we may start out on the same plane for our best interest. The purpose of the meeting is not more to form the club than to exchange ideas as the best plans by which to succeed in our operations, and it is to be hoped, that each individual who may decide on attending our meeting, will take along with him some idea of usefulness, and freely give it to his neighbor and that his neighbor may have something useful to give in return -- thus interchanging experimental thoughts, which can scarcely fail to be attended with good results. We must awaken to all the advantages within our reach, press forward to better results in our operations and what we may seem to be losing by depression in the times, make up by co-operation and imparting useful lessons to one another. Members of the press are cordially invited. Hotel accommodations at Mappsburg station will be found ample -- and as we wish the meeting to be well attended, would suggest that those coming from the north of Mappsburg, take the early morning train, No. 9, arriving here at 4:52 a. m. and those coming from the southward take train No. 2, arriving here at 10:33 a. m.



Mappsburg, May 24, 86.

E. Shore Steamboat Co.

Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Water - SteamboatsTransportation -- Water - Wharves

MR. EDITOR. -- It may be of interest to your numerous readers to know something of the extensive improvements that have been made in the terminal facilities of the Eastern Shore Steamboat Company, at the foot of South St., Baltimore. Many of them, in fact, are directly interested being shippers of early produce to the Baltimore market. Their dock is regarded as the finest in Baltimore for the sale of all kinds of early produce and small fruits. Peas from the Eastern Shore Va., landed on this dock usually bring from 25 to 50 cents more in the barrel than the York River and Norfolk peas -- while Eastern Shore berries range from 4 to 8 cents per quart. Over the wharf is a large and commodious shed which will hold from 800 to 1000 empty barrels. The steamer Tangier has been overhauled at Wilmington and had new boiler put in. Her furniture upholstered in old gold plush, looks very rich. She will be on the line soon.


Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
May 29, 1886